(DLC compatible) Change your appearance to any armor while keeping the stats and bonuses from the armor you actually have equipped. Compatible with game version 1.16 / Shadow of the Erdtree, The Convergence Mod, ELDEN RING Reforged, and most other mods.
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Version 2.4.1
Add client_side_only option to prevent transmogs from being seen online
Fix bug where net players show the local player's armor after switching transmogs 10+ times
Version 2.4.0
Rewrite multiplayer code to use the Steamworks SDK for networking, which should make transmogs reliably show up in Seamless Co-op
Make cosmetic VFX on modded armor appear on transmogs, such as the Midra head mod
Remove the transmog_affects_posture option
Add Spanish translation contributed by Yonchi Chikito
Version 2.3.8
Fix some memory edits that triggered Seamless Co-op invader anticheat
Version 2.3.7
Fix Arabic text shaping
Update location of the golden particle effect on the player when applying or dispelling transmog
Version 2.3.6
Add Arabic translation
Version 2.3.5
Remove DLC transformation transmogs when one piece is removed. These alternate forms are all or nothing sets of chest/arm/legs.
Version 2.3.4
Fix issue displaying transmog names with Russian localization
Remove initialize delay from default config file, since it's likely not necessary in most cases nowadays
Version 2.3.3
Make transmog apply even when using DLC transformations
Add DLC trasnformations as transmog options.
Decrease default initialization delay, since it's likely unnecessary with the Seamless rewrite and can cause other issues
Add Russian localization
Version 2.3.2
Add additional debug logging
Fix posture not being affected by transmog after 1.12 update
Fix "recent items" tab being scrambled after viewing transmog shop
Version 2.3.1
Don't show armor descriptions in transmog shop. This wasn't implemented for DLC items, and the information is inaccurate since transmog only affects appearance.
Version 2.3.0
Add support for ELDEN RING version 1.12 and the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion
Add "include_dlc_armor" config option, which can be set to false to avoid SotE spoilers
Version 2.2.10
Add Korean translation
Fix a talkscript patching bug. This might be responsible for a very rare bug where the player turns invisible while resting.
Version 2.2.9
Fix a bug where Ruler's Robe couldn't be transmogrified in The Convergence mod
Version 2.2.8
Fix a crash when transmogrifying modded armor that doesn't have a name
Version 2.2.7
Change default initialize_delay to 4 seconds, so transmog goods aren't removed if the game loads too fast
Fix compatibility with the Camera Offset mod by making the default shop sort tweak optional
Version 2.2.6
Fix a bug where invisible isn't unlocked when include_unobtained_armor is off and your character has never been nude
Version 2.2.5
Add Italian translation
Version 2.2.4
Add Japanese and German translations
Version 2.2.3
Fix compatibility with the Japanese release of Elden Ring (which has a different game executable)
Version 2.2.2
Fix a crash when modded armor param rows are out of order
Version 2.2.1
Fixed a bug where other players' transmogs sometimes stop appearing in Seamless Co-op after warping
Version 2.2.0
Support viewing other player's transmogs in Seamless Co-op
Add a logs folder containing messages useful for debugging issues with the mod
Fix arm position for Mimic Tear when wearing a heavy set such as Lionel's Armor
Group transmog shops by armor category, similar to the equipment menu
Version 2.1.1
Add an optional initialize_delay to work around a Seamless Co-op compatibility issue
Version 2.1.0
Add include_unobtained_armor option, allowing you to optionally lock armor from transmogrification until you acquire it
Add include_cut_armor option to control if cut content is available for transmogrification
Add transmog_affects_posture option to control if transmog affects your arms spreading out when wearing heavy armor
Add patch_grace_talk_script option intended for mod/modpack authors to optionally create custom entrypoints for transmogrification
Change "transmogrify body" to "transmogrify chest"
Version 2.0.3
Fix crash when used with Dasaav's First Person Souls mod
Version 2.0.2
Fix a bug where transmogrification isn't applied during the pseudo-multiplayer Ensha fight
Fix a bug where the player's idle pose is based on their actual armor instead of their transmogrified armor
Version 2.0.1
Fix Nokron silver tear NPCs appearing with the player's transmog, due to being incorrectly identified as Mimic Tear
Version 2.0.0
Convert mod to DLL, allowing compatibility with most other mods
Transmogrification now applies to the character instead of individual armor pieces
Remove option to transmogrify at the mirror in Fia's room. This was added to work around a previous issue editing ERR's grace menu.
