About this mod
A retexture of basic medium armors (splintmail, chainmail, scalemail) to the Fereldan style matching late Dragon Age 2.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
This mod retextures the armors specifically to match ones from Item Pack DLCs from DA2.
Mainly designed to supplement proper amor port mods like Loincloth Fashion, Kirkwall Exports etc.
Includes replacement textures for splintmail, chainmail and scalemail. Does not include tint maps, as I'm not sure how to make them look good without destroying the original aesthetic.
Install into override folder (Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\*)
If you are using the mods that change these textures make sure my textures are loaded last by placing them in the folder starting with letters after the first letters of your last folder like z or x, or use Duplicate Search Tool to remove the conflicting textures.
Recommended Mods
Loincloth Fashion
Kirkwall Exports
Dragon Age Evolved
Daughters of the Stone
About the dwarfs
Simple way:
If you don't want your dwarves to use distinctly Fereldan armors I recommend using mods like Dragon Age Evolved and Dwarven Loincloth Fashion .
Advanced way:
Alternatively you can use Loincloth Fashion and Daughters of the Stone, extract their .mmh files using pyGFF then copy and rename the files to the names of the armors you want to replace so, for example, all dwarves wearing splint mail armor would appear in LCFs dwarven medium armor.
The files used by my textures are:
Feel free to edit, upscale and use these textures in any way you want, just give some credit if you are uploading it.
Ser Jory romance mod, when?