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- Medieval MegaPack (MMP) (BaS 1.0)
Medieval MegaPack (MMP) (BaS 1.0)
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About this mod
A MegaPack of 300+ realistic weapons of various Medieval European origin (and beyond) that NPCs can spawn with.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Half Swording and Support Grip (BaS 1.0) OPTIONAL but needed to grab sword blades and enable 2 handed use of some single handed weapons. Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
If you want to use/modify any files in my mod for things like balance changes, or to add the loot tables to your enemies, feel free to do so with this mod as a required mod. Otherwise, contact me.
File credits
Medieval MegaPack
created by Sushin
--Donations and Contributions
Weapon Models donated by Toaster Muffin
Dane Axe, Carolingian Sword, Seax, Blacksmith's Seax, Broken-Back Seax, Gokstad Shield, Bo, Falx
Weapon Models donated by kimthelithid
Knightly Pollaxe, Caestus
Weapon Models donated by Drags
Xiphos, Anelace, Feder, Wooden Sword, Karambit, Shamshir, Blackjack, Eveningstar, Goedendag, Grand Mace, Execution Sword, Swiss Saber, War Scythe, Dragon Crest Shield, Full Metal Shield, War Arrow, Blunt Arrow, Master's Sword, Makhaira, Ono Su Yari, Hook Sword, Trident, Venetian Sword
Weapon Models donated by Galxey
Katana, Tachi, Galuire Longsword, Uchigatana
Weapon Models donated by Butters
Weapon Models donated by Mihos
Raiding Scimitar
Weapon Models donated by Plato
Silver Arrow
Weapon Models donated by Bat
French Officer's Sabre, Scottish Broadsword, Great Falchion, Yatagan, Pata (Gauntlet Sword),
Weapon Models donated by Aruspice
Mycenean Sword, Cinquedea, Boar Hunting Sword, Ram-Dao, Spanish Anit-Cavalry Sabre (Horse Slayer), Antelope Tabar, Kilij, Ox Mace, Cluny Sword, Small Sword, Swordbreaker, Spiked Pavise, Gada
Weapon Models donated by Billyro
Leaf-Hilt Sidesword, Deer Horn Knife, Flammard
Bow animations & Textures donated by Syfe Fireshard
Emissive Textures donated by Drags
Emissive Textures donated by Butters
Json edits by SovietCat
Special thanks to Thjori and Tulacot
--Creative Commons Credits
Viking "Ulfberht" Sword by avatrass under CC BY 4.0
Misericorde "Buttercup Dagger" by Erik.Wold under CC BY 4.0
Flamberg by Lisov1k under CC BY 4.0
Renaissance Sword by Efarys under CC BY 4.0
Smallsword by soidev under CC BY 4.0
Court Sword by Arnold Konrad under CC BY 4.0
Burial Sword by Arnold Konrad under CC BY 4.0
Landsknecht Dagger by Arnold Konrad under CC BY 4.0
Frying Pan by Irina.Tuchna under CC BY 4.0
Gladius by Samize under CC BY 4.0
Acinaces by KIFIR under CC BY 4.0
Kanabo v1 by KenjiroSaiga under CC BY 4.0
Iron Tiger Sword by m00nta under CC BY 4.0
Willow Leaf Saber (Liu Ye Dao) by Arnold Konrad under CC BY 4.0
Katar by GRIP420 under CC BY 4.0
Dark Souls - Estoc by fizzlefreshh under CC BY 4.0
Swiss Saber by yudhamfr under CC BY 4.0
Seax Sword by iedalton under CC BY 4.0
Khopesh by JimKalcich under CC BY 4.0
Yari by Psychloor under CC BY 4.0
I.33 Buckler and Sword by Mateusz Malarski under CC BY 4.0
Arrow by BeerP under CC BY 4.0
Sword by vishnevsky.yaroslav under CC BY 4.0
[For Honor] Shaman Axe [Download Game-ready] by Oskar "K1TT3N" Adamczyk under CC BY 4.0
Dagger - 01 by vegu under CC BY 4.0
Longsword (Hand and A Half) by iedalton under CC BY 4.0
Worn Leather Bracelet by Heledahn under CC BY 4.0
Magic Wand - Simple Curly style by yisela under CC BY 4.0
Nail by mnardia1996mor under CC BY 4.0
KondaSword by Vlasov Daniil under CC BY 4.0
Old Dadao by Vlasov Daniil under CC BY 4.0
Decorative Double-Bladed Battle Axe by Arms Museum under CC BY 4.0
Knife - Kukri by Felipe.Lima under CC BY 4.0
Sword Kusanagi No Tsurugi by Multipainkiller Studio under CC BY 4.0
Thief's Dagger by Steven Janes under CC BY 4.0
Lantern by mandragorasprout under CC BY 4.0
Magic Wand by BozhidarKN under CC BY 4.0
Egyptian Khopesh by Chronic under CC BY 4.0
Ornate Book by N8 under CC BY 4.0
Katana by KangaroOz 3D under CC BY 4.0
Kris Dagger by Arms Museum under CC BY 4.0
Danish 2H Sword by Psychloor under CC BY 4.0
Golden Trident by MightyPinecone under CC BY 4.0
Scutum by Juani Forn under CC BY 4.0
Roman Pilum by Tomsearle16 under CC BY 4.0
Viking Halberd by beyondmatter under CC BY 4.0
Sword by Shrawan under CC BY 4.0
Butterfly Sword by themarkoman under CC BY 4.0
Bastard Sword by wolkoed under CC BY 4.0
sword by Michael Kriat under CC BY 4.0
Khanda Sword by DT7 under CC BY 4.0
Saw by koss2712 under CC BY 4.0
[For Honor] Shugoki Kanabo [Download Game-ready] by Oskar "K1TT3N" Adamczyk under CC BY 4.0
Icons for Medieval MegaPack:
Plain dagger icon by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
Two handed sword icon by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
Hatchet icon by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
Flanged mace icon by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
Arrowhead icon by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
Shield icon by sbed under CC BY 3.0
Scythe icon by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
Mace head icon by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
Bowie knife icon by Skoll under CC BY 3.0
Lightning saber icon by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
Pocket bow icon by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
Warhammer iconby Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
Fencer iconby Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
Japan iconby Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
Earth Asia & Oceania iconby Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Japanese
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Japanese Author: S-katagiri Medieval MegaPack (1.0) - Japanese Translation - Changelogs
Version 14.5
- Completed the Spear category.