Deprecate The Convergence and ELDEN RING Reforged versions, since the main version is now compatible with other mods
Version 1.1.6
Add Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translations
Version 1.1.5
Fix a bug where NPCs are unable to use crossbows
Version 1.1.4
Fix invisible headgear not working in The Convergence
Add missing restored armor pieces from The Convergence (Deathbed Smalls, Millicent's Set) and Reforged (Brave's Set, Grass Hair Ornament, Deathbed Smalls, Millicent's Set)
Version 1.1.3
Fix head transmogs disappearing during the player's death animation
Fix head transmogs disappearing during pseudo-mutliplayer invasions
Add Polish translation
Version 1.1.2
Add French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese translations
Fix item descriptions in The Convergence, so all armor effects are copied from the base armor set.
Hide transmog options in The Convergence that were moved in the mod and therefore show "?ProtectorName?"
Version 1.1.1
Fixed a bug where unintended effects happened when using a head transmog, such as not gaining runes.
Allow transmogrification from the site of grace in Elden Ring Reforged
Perform untransmogrification via an "Untransmogrify equipped armor" menu option, to free up shop entries used for untransmog
Version 1.0.5
Fixed capitalization of "Transmogrify equipment"
Added menu icon for Reforged version
Version 1.0.4
Update for game version 1.10
Version 1.0.3
Added a variant that's compatible with Elden Ring Reforged
Added an option to transmog from Fia's mirror in addition to sites of grace. This is mostly to work around the fact that I can't mod the ERR grace menu.
Version 1.0.2
Added a variant that's compatible with Detailed Item Descriptions
Fixed a bug where some armor combinations would be invisible and mask out part of the character model
Fixed a bug where some transmog targets would cause your underwear to disappear
Transmogrification (AKA transmog) allows you to modify the cosmetic appearance of your armor while keeping the original stats intact. You can make armor pieces resemble any other piece in the game, or make them invisible to benefit from their effects without covering up your character.
This mod displays armor names and descriptions from the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion. If you wish to hide DLC items, edit the include_dlc_armor line in your ertransmogrify.ini file, changing true to false.
Download the latest version of ModEngine2 and extract it somewhere.
Download the mod and extract ertransmogrify.dll and ertransmogrify.ini into the ModEngine- folder (see screenshot below)
Open config_eldenring.toml in Notepad and look for the line starting with "external_dlls = ...". Add the mod to the list: external_dlls = [ "ertransmogrify.dll", ] If you're using multiple DLLs, make sure they're separated by commas. For example: external_dlls = [ "ermerchant.dll", "ertransmogrify.dll", ]
Double-click launchmod_eldenring.bat to start the game.
Important: Before switching back to the vanilla game, untransmogrify any armor you changed with this mod. You could also back up and restore your save file before and after playing the mod. Playing online with transmogrified armor won't work, and might get you banned if you try anyways. Installing on Steam Deck
Choose the Transmogrify armor option while resting at a Site of Grace.
Select the armor slot you want to change (Transmogrify head, Transmogrify chest, Transmogrify arms, or Transmogrify legs)
Select an armor piece for that slot.
Any armor in the game can be chosen for transmogrification, even if you don't have it in your inventory. This includes unobtainable armor (e.g. Deathbed Smalls) and armor added by other mods you have installed (e.g. Dreadnought Armor from The Convergence or the Chelonian Mitre from ELDEN RING: Reforged). You can also pick Invisible to make that slot appear empty.
If you prefer, you can lock armor that you haven't acquired yet from transmogrification by editing the supplied .ini file.
If you don't pick anything for a slot, it'll default to your current equipped armor.
Undoing Transmogrification
Choose the Transmogrify armor option while resting at a Site of Grace.
Select Dispel transmogrification
Your appearance will change back to the armor you're actually wearing.
Configuration options
You can customize a few aspects of the mod by editing the supplied .ini file and relaunching the game. See the file for more details. Language Support
This mod supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Arabic. Please let me know if you'd like to contribute a translation or report existing translation errors.
Mod by Tom Clark
Event scripting and VFX help from Lord Exelot
Polish translation by Lumitko
Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translations by 兵器君 (shintheweapon)
Japanese translation by Furisuke
German translation by ivi
Italian translation by antro97
Korean translation by Eka001
Russian translation by kotovsky410 and NazgulXCI
Arabic translation by 2Pz
Spanish translation by Yonchi Chikito
More Mods
Armor and Weapon Dyes - Alter the color of your equipment using customizable dye options. Armor dyes also apply to transmogs.
Glorious Merchant - Free access to every item for quick build making. Compatible with all other mods without merging.