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  1. Deadmano
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    Like this mod? Good with graphic design? I would be extremely grateful if I could get some support for custom images/logos for my mods as I am AWFUL with such things! Please let me know via PM!
  2. Deadmano
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    Ladies and Gentlemen...

    After almost 2 whole months...


    TWPC 1.4 is LIVE! Packed FULL of new patches to bridge those awesome mods we all use and love!

    Ashamedly, I must admit that creating the patches was not what delayed this release... It was the writing of the documentation, for each plugin, for the installer, and for the change log, that took the longest amount of time. The change log alone is 583 lines short, 18,888 characters in total... The installer .xml is 841 lines short, and a meagre 38,507 characters...

    But hey, I was told when I get into programming that commenting is key and one can never comment enough! All in all, I learnt a great deal about many numerous things, and I am hoping that this release is even more user-friendly than the last. And to think how far we've come since the first version which required manual installation...

    My project counter logs me in at 543 hours spent creating the patches, testing each and every patch on a CLEAN save individually, writing the descriptions and putting together the installer, to date. Not bad for my first ever Nexus Mods, eh?

    Anyhow, most of you are probably fretting at the sight of 38 patches in total... But fear not, so long as you're using NMM/MO the friendly installer will guide you through the install process on each patch, and what does what. Just make sure you READ the read me on the first page of the installer before coming here for questions. For those of you who for some odd reason enjoy the torture of manually installing mods, you can help yourself to the "Patches" folder, which has all the patches neatly organized.

    Both NMM/MO and non-mod organizing software users (manual installers) should find the "Load Order" folder in the archive you download and follow the instructions in the "TWPC_Load_Order.txt" file once the installer/manual install process is complete to ensure the patches are working as intended. “Disrespect the read me, and you disrespect me.”

    So, um, yeah... That's all for now, folks! I plan to release quite a few more patches for the mods I haven't yet covered in the Fallout 3 S.T.E.P Guide, that have conflicts with each other of course. And somehow find the time between real life, learning to program (JavaScript) and these updates to also work on my other mods! If you haven't seen them yet, be sure to pop on over to my files section and give them some love!

    Any questions/comments not covered in the installer read me and throughout these comment threads, please do feel free to ask! No question is too big or too small, and I am here for each and every one of you!
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      P.S: There seems to have been an issue with the installer when trying to install with NMM/FOMM, due to the "Read Me" section I added which caused a bug due to not having a "descriptor" tag. Thanks to skittered for pointing this out I have since fixed the issue and reuploaded the file.

      Anyone that has downloaded the file prior, and uses NMM/FOMM, please kindly redownload the file again. MO users are unaffected.
    2. hishutup
      • premium
      • 170 kudos
      Nice work on 1.4, the only thing that stands out is some of the plugins should have false masters.
      The main reason for having false masters is to have the plugin load after certain plugins. Since, mod managers and loot only really look at the masters of a file, adding false masters would help sort out the load order.

      Anyway, it was just a thought.
    3. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Hey hishutup, thanks for the feedback!! I do appreciate it.

      However, I am sure by now you yourself have come to the same conclusion as I have with automated tools such as Wyre Bash/LOOT/BOSS. They simply do not work when it comes to properly sorting mods and there is no way to easily predict where what should go where and what it should and shouldn't be above/below.

      I would like to think that right now my load order process is quite simple... Simply load ALL TWPC patches at the END of the load order, after any Bashed/Merged patches, and you will have no conflicts. There are of course some TWPC patches that need to be in a specific order but that is documented. I didn't invest too heavily on an automated process (as I was looking into the installer only giving patches for detected plugins) but the problem with that is there are always issues that can be experienced. For example, if a user merges plugins and the name is not retained the plugins would not be found and the installation would fail, when a user knows they have the mod and can manually install anyway... Things like that really.

      Also, the problem with me adding fake masters is that there is still quite a large user base who do not understand the basics of their mod manager, and often times if a mod is placed in the wrong position and is missing a master the game will CTD on the main menu and the user will have no idea what to do... So to me, asking them to move all TWPC plugins to the end, hopefully lessens that occurrence?
    4. hishutup
      • premium
      • 170 kudos
      I can see your point but there is the unknown of if the user IS missing a file, was the file part of something that was more important?
      For example, lets say that a user is lacking an esp that changes the file paths to use the some of the files that are included in the same archive such as DIFF.
      The game may not crash but the user will know something is horribly wrong because the menu would be littered with various pink textures.
      I dont know how you feel but investigating a crash due to missing masters is much easier than try to track down a missing file.