- Completed the Rarity category.
- Remade explosive arrows to deal damage instead of instakill. They also break items and apply quite a bit of force. This should fix a bug where arrows fired at a golem would kill you, however, i didn't test it and i have no idea why that would happen in the first place.
- Added the Balanced Knife Sachel (cheaper T1 variation of the throwing daggers)
- Doubled the prices of the Bearing Sword and Parade Sword (they are uniquely better than other greatswords and it fits their decorative nature).
- Fixed axes being worn upside down.
- Fixed silver arrow feathers being pink
- Fixed cutting arrows having price tags
- Fixed Knightly Pollaxe being able to slide while embedded into enemies (like a bardiche)
- Needle and Throwing Knife can now be imbued while held.
- Replaced Silver Wand model from earlier mmp versions.
Version 14.4
- Completed Dagger category. 18 new daggers added, 22 total.
- Completed Greatsword category. 7 new greatswords, 14 total.
- Completed Blunt category. 12 new bludgeons added, 24 total.
- Completed Big Blunt category. 11 new big blunts added, 17 total.
- Fixed some weapons making you sprint slower
- Updated all weapons to the new 1.0 material. Blood should look better and weapons shouldn't look so dark in poor lighting (such as the player house).
- Fixed bodkin arrows not imbuing
- Fixed halberd falchion being halfsworded in the wrong direction (if you have the halfsword mod)
- Fixed price tags showing up on arrows in quivers
- Fixed hand clipping into arrows when holding the Composite Bow and Longbow upside down.
- Removed pooling from Explosive Arrows. May prevent explosive arrows from spawning already used (still need to test it.)
Version 14.3
- Completed the Axe category. 12 new axes with a total of 24
- Completed the Blade category. 9 new swords with a total of 18.
- Completed the Single Edge category. 16 new swords with a total of 28!!!
- Added a new weapon, the British Cavalry Sabre. Thank you fnderstrt17!
- Adjusted sizes of a few swords that were in the U12 version of MMP.
- Fixed throwing axes not being able to go back into the holder.
Version 14.2
- Completed the thrusting weapon category with 9 more daggers and thrusting swords.
- Partially re-added the ranged category. 4 bows, 6 arrow types, throwing dagger quiver and throwing axe quiver. Crossbow is on hold because it's broken. Firearms will come much later.
- Added food category which now spawns on tables and in the shop.
- Daggers can now be imbued with the hand you're holding them in, if you're holding them by the blade.
- Actually, finally fixed enemies spawning with no weapons sometimes.
Version 14.1
- Added all weapons from the viking category. 16 weapons in total.
- Added viking weapons to the shop, survival mode, and enemies (wildfolk are now kitted out. T1 shop has a lot more options).
- Fixed a bug where swords would cause you to sprint slower.
- Fixed enemies spawning with no weapons (report if you see this happen again and lmk the faction you were fighting).
Version 14.0.1
- Fixed the war pick crashing the game
- Possibly fixed enemies spawning with no weapons
Version 14.0
- Version 14.0 of MMP is updated for BaS 1.0. It has the original 90 weapons from version 1.0 of MMP. MMP version 14.X will be an incomplete version of MMP while I slowly add the rest of the weapons in future updates to version 14.X. The version will change to 15.0 when it is finished.
- Almost all weapons now appear in the shop.
- MMP no longer uses custom damagers (mostly?), so mods that effect weapon damage will work with MMP.
- With the new factions of 1.0, enemies have been properly refitted with weapons that should represent their faction (mostly going by tier).
- Weapons with multiple damage points (like halberds) now work consistently when imbued.
- Half swording added to single edged weapons (if you have the halfswording mod).
- Most single handed swords have a two-handing support grip (if you have the halfswording mod) but are no longer normally two-handable with a sliding handle.
- Prevented weapons like swords from stabbing too far into enemies, where the hilt would clip into them.
