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About this mod

This mod adds 26 different backpacks into the game, each with an individually picked world location. Encounter them on NPCs, vendors, and within containers. Featuring over 100 workbench mods, over 50 skins to match your outfit, and five new additional magazines each with unique perks. Don't forget about the new discoverable location to explore!

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NOTICE: (optional) New playthrough on survival difficulty for the optimal experience. 

Backpacks of the Commonwealth
- Adds 26 backpacks into the game
- One hand-picked world location for each backpack
- Fully integrated spawns (level lists), on NPCs, vendors, enemies, and containers
- Over 100 workbench mods
- Over 50 different skins and colors
- Five new magazines with unique perks for each one
- One new discoverable location to explore


v1.7.1 Released!

Updates & Changes
Bug Fixes

Q: The backpacks are invisible and the carry weight stacks!
A: Most likely another armor or clothing mod conflicts with mine. Some mods that use slot 54 (cape), such as pip-boy mods, will cause this issue.

Q: Carry weight doesn't work with Power Armor even though I have the magazine!
A: In order for that to work correctly, my mod needs to load last a lot of the time, or at least after certain mods. This is because any mod that edits power armor effects will have unavoidable conflicts with mine. Unfortunately I don't believe there is a better solution, as I need to make changes to the form called "EnchPA_Abilities", which most power armor mods also change. I can't inject the edits with a script.

Q: Can I use my existing save with the newest patch?
A: This is a tricky question. Most of the time, there is no need for a new game. However, if there are a significant amount of edits in a patch or there is a wide gap in the versions for your save file it may be best to start a new game. As said, most of the time you shouldn't need to, but if the patch edits a backpack's effect, you need to at least drop it on the ground then pick it back up. Another example is if I move a backpack to a new cell and you already picked it up, a new "duplicate" backpack will reappear in that new location. Level lists and spawns should also update just fine on an old save with a new patch.

Q: Why aren't backpacks appearing in the world?
A: Even though there a lot of different types of backpacks, I made the default spawn rate RARE. Be patient, kill lots of gunners and raiders, and be sure to search EVERY suitcase, armor container, armor vendor, and remember that bosses have a higher spawn rate! The settings holotape allows you to edit the spawn rate, but even at +20% they won't spawn every second.

Q: Can I use this with Wearable Backpacks and Pouches or <insert another backpack mod here>?
A: Yes, there shouldn't be any conflicts, however, my mod is intended to replace those certain older mods.

Q: Inject level lists?
A: That is the default option. Direct edit .esp is available in the installer however.

Q: Is this your typical backpack mod?
Depends. Simply put, I didn't want a backpack mod necessarily, I wanted backpacks that were really "in the game". I wanted to make sure everything was lore-friendly yet provided an immersive, "vanilla-like" experience by integrating level lists and giving the backpacks balanced, non-overpowering stat bonuses. I wasn't satisfied with the Bethesda solution, which is carry capacity armor mods. Don't you hate having to construct new addons at the workbench every time you get a new chest piece, outfit, or leg piece? It seems kinda silly. Also, in my case in my personal survival playthrough, I came to the realization that I had literally every single backpack mod available on Nexus for Fallout 4 installed. I decided enough is enough, and that's how my mod was conceived. The mod undoubtedly provides less frustration for hoarders such as myself. Pouches were also thing in Fallout 1/2, but they didn't actually add carry capacity (I wish). Now I'm bringing all of this together into one whole package with polished, tested, lore-friendly workbench mods, high-quality skins, and fully integrated level lists.
Not to mention, I have seen plenty of people request a mod like this. This is also another example that BACKPACKS IN FALLOUT ARE VERY POSSIBLE. BETHESDA DEVELOPERS.

(As of the Wild Appilachia update, Fallout 76 features backpacks with some great designs! 😉👍)

Q: Did you steal these backpacks from <insert> mod?
A: No. The majority of assets used in this mod were directly extracted from the vanilla Fallout archives and edited accordingly. However, a few gracious and talented mod authors have allowed me to use their custom meshes and/or textures for my mod. See the thank you page for more info. I also created a few of the models from scratch.

Q: Can you add +100 carry capacity to <X> backpack?
A: Check the holotape!

Q: This backpack clips with this outfit or armor! Is it supposed to look like this?:
A: Understandably, Bethesda designers decided to be careful about single outfits and pieces clipping each other. Due to this, the nature of the armor system in general, and also the fact that backpacks are not in the vanilla game, it would not be ideal to modify all meshes and animations to fix clipping. Not only would it be tedious, it would increase the overall file size of the mod. That being said, there are great programs such as Outfit Studio that allow you to edit your certain mesh to your liking. Try it out.
HOWEVER, if there is something that occurs often in your playthrough (such as 2-3 BoS members all clipping with similar outfits), please post in the comments, and I will more than likely fix it.

Q: There's this crazy glitch where x and y happens and it's freaking nuts dude! Can you fix?:
A: Post it on the Nexus mod comment page, and I'll try and patch it in the next update.

Q: I have a really cool idea but I don't mod. Can you do it?
A: Post in the comments and I'll take a look!

Q: I made this really sweet texture for a backpack. Add it?
A: Of course, feel free to create your own texture mod and upload it to Nexus. If you want me to implement it in the main .esp post in the comments and I'll take a look.

Q: Wow! I want to create a mod like this. How long did it take you, how did you learn, and what programs did you use?
A: It took me about 150-200 hours over a span of three months total to complete the mod. This time includes everything from learning statements for papyrus (scripting), to designing 3d models, or to even something like generating normal map textures in Photoshop. 
I had previous knowledge of the New Vegas GECK, so I was relatively comfortable with the F4 Creation Kit. But I also looked up a TON of info about the new Fallout 4 Creation Kit on the wiki. A good "start" guide would be the tutorial series created by "Rage Gamer" on Youtube. Not only is it informative, it's entertaining. Seddon4494 is another great Youtuber. There are many more, just look em up. Once you're comfortable with the basics, more advanced tutorials and information can be found by searching the Nexus forum for your specific questions. Texture and mesh editing is another ball game, but the learning curve really isn't that bad. Once you start understanding the software, learn what each tool does, and practice a few times it gets much easier, and the quality of work gets higher each time. Don't be letdown, there was plenty of frustration while making this mod! Especially while modelling and UV wrapping... As you can tell, not all of these models are perfect. Far from it. But I think they turned out alright! And don't be intimidated! All this stuff-- it can be easier than you think.
I used the following programs to create this mod: 
Extracting: Bethesda Archive Extractor
Texture/Material editing: Photoshop (with Intel/Nvidia texture tools plugins), Compressonator, CrazyBump, waifu-2x caffe, Material Editor by ousnius. 
Mesh editing: Blender (Where can I find 3ds Max 2013?), Nifskope, Outfit Studio. 
Papyrus scripting: Notepad++ 
Core tools: Fallout 4 Creation Kit, FO4Edit, Archive2.
Video editing: Sony Vegas

Have another question but it wasn't answered above? Post in the comments!

Detailed Backpack Stats Chart (CHEAT SHEET) Here