      However, if you stand by the current method then that is 100% fine but I figured I should share.

      As for the installer issue, you can use something similar to that I used for WAO for skyrim
      I set the types to optional or recommended so that I can guess the most appropriate plugin without causing any issues for the user if I guess wrong.
    5. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Hmmm, I suppose both are equally as annoying. With a CTD on load it is far easier to troubleshoot and find the conflicting mod (and invoke error logging) than to troubleshoot where the missing textures/meshes are coming from, as you said. But thanks for this feedback!

      I've been wanting to look into a unified installer that will offer the choice of automated or manual install, automated as in it will detect all your plugins and then select the patches as optional (as you suggested) for the user, or manual which just leaves things as is. Perhaps that is the best of both worlds?

      Still doesn't resolve the load order as not every patch will have a fake master, and some TWPC patches need to be loaded AFTER some other TWPC patches and you can't introduce a fake master there as users will not always have both mods etc. And what if they don't use BOSS or LOOT or Wyre Bash to sort their mods? Ah, the world of patching, a beautiful thing, is it not?

      I would still love to look into a way of automatically merging all of the patches once the user has made their choice... I know Real Shelter pretty much did that, so I guess when I get the chance I just need to try and have a look at what was done or speak to Robinsage directly.
    6. hishutup
      • premium
      • 170 kudos
      Mator smash is being developed which would patch overrides, if you wanted a custom script then you will have to look into xEdit scripting, its not too difficult but speed is definitely a priority. It took me about a week to become fairly proficient at it. Ugh, when I get time I need to branch off into full delphi so that I can make a program which is in dire need.
      Threeten, mator, kesta and myself are typically talk in the xedit hipchat
    7. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Well, Wrye Bash in general (Merged/Bashed patches) aren't all that useful in resolving conflicts. If they were, this and many patches wouldn't exist. So I doubt that ever will change unless the patcher knows exactly what to look for and what to keep, what to override, etc.

      Regarding the automatic process I mentioned, it needs to be an executable (or at the very least a .bat file) that will do everything for the user. I can't rely on the ability of ever mod user to know how to run xEdit scripts, as mentioned many don't even use a mod manager... My JavaScript is progressing extremely well and I'm already in the process of writing a ORPG browser-based game. Once I am comfortable with my abilities I may switch to a Windows based OOP language, C#.
  3. pizzafor0dollars
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Point Lookout Moods changes the wasteland worldspace name and the english patch doesn't fix it. It's a simple fix, but not one that basic mod users are gonna know how to do. Maybe you already know, since it's been 9 years and it'd be weird that that wasn't caught, but figured I'd put it out there just in case.
  4. Maevriika
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    So if I want to have Crowded Cities, do I download the original and then the file here? Or just this file?

    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      You just need this file, it is based off of the original Crowded Cities v2.
    2. Maevriika
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
  5. ErasedMuse
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Some of the new NPCs had mismatched colorization for their skin(torso was tan while the lower body was lighter).
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Not sure if this is relevant to you (not sure if you are using the original mod still) but:

      Worked for the mismatched races on NPCS for Crowded Cities.

      Note: Uninstall the original crowded cities and just use this patch.
  6. sriniboss
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Think you could make a patch for Treasure Maps a Fitsfull of caps and the sequel Treasure Maps, Secrets of the Wasteland? I loved the original and was hoping the Mod author would make a patch for the second version. 
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Would love to but I don't have FO3 and its modding tools setup currently! No promises, but if I ever get around to it for the hundredth playthrough, I may look into it! Happy to assist in guiding you through the patching process if you'd like to reach out via DM though.
  7. crowlotus
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    Question: On the Crowded Cities Redux, any way to change the NPC's to Essential? I am running various mods to add NPC's and worried that one of 'those' will kill one of 'these'. LMAO!
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Hiya! If you are familiar with xEdit (FO3Edit) you can create a custom patch (or just directly edit the Crowded Cities Redux file) and under each NPC check the ACBS - Configuration header, and under Flags right-click the first item and click on Edit and in the list that appears simply tick the Essential box. That should be it!
    2. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Great advice and instruction but, iirc, if you're simply concerned about losing the total number of NPCs over time, in CCv2 any that happen to die are replaced after 3 days and I imagine Deadmano's patch is a replacer based on CCv2 and not the original mod.

      If so, but there's still one or two you're fond of, whatever the mod, if you have FOSE installed you can click on them in console mode and type the GBO command to find their base id, then: "setessential [base id number] 1" (without the quote marks or box brackets). And use the same but with a 0 (i.e., zero) instead of 1 to reverse it. Otherwise you should do as Deadmano says.
    3. crowlotus
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Quote: If so, but there's still one or two you're fond of, whatever the mod, if you have FOSE installed you can click on them in console mode and type the GBO command to find their base id, then: "setessential [base id number] 1" (without the quote marks or box brackets). And use the same but with a 0 (i.e., zero) instead of 1 to reverse it. Otherwise you should do as Deadmano says.

      Whenever I do that, it comes back with 0000XXXX. When I type that in, it says NPC not found. As far as GBO, I know how to do that since I use it all the time ROFL! And followed Deadmano's advice using FO3Edit but when I talk to them, it still says the person is unessential. SMH. But if the person respawns after 3 days then that's okay, too. Just wish the Wasteland Children weren't marked unessential.
    4. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Sounds like FOSE isn't working then?? I've used GBO a lot in FO3 (GOG version). Only thing I can think of is as in this reddit about the latest Steam version of FO3 no longer being compatible with FOSE but this can be solved using the Anniversary Patcher from Nexus.
    5. crowlotus
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      I don't have the Steam version. I have the original version lol
    6. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Well, that method definitely works. I didn't have the mod in my last run and not properly played FO3 for a year. But just for you I got it up and running and installed the Crowded Cities Redux currently found here, went to Canterbury, clicked on the first new person I found from this mod - a young woman called "Punk" - and GBO worked on her (it came back with FF002148 in my game).

      My only other ponderings for you is whether you're not starting the game via the FOSE launcher, or clicking on something obscuring or around the NPC, or if you've got some other mod or script somehow conflicting with or interrupting the process (but can't imagine what), or making some error. If installing mods or FOSE via a mod manager that process can occasionally fail to work properly. I just manually install mods for FO3 (and FNV), then activate any plugins via FOMM. Only other thing I can suggest is to try the obvious - uninstalling, clean saving and reinstalling. Note I tested the mod by simply throwing it into an existing late-game save (and actually fired up my game straight into a pre-existing save in Canterbury, I didn't have to wait days nor go somewhere else). Good luck with it.
    7. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Crowlotus, I take your absence implies it works - or you gave up, but subliminally thank me for my time? You're welcome.
    8. crowlotus
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Sorry. it's been a stressful couple of days.

      Yes, I did use GBO and it did come back as (example FF002148) in my game also. But when I typed in setessential FF002148 1 or setessential 1 FF002148, it came up with unknown reference ID for actor. And using FOSEdit, I changed the flags to essential but it still shows in-game Unessential. 

      At least, according to what I read on here, the people respawn after three days. I'm using FOSEEdit 4.0.4. Is that the latest one or is there another updated one? Thank you.
    9. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Ah, I see, no worries. Hmm, well the instruction (setessential base-id 1) is correct - I just tried and the game accepted the command without complaint... However, I'm now not convinced it works on this mod, because (still in console) you can then click on any NPC and type "isessential" to check their status. And so I checked the two NPCs from this mod that I'd previously changed and it came back ">> 0.00" meaning not essential. So now doubting myself I checked by doing the entire process on an NPC not from this mod and it worked perfectly, and that NPC's isessential reported back as ">> 1.00". I then changed it back off and back on again, checking each time just to be sure of the command process. I then tested all three NPCs by blasting them and Crowded Cities' wastelanders were killable but the other NPC I'd changed to essential was not, so the reporting is sadly 100% accurate. I tried re-installing, changing load order. No difference. Something is seemingly blocking changes to their status. Sorry. If I figure it out I'll report back.

      The 3-day comment was mine, opined on the basis that the mod this redux is based on has them respawn after 3 days if killed.
    10. crowlotus
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      I tried making a bats file but that didn't work either. I guess it's something in the way the mod was made that keeps a person from changing it.

      The 3-day comment was mine, opined on the basis that the mod this redux is based on has them respawn after 3 days if killed.

      I can confirm the person respawns. Have a mod that allows me to change clothes on an NPC. Tried it, waited 3 days and clothes reverted back to original.
    11. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Ah, I see. And my mini-update is that I can sadly confirm Deadmano's instruction doesn't work either. I wondered if the "respawn" flag was interrupting the essential one, so removed the respawn for the 3 instances of Punk, but alas that didn't help. However, yes, looking in FO3edit they are indeed set to respawn. If for some reason respawning fails, another way to force it is to de-activate and re-activate the mod. I know this as I did it during my other above testing effort. Best I can do/say.

      Btw, I don't like the mod as-is - too many NPCs, and some are the raider type and thus totally out of place in some of these locales - of course I guess they could simply be removed in FO3edit.
    12. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Thanks for helping out, streetyson! If the flag is set to respawn, it will indeed ignore the others. One solution would be to untick them from respawning, and set the essential flag as I initially mentioned. Either of you willing to test that out? Been a while since I had FO3 installed!
    13. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      You're welcome! Unfortunately, it's what I'd already tried (and meant in my last message). I'd unticked the respawn on the 3 instances of female Punk, but seemed to make no difference to making her essential. But, thinking about it, maybe once flagged to respawn it "sticks" until next period (or a fresh install with her preset not to respawn - I thought that's what I did but can't swear). I'll re-try today.
    14. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      No, I double checked, removing the respawn flag doesn't work. Just in case they were somehow linked, I removed all respawn flags from all the raider types, but it made no difference. I then tried removing their other two flags but that didn't work. The only thing I can think of is maybe there's a parent respawn reference or script in the mod, forcing respawns and overruling the essential flag. I had a quick look but didn't see another obvious ref (well, not obvious to me), and scripts are beyond me (so I had to give up there).
    15. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Thanks for checking though, streetyson, it is appreciated! It sure sounds like it could be script-related. I guess a quick/dirty solution for the OP would be factions, wouldn't it? So that they co-exist. Or increasing HP values. Again, hard to tell without having the game ready to mod else I'd love to help!
    16. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      No worries. And no idea. I may look again, but out of my depth (my mod publishing days were mostly 1990s, bitmaps & text files). Note I've since tried same flags on Volek's version but found the same problem - which at least tell us your tweaks aren't the cause!

      My only other ignorant pondering was it might be a fundamental issue. The mod's NPCs seem randomly generated from generic game NPC types & factions, whereas for example in the Wasteland Guards mod they seem to be unique NPCs (the flags, and my above stated procedures, all work on them). Perhaps the game ignores essential flags on it's own internal generic NPCs, and that you need to have unique, named NPCs for the essential flag to apply?? - If that is the case then there's no hope for my fixing the mod...
  8. deleted152049588
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Worked for the mismatched races on NPCS for Crowded Cities.

    Note: Uninstall the original crowded cities and just use this patch.
  9. Meilak
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Just for the record, Crowded Cities Redux still gives me NPCs with mismatched bodies and faces. very unsightly. I tried putting the bloadfacegen thing in all the INIs but no dice. Going to have to uninstall.
    1. deleted152049588
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Uninstall the original crowded cities mod, just use this "patch".

      (semi-necro but useful information)
  10. Homesweetvault
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I just need this Crowded Cities file and not the original, right? Because I'm still getting the head/body mismatch having just this one on
    1. Shatterpoint774
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      It's probably not CC fault but bodies/faces replacers. I had similar problem with pink faces/bodies with Crowded Cities NPC, but it was related to incompatibility between FO3 Redesigned and other mod.
    2. sefonty
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Does bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 in INI file work to fix the issue for you?
  11. mahlerlover
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Regarding the use of Blackened Patches, I find conflicting information and opinions online.
    TWPC Patches go last, after Merged/Bashed Patches and after Blackened Patches as well. I got that loud and clear.
    What I am unsure about is where the Blackened Patches should go.
    Do Blackened Patches go before Merged/Bashed Patches or after them? And if the Blackened patches load before the Merged Patch, should they be incorporated into the Merged Patch? Or should they be unticked when I make the Merged Patch?
    I have ran my heavily modded game with Blackened patches before the Merged Patch (and incorporated into it) and after the Merged Patch as a separate patch, and both produce a game that functions; however, there might be unintended consequences and crashes occurring (and things being overwritten that I don't actually want overwritten) as a result of me not doing things correctly.
    Does anybody have a definitive answer about where I should put Blackened Patches?

    I am in the process of trying to learn FO3Edit so I can properly sniff out issues on my own. It's rather daunting and time-consuming, and while I am confident I will get there at some point, it's a long way off -- and I've got things in the Wasteland that need killing now.

    Thanks for all the work you obviously put into this!
  12. deleted1790188
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Love this mod so far! I'm glad to be able to play In The Shadow of the Swamps and Point Lookout Reborn together, and thank you for the work you put into it. I am running into one questline-breaking issue with the former mod, though - my understanding is that at one point, you have to collect different strains of Punga plant from different plants. However, when I click on one of those plants labelled 'Punga Plants', it doesn't actually give me any items. The 'Wild Punga' labelled plants work, but they always give me the same Wild Punga fruit rather than the mutated or poisonous kinds needed for the quest. Is there a fix for this? I had LOOT sort my load order, especially as I got the same glitch as another person where Point Lookout was completely filled with water otherwise. Thanks for any help and for doing this!
    1. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Hey thimbletwix!! Thanks for your kind words!! I am glad things are working well, barring the Punga fruit issue!

      Tell me, have you tried to first disable my patch for them, test if it works then, and if not try disable ISS and test again? I haven't played the DLC in AGES so I am unsure what quest exactly that is, is it part of the DLC, or a quest added by ISS/PLR? If it is neither, you can try disabling those mods one by one to find out which one is causing the conflict, complete the quest and then reactivate!

      I know for a fact that PLR and ISS both have a Punga clean-up script however I am not sure if that is part of the quest or not. I did carry over ISS' script I do believe so disabling my patch + ISS and testing just with PLR may determine if that is the issue or not.

      General load order when using those 2 mods is PLR first, then ISS after and then my patch after both.

      Let me know!
    2. deleted1790188
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the quick response! The quest in question is for ISS, at a point where you need the different punga to be able to make something needed to continue the quest. The issue with only being able to pick from certain punga plants and always the same kind persists without your patch, too, so I'd assume it's something in PLR over-writing the functions of punga in ISS. I ended up briefly uninstalling both your patch and PLR, picking the needed punga, then reinstalling them both which seemed to do the trick, as the punga I was then able to pick remained in my inventory and with them I was able to continue the ISS quest. So the issue is fixed for me for now, at least, and hopefully anyone else having troubles will see this until it can if possible get fixed in the patch itself. (I don't THINK it's my load order or anything, anyway - I do have it ordered as you recommended, first PLR, then ISS, then patch.) Thanks again!
    3. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Hey thimbletwix, thanks for the feedback! Interesting to hear this, and I will definitely have to take a deeper look into ISS' quest mechanics alongside PLR! Whatever is broken I can surely fix so that shouldn't be an issue. Thank you! Wishing you a ton of fun gaming further!
    4. grneely
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      The problem is that the patch selects the Reborn script over the Shadow of the Swamp script.

      There are two PL Reborn scripts, one for each variety of refined punga plant. One yields a single fruit, the other yields three fruits. Both scripts also repopulate fruit after 3 days. Shadow of the Swamp uses a single script that does two things: It repopulates fruit after 3+ days, and controls the chance of getting the various varieties required by SS quests.

      The Reborn scripts are not essential to any quest. The SS script does what the Reborn scripts do, and does what SS requires for quests. So for compatibility the mod/patch should default to the SS script rather than the Reborn script.
    5. Deadmano
      • premium
      • 129 kudos
      Hey grneely! Thanks a TON for stopping by to inform me of this! I'll take your report and also confirm that this is the case (to be on the safe side due to my OCD and not that I don't take your word for it!) and hopefully have all this added into the next release of TWPC once I return from Skyrim modding! Kudos to you.
    6. TyraaRane
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      grneely, just wanted to say thanks for the information! I was looking into using this patch, and was able to edit it myself in FO3Edit to use ISS's scripts instead of PLR's. So hopefully all will work now! :) Thanks again for the detailed info.