Version 13.0
- Optimized loading process - the entire mod will not be loaded into memory at once now. Instead, only things used will be loaded. This should help with memory based issues like crashing while loading into dungeons.
- Fixed crossbow not being loadable if you weren't holding the trigger handle.
- Fixed crossbow bolts being slightly misaligned from the string.
- Reduced piercing friction on warpicks and single edged swords
- Fixed warpicks not being able to pierce into chainmail
- Increased angle that it's possible to pierce with for warpicks
- Enemies now only have a chance of spawning loot on their left hip instead of both hips (It was overwriting their weapon sometimes).
- Fixed Chakram slash ability (actually it's probably not fixed but i tried. sorry idk what's wrong with it.)
- The broken spear can now be worn on the hip
- Fixed Arrow Quivers having issues with being held in the left hand.
- Stopped certain arrows from being able to penetrate and pass through enemies (too unrealistic/weird)
- Fixed bodkin arrow quiver not being allowed to be worn on the back.
- Fixed trick dagger shooting its projectile sideways.
- Fixed the broom not behaving magically enough on Nomad (not 100% sure if it's fixed)
- Enemies can now throw objects from MMP at you.
- Shortened military fork
- Updated norman mace model
Version 12.0
- Loot Tables and Weapon Tiers have been completely overhauled. Enemies now only use weapons that fit the aethetic of the game (mostly European). High tier weaponry (T4) and very low tier weaponry (T1) are more rare in the hands of NPCs. This will have more impact in the full version of B&S when tiers (presumably) will matter a lot more.
- Added Greek Fire Bomb - Once lit it can be thrown for a small fire explosion on contact, creating an area of flame that enemies will avoid walking through for about 40 seconds. The fire can block doorways, imbue weapons and be used to throw enemies into.
- Guns can now alert enemies (within 15 meters, due to enemies being completely deaf outside of that range)
- Bullets now make an ear piercing noise that only NPCs can hear and will investigate (because of the above issue)
- Renamed Flintlock Rifle to Frontier Musket
- Removed bayonet from Flintlock Rifle
- Removed Joyeuse sword - Famous & unique one-of-a-kind historical swords are not necessarily what I want in MMP.
- Removed Raiding Scimitar
- Removed Sidesword
- Removed Ji Dao Lian
- Removed Grand Mace
- Moved Espada Ropera to the Blade category - It has the blade of a regular arming sword making it less specialized for thrusting.
- Replaced Norse Axe
- Replaced Gurz
- Replaced Log. It's smaller and lighter now, but still incredibly difficult to wield.
- Replaced Baladay Scimitar and renamed it to Saracen Sword.
- Replaced Blackjack
- Replaced Goedendag
- Replaced Eveningstar
- Replaced model for Hair Needle
- Renamed Hair Needle to Needle
- Removed all big quivers
- Removed blacksmith hammer (base game already has one)
- Removed bokken - use the one in Katana Megapack instead
- Replace Hard Tack (food) with Bread Roll
- Disabled 9 rings on the 9 rings sword until I am motivated to fix it.
- Removed Mycenean Sword - felt too much like a museum piece.
- Removed Nail
- Removed Ono Su Yari
- Removed Kaiken
- Fixed an issue with bullets not despawning sometimes (probably)
- Bows now shoot arrows at a greater speed, and at different speeds based on their length.
- Slightly shortened Bardiche B and Bardiche A
- Fixed the throwing knife from penetrating too deep into enemies, obscuring the handle.
- Doubled weight of Dorgen
- Moved all Dacian cultural weapons into the general categories instead of Greco Roman category (Falxes).
- Adjusted the Arquebus model so that the wood wasn't blocking the barrel sighting.
- Zeroed the Frontier Musket and Arquebus to be more accurate (They were off by a fraction of a degree, noticeable at longer ranges)
- Blunderbuss shot no longer has a fire imbue zone (all other bullets retain this feature and can imbue weapons, light bombs, ect)
- Resized Sword in a Stone to more realistic proportions (slightly smaller), doubled the weight and decreased handling/agility of the weapon.
- Fixed the Szabla's false edge not cutting properly
- Nerfed damage of the black powder charge
- Loading screen tips temporarily removed
- Fixed a handle issue with eating the mushroom.
- Renamed Trick Sword to Custom Sword
Version 11.0
- Added many new weapons. Refer to screenshots to see them all.
- Added a new American category. This refers to the "Americas" as a whole, and many islands surrounding the Americas.
- Added firearm instruction booklet to the ranged category.
- Added obsidian weapons and an obsidian damage type. Obsidian weapons have excellent damage and dismemberment power, but can't pierce even leather armor. Obsidian can also not be imbued (Tier 0 for being stone weapons).
- The Japanese Fan (Tessen) now opens and closes with a trigger press.
- Fixed Falchion Staff not being able to be unholstered with the left hand.
- The Black Powder Charge now significantly damages enemies
- Hand Cannon is now much more heavier and unweildy, requiring two hands to use more accurately.
- Added recoil to all guns.
- Bullet trails are now grey (smoke) and longer.
- Fixed an issue where blood on new weapons from the last update appeared matte.
- Fixed blood not showing up on Hand Cannon.
- Fixed the Bo having inaccurate collision.
- Fixed bake issues on the Trick Dagger making some internal parts appear black.
- Replaced Kukri with a less fancy model
- Added bomb bag
- Fixed lighting and blood painting on the rolling pin
- Fixed Epee & Rondel Dagger being able to slash along the edge. Now they should only be able to slash at the very tip.
- Note - Survival loot was not updated with new weapons for this update (very tedious and I don't even play survival. might overhaul loot tables in the next update).
- Added secrets to 2 existing older weapons
Version 10.0
- Added a bomb, landmine, flintlock pistol, hand cannon, trick dagger and more. More dynamic weapons will come and some existing weapons will be altered. Check the Items category for additional objects that can go in your inventory like the bomb.
- Added falchion staff.
- Fixed weaponry not accepting shadows and glowing when indoors, mostly in the dungeon map. Some weapons or weapon parts may still have unnatural lighting, please report them to me.
- Added functionality to the trident dagger to be able to open and close.
- Fixed the cane sword being able to stab while sheathed
- Fixed handle orientations on cane sword
- Added blade handle to Parade Sword
- Fixed hand pose and grip orientations on (all?) shields.
- Fixed throwing knife satchel from not spawning knives
- Fixed bows not working due to the U11.2 update, and adjusted their string alignment, handles and colliders
- Fixed the Stake only being able to holster on the back. Now it can only holster on the hips.
- Renamed Tools category to Tool, to avoid naming conflicts with the base game files.
- Fixed the War Dart not making collision sounds on enemies.
- Fixed some arrows not being aligned with the bow strings
- Made the TekkoKagi and Nekode much easier to damage enemies with.
- Fixed the handle of the broken sword not having fx
- Added a magical secret to an existing weapon
- (Nomad only) Fixed an issue where the shovel wasn't appearing.
- (Nomad only) Added knockdown functionality of giant weaponry.
Version 9.0
- Added a fisticuffs wave (fist only dueling)
- Spears now have more diverse damage types. Most can no longer dismember or easily pierce chainmail unless they specialize in slashing, but all spears can knock enemies down more easily than swords.
- Added food to a new "Goods" category. Generally, raw foods only slightly restore your character, and cooked/prepared foods are far better. Sweets restore mana, meat restored health, and veggies restore focus (though higher quality foods restore a little of everything at least).
- Added all new food to have a 1 in 3 chance of spawning in an enemies hip holster
- Nerfed swords to no longer knock enemies out when hit with the false edge, but buffed spears to be able to.
- Removed a lot of bastard/longswords and some greatswords (They can now be found in Longsword MegaPack)
- Removed Ssangsudo (Can be found in Katana MegaPack)
- Removed Heavy Cavalry Lance
- Revamped the Reinforced Lance (it's now two handable on the shaft and the spear head has been replaced with a more typical cone)
- Increased beak length on Bec De Corbin
- Removed stone since the base game has one now
- Increased size of war darts
- Fixed hit effects on Parma shield
- Add round shield (Fleur Cross Shield)
- Rebalanced Survival Mode to equally give you a weapon from every tier, instead of mostly giving you low tier weapons at first.
- Renamed Tekko Kagi to Nekode
- Added a new, longer version of the Tekko Kagi
- All small, concealable thief/spy/ninja style weapons can be stored in the inventory.
- Replaced the Falx with a smaller, one handed version.
- Fixed rondel dagger's emissive map covering the entire weapon
- The Masakari can now cut into plate armor
- A number of giant weapons can now knock enemies off their feet (must be bigger/heavier than a greatsword)
- Trick sword blade has been resized.
- Trick sword pommel can now be imbued
- Added more resistance to estoc penetration against chainmail
- Other undocumented changes (it's been a very long update sorry)
Version 8.3
- Added a bunch of new weapons. Refer to the screenshot
- Moved Galxey Longsword to blade category and renamed it Galxey Bastard Sword
- Swapped model for Indonesian Karambit and renamed it Karambit
- Removed Malay Karambit
- Resized the Shashka to more realistic proportions
- Remodeled the Baladay Scimtar
- Fixed Kaskara missing texture
- Fixed an issue with the Tekpi where the handle had no collision
- The Log now blocks AI navigation. Enemies will try to walk around a log on the ground.
- Resized the Burial Sword
- Resized and modified the Venetian Sword
- Added simple Tonfa spinning (hold the trigger and move your hand up or down).
- Resized multiple sabres to be smaller/use realistic proportions (they were some of the first weapons I made and remained unchanged until now)
- Resized the cruciform longsword
- "Massive" slashing weapons now cut chainmail (parade/bearing swords)
- Fixed the handpose on Baston sticks
- Improved sickle functionality
- Fixed the Reagent's sword sheath's left hand default handle orientation
Version 8.2
- Added a bunch of weapons check the pic for 8.2
- The shovel can now cut enemies (can't remember if i already added this to the patch notes from a previous update)
- Fixed blood painting on Stiletto
- Moved Falx(s) to GrecoRoman category
- Made tridents able to be thrown accurately
- Fixed pitchfork, shovel and scythe having imbue when spawned in (thought i fixed it but i only fixed the pan previously)
- Fixed piercing for pitchfork
- Change the slot for bows to use bow instead of large
Version 8.1
- Added an Asian category for asian weapons that don't fit into the Chinese, Indo/Arab or Japanese category and moved all approrpriate weapons there (kris and karambits)
- Added some weapons, check the 8.1 screenshot.
- Fixed all broken waves
- Added a simple modding and tweaking guide inside the mod's folder.
- Removed side weapons from enemies with waves. Unfortunately enemies in U10 cannot choose to only use one weapon at a time and would dual wield anything on their body.
- Made stab penetration with very curved tip weapons (falchions and the like) more difficult against leather and impossible against chainmail.
- Increased likelyhood to get better weapons earlier on in survival mode
- Replaced Dirk with a more authentic model
- Replaced the handle of the Feder sword
- Shrunk the Ulfbert sword to better fit the hand
- Fixed an issue with the Master's Sword where the pommel did no damage. Didn't mean to gaslight anyone who reported that issue my bad.
- Changed Long Seax's name to Langesax
- Fixed Tekko Kagi being difficult to slash with
- Fixed pan spawning in with a glowing white texture
- Fixed hair needle spawning covered in blood
- Improved cutting strength of the Dadao to be more falchion-like (it can cut chainmail)
- Fixed imbue on Pollaxe
- Added better hit sounds to Bokken
- Fixed slight handle misalignment on Ji Dao Lian
- Removed full one handed axes from the dagger loot table. Small throwing axes remain.
- Added Baston sticks to the Martial Arts wave
- Added kite shields to the viking waves
- Fixed the Tai Chi Jian's blade handle's default grip being at the tip of the blade
- Renamed Noble War Sword to Kingslayer
Version 8.0
- Updated mod to U10
- Updated every weapon with the new blood painting system
- Optimized a majority of weapon models (draw call reduction)
- Added unique imbue textures to just about every weapon
- Replaced the vanilla loading screen hints with MMP related hints.
- All weapons that had dominant hand issues while being held with two hands (usually backwards) should be fixed.
- ****NEW WEAPONS****
- Added IndoArab category for weapons originating from South and West Asia.
- Added African category
- Moved appropriate weapons to the IndoArab category and African category.
- Added Joyeuse to Blade category
- Added Writen Sidesword to Thrusting category
- Added Dorgen (Great hammer) to Big Blunt category
- Added Coutilier's Sword (Short sword) to Blade category
- Added Partisan to Spear category
- Added Stiletto to Thrusting Category
- Added Ji Dao Lian to Chinese category
- Added Elephant Guandao to Chinese category
- Added (a smaller) Kanabo to Japanese category
- Added Nimcha (curved dagger) to African category
- Added Kaskara (arming sword) to African category
- Added Mambele (axe) to African category
- Added Kris Sword to Rarity category
- Added Ida (Machete sword) to African category
- Added Baladay Scimitar to IndoArab category
- Added Khanda to IndoArab category
- Added Barcha (spear/glaive) to IndoArab category
- Replaced Baselard-Hilt Falchion model
- Replaced Baselard model
- Replaced Dane Axe model
- Replaced Seax model
- Replaced Shamshir model
- Removed Flamberg Rapier
- Removed Leaf Hilt Sidesword
- Removed Katana
- Removed Shirasaya
- Removed Nordic hand axe
- Renamed Crusader's Sword to Teutonic Longsword
- Renamed old Kanabo to Kanasaibo
- Renamed Celtic Claymore to Bastard Claymore
- A bug was introduced where the positions of weapons on the weapon rack will not be correct. This is fixable but extremely tedious and I have decided to not fix it, probably ever.
- Fixed arrow handles to align with the fingers
- Changed the Master's Sword's spiked pomel to act more like a morning star/blunt weapon rather than a dagger so that it doesn't get stuck in enemies.
- Javelins now default to being held in reverse grip
- Removed Scutum and Hoplon from the shield table because they were distractingly big, but they can still be found on enemies in the Greco-Roman themed wave
- Retextured Guandao to have a silver/steel blade
- Projectile holsters now all hold 500 arrows until money is implemented
- Added a Sword Fighter wave
- Added Samurai to the Ashigaru wave that spawn infrequently
- Resized Kanasaibo to be a little shorter
- Samurai now have a chance of spawning with the Kanabo
- Added Bokken (wood katana) to the training wave
- Increased blade length of Omi no Yari (straight spear) to about 70cm
- Removed the rolling animation from massive weapons such as the Bearing Sword, Offering Sword, and Kanasaibo
- Moved Sword Breaker and Trident Dagger and Parrying Dagger to Thrusting category
Version 7.2
- Added 6 new weapons all in the Chinese category, except for the greatsword. See the screenshot for 7.2 to see the new weapons.
- Added Chinese category and moved all Chinese weapons over to it
- Added new enemy waves (Martial Arts, Samurai/Japanese, Rapier duels and more)
- Rapiers are easier to wield in general
- Fixed blood painting on Chokuto
- Improved some SFX thanks to SovietCat.
- Improved hit sfx for the following wooden weapons: log, tonfa, wooden cudgel, rolling pin, wooden mallet, shortstaff and wooden sword
- (re)Added unique hit sfx for the pan and shovel
- Renamed Hook Sword to Shuang Gou
- Renamed Deer Horn Knife to Lujiaodao
Version 7.1
- Added some weapons; Koncerz, Pompeii Dagger, Main Gauche, Bronze Trident, Atgier, Pilum, Spatha, Finno-Ugric Sword, Scutum, Hoplon
- Added Greco-Roman and Nordic weapon categories. All weapons pertaining to these categories have been moved there.
- Added some very simple enemy waves that focus on specific weapon sets and themes. More will be added in future updates, but this update contains a Greco-Roman gladiator wave, a Viking/Nordic enemy wave, and a wave of Caestus fighters. There is only one wave per theme to mitigate wave book clutter. I recommend modifying the waves yourselves if you want changes.
- Made the trident pierce better
- Made the gladius and xyphos able to fly when thrown (as in, be thrown point first)
- Buffed caestus to do damage on par with 1 handed weapons from MMP (more than vanilla 1 handed blunt weapons)
- Fixed an alignment issue with the caestus being held in the left hand
Version 7.0
- Added 3 new bows and fixed the animation of the existing bow. Huge thanks to Syfe for adding animations for them.
- Added new weapons, refer to the screenshots to see the additions.
- Fixed sheaths being glitchy
- Reduced warpick penetration dampening
- Renamed the Jian to Iron Tiger Jian
- Increased size of the Iron Tiger Jian to match proportions of its real life counterpart
- Fixed the default grip for the Bamboo Saya to be edge-up
- Replaced dagger on "Dagger and Buckler" with a long bladed baselard
- Replaced Uchigatana with a new model from Galxey
- Replaced Tachi with a new model from Galxey
- Modified the grip of the flammard to prevent the wavey part of the blade from being grabbable.
- Changed the Jo staff to allow for hip holstering
- Changed the name of Rondel Dagger to Tri-Edged Rondel Dagger
- Made arrows no longer purchasable. Instead, just spawn the quivers (less clutter)
- Removed paintable from the Danish Long Axe for now, due to a bug.
- Removed paintable from the Iron Tiger for now, due to a bug.
- Renamed the Danish Long Axe to Knotwork Long Axe, because a true Dane Axe has been added.
Version 6.0
- Overhauled Survival Reward tables to include every weapon in the pack based on tier. At earlier waves you will mainly select from tier 0 and 1 weapons (wood and bronze) and slowly work your way up to tier 2, 3 and 4 (With a very rare chance to get a higher tier weapon at the starting waves)
- Fixed quivers, removed small quivers for arrows, and made all quivers hold 100 projectiles (temporary until game balance is restored)
- Adjusted single edged weapons to pierce with as much resistance as regular swords, however, you need better point alignment to pierce with them.
- Enemies, for the most part, no longer react to being attacked by thin thrusting blades and small blades (rapier, estocs and daggers) unless it kills them.
- Added more categories so you don't have to scroll as much! Many weapons have been moved to these categories.
- Japanese Category - ALL weapons of Japanese origin will appear here regardless of how they are used. There are just that many Japanese weapons. More (non european) regional categories may appear if necessary in the future.
- Thrusting - All thrust oriented SWORDS will appear here, but not daggers or spears.
- Big Blunt - All bigger two handed blunt weapons will now appear here.
- Tools - All items not explicitly designed to be weapons appear here (scythes, butchers knife, lantern, ect)
- Rarity - Added Rarity category and moved several weapons to the rarity category. This is for weapons that don't fall into traditional gameplay, notably unusual weapons, magic weapons, and other misc objects.
- Increased blunt damage (even more) over vanilla weapons except for handle damage.
- Refer to the screenshots to see all the new weapons added in this update. There's so many I don't even feel like typing them out, but here are a few notably different ones:
- --Shukou added to Japanese category. These are climbing claws and can pierce stone. They are pretty easy to climb with but take a little practice.
- --Swordbreaker added to Rarity category. This is held by default with the blade facing you and the teeth facing the enemy. You can catch the enemies blade with the teeth and redirect their attacks.
- --Added Regent's Sword Sheath and Bamboo Katana Saya. These are holsters for swords. The Regent's Sword Sheath works on almost all other swords with no or minimal clipping, but the Bamboo Katana Saya clips with every other sword you can use it with. Still, they both make it so you can grab the weapon directly from the handle, letting you grab it in reverse grip or backwards if you wish directly from your hip.
- --Added several magical items, including two Japanese fans, a magic book, and two magic wands. They enhance magic regen, spell casting speed and can be used to cast spells.
- --Converted the Braided Dress Sword into a Swept Hilt Sabre (Swiss style Sabre) and moved it to Single Edge category
- Improved Hook Sword texture
- Modified model of Executioner Sword
- Resized Dadao to be realistically proportioned
- Added a modern katana handle to the Chokuto instead of the shirasaya handle
- Replaced the Khopesh with an improved model
- Forgotten Royal Longsword now has a bronze blade and is tier 1
- Gladius now has a bronze blade and is tier 1
- Changed the tier of several weaponry based on apparent quality
- Increase recoil/knockdown power of massive weapons
- Increase recoil/knockdown power of arrows weapons
- Removed Tsurugi (poor quality model)
- Retextured/recolored several old sword handles
- Changed the default handle orientation of the spada de lato
- Fixed Wooden Sword not being holsterable
- Fixed Guandao piercing not working
- Modified model of Master's Sword
- Modified model of (NEWCLAYMORE)'
- Replaced Broad Arrow's model
- Replaced Bodkin Arrow's model
- Improved textures of (SMALLSWORD) and changed blade model
- Improved textures of Cup Hilt Rapier and changed tier to 3
- Modified size and textures of claymores to add some variety to them and make them feel less bulky. They feel much more sleek. Check them out
- Replaced blade of Cruciform Sword to one that doesn't suck.
- Estocs and other anti-armor thrust oriented weapons can now easily pierce chainmail
- Increased the weight of the blackjack so headshots can instantly knock enemies out in almost every case (feels quite heavy though).
- Gave the Wakizashi an extra grip on the blade to make it easier to commit seppuku (historically they held the wakizashi by the blade with a cloth I think)
- Changed name of viking hand axe to nordic hand axe
- Fixed collsion and damage on parts of the Sword Staff
- Fixed a graphical issue on the Gothic Dagger blade
- Fixed a graphical issue on the Dadao
- There are a few changes/fixes I forgot to document but they probably aren't major
Version 5.3
- Added weapons to Survival Mode (Thank you Drags)
- Added Kukri to Dagger category
- Added Tsurugi to Blade category
- Added Tabarzin to Axe category
- Added Falcata to Single Edge category
- Added French Officer's Sabre to Single Edge category
- Added Scottish Broadsword to Blade category
- Added Cleaver to Single Edge category
- Added Great Falchion to Single Edge category
- Added Hooksword to Single Edge category
- Added Malaysian Karambit
- Modified damage penetration properties. Mainly, rapiers now pierce easier. Axes are a little harder to pierce chainmail with but it's still possible.
- Renamed Karambit to Indonesian Karambit
- Renamed the Broadsword to Renold Sword
- Fixed the hair needle not being holsterable
- Fixed several thin-bladed daggers causing slash wounds on bodies when stabbing.
- Fixed an issue with the Double Bladed Sword not being able to be holstered.
- Renamed Ona Su Yari to Ono Su Yari
- Allowed the Khopesh to pierce deeper
- Reversed Carolingian Sword blade again
- Fixed Franchesca not damaging enemies
- Fixed Lead Maul not damaging enemies
- Fixed the Quarterstaves not making hit effects on enemies
- Fixed an issue with the Jian using the left hand as the dominant hand when being two handed
- Fixed an issue with the claymores having bugged holstering.
Version 5.2
- Fixed some issues causing the game to lag out for many people
- Arrows no longer have blood painting enabled (for performance reasons)
Version 5.1
- Added Parade Sword to Greatsword Category
- Added Ona Su Yari to Axe Category
- Added Dirk to Dagger Category
- Added Nail to Dagger Category
- Added Hair Needle to Dagger Category
- Added Ikakalaka to Blade Category
- Added Dadao to Single Edge Category
- Added Sword in a Stone to Blunt Category
- Added Double Bladed Sword to Greatsword Category
- Fixed hit effects on all weapons, mainly handles (please make a bug if you see any that don't work)
- Fixed imbueability on all weapons (please make a bug if you see any that don't work)
- Fixed blood and decal painting on all weapons (please make a bug if you see any that don't work)
- Made all quivers able to be worn on the back or hips (though they may not look right in mirrors)
- Recolored the Makhaira to be bronze
- Improved textures on the Old Celtic Greatsword to be more metallic and shiny.
- Reversed the blade of the Carolingian Sword to match the style of other Norse weapons of the period (Seax style blade)
- Added Spjot (Viking Spear) which was in the game files for several updates but apparently I messed up the ID name so it was never actually there.
- Nerfed handle damage from weapons with weak looking handles (some axes, single edged swords, daggers and the like)
- Increased penetration ability of wide single-edged blades like the seax and glaives (They can now penetrate leather armor)
- Increased Axe damage and created a new damager for axe-like weapons to prevent them from getting stuck in enemies. Axes still imbed into flesh and deal more damage than axe-like weapons that don't imbed as much. Axe-like weapons can still cut into chainmail. (Axe-likes are weapons like glaives and falchions)
- Improved stabbing on single edged daggers
- Added a spike to the bottom of the pollaxe
- Fixed some issues with grabbing holsters/bags/quivers
Version 5.0
- Made it easier to swing all one handed blunt and axe weapons
- Made all axes and some heavy swords cut deeper
- Added shields to enemy loot tables
- Spiked maces like the Morningstar now penetrate leather and create blood effects.
- Added Ranged Category
- Moved all ranged weapons to Ranged category (shuriken, throwing knife, throwing axe, javelin and all holsters)
- Added Execution Sword to Greatsword category (Donated by Drags)
- Added Swiss Saber to Single Edge category (Donated be Drags)
- Added Long Seax to Dagger category
- Added Viking War Sword to Greatsword category
- Added Falx (Donated by ToasterMufin)
- Added Guandao (Chinese slashing spear) to the Spear category
- Added War Scythe to the Spear category (Donated by Drags)
- Added Naginata to Spear category
- Added Kaiken (Japanese Dagger) to Dagger Category
- Added Wakizashi to Single Edge Category
- Added Katana to Single Edge Category (Donated by Galxey)
- Added Tachi to Single Edge Category (Donated by Galxey)
- Added Shirasaya to Single Edge Category
- Added Chokuto to Single Edge Category
- Added Nodachi to Single Edge Category
- Added Uchigatana to Single Edge Category
- Added Offering Sword (Massive Nodachi) to Single Edge Category
- Added Bokken to Bludgeon category
- Added Dragon Crest Shield (Donated by Drags)
- Added Full Metal Shield (Donated by Drags)
- Added Makhaira to Single Edge category (Donated by Drags)
- Added Nordic Axe to Axe category
- Added Iberian Mace to Blunt category
- Added Studded Bat to Blunt category
- Added Gothic Dagger to Dagger category
- Added Composite Bow to Ranged category
- Added Silver Arrow to Ranged category (Donated by Plato)
- Added Bodkin Arrow to Ranged category
- Added War Arrow to Ranged category (Donated by Drags)
- Added Blunt Arrow to Ranged category (Donated by Drags)
- Added Kunai to Ranged Category
- Added Francisca to Ranged category
- Added Dart to Ranged category
- Added Quivers for all consumable ranged weapons
- Added Big Quivers (24 arrows) for all arrow types (except darts)
- Added Trick Sword (Sword with detachable pommel) to the Ranged category
- Added weapons to enemy item pool. Non-european weapons won't be added to the enemy item pool to match their vanilla weapon choice.
- Made the Chinese Jian shinier
- Renamed Montante to Venetian Greatsword
- Renamed Spiked Great Mace to Gurz
- Replaced Buckler with Embroidered Buckler
Version 4.1
- fixed the steel heater shield's holder point incorrectly rotated
- fix goedendag not showing up in the book
- added 2 claymores back
Version 4.0
- Added Kanabo (Massive club, has special damage properties)
- Added Jian (Chinese Straight Sword)
- Added Karambit
- Added Katar (Indian Pushdagger)
- Added LiuYeDao (Chinese Saber)
- Added Bo (Wooden Quarterstaff)
- Added Raiding Scimitar
- Added Shamshir
- Added Blackjack (Can knock enemies out easily and for a long duration)
- Added EveningStar
- Added Goedendag
- Added GrandMace
- Added SpikedGreatMace
- Added Horsemans Axe
- Added Bearing Sword (Massive sword with special damage properties)
- Added Katzbalger (Renaissance short sword)
- Added Braided Dress Sword
- Added Espada Ropera (Sidesword)
- Added Thrusting Sword (Estoc)
- Added Royal War Sword (Greatsword)
- Added Svardstav (Swordstaff)
- Added Shuriken
- Removed 2 Claymores (redundant)
- Removed Renaissance Greatsword Replaced by Braided Dress Sword (it was just a bad model)
- Removed Flame-Single Edged Zweihander, Replaced by Bearing Sword
- Removed Zweihander (Replaced)
- Added a new category, "Single Edge" for swords that have a single edge.
- Most swords have better "bad angle damage," occuring when you hit enemies with the flat of the blade. Lighter swords don't.
- Most swords can pierce and run through enemies more easily, except for single edged/curved Single Edges and some others.
- Rapiers and other thrust oriented swords penetrate and run through enemies with almost no resistance at all.
- War Picks, Estocs, and Rondel/Misericord can penetrate chainmail easily and have no damage loss when penetrating armor. (Vanilla weapons have a massive damage penalty when penetrating armor)
- Spiked blunt weapons (Morningstars and such) do more damage against leather armor and flesh but less against plate and chainmail. Bludgeons with actual penetrating spikes (Spiked Great Mace) are more similar to daggers though.
- Shield bashing enemies now causes them to roll backwards
- Fixed the name of the Pan
- Made the 2 battle axes smaller and more realisticly sized
- Renamed smallsword and court sword to sidesword and spada de lato to be more historically accurate.
- Some of the new 1 handed weapons are added to the enemy loot table
- Increased blunt damage for 1 and 2 handed maces by 1.5 over vanilla mace damage. This is not true for other blunt damage sources such as pommel attacks. All other damage values match vanilla damage but I feel this is a much needed buff for maces.
- Maces can now also knock enemies out for a longer period of time to give them a crowd control advantage over other weapons.
- Temporarily disabled throwing weapon holders for beta
Version 3.1
- New Emissive Textures for almost every existing weapon thanks to Drags & Butters
- Added Xiphos, a greek hoplite shortsword (Contribution by Drags)
- Added Gladius
- Added Anelace, a medieval long dagger (Contribution by Drags)
- Added Feder and Wooden Sword, both are blunt training swords. (Contribution by Drags)
- Added Steel Bar Mace to blunt category
- Added Pan, great for cooking
- Added Caestus, a fist weapon (Contribution by kimthelithid)
- Added Knightly Poleaxe, a short axe/hammer polearm (Contribution by kimthelithid)
- Added Baselard (Contribution by Butters)
- Fixed enemy loot tables in U8.3
- Fixed some axes from not spawning for enemies
- Fixed a few 2 handed bludgeoning weapons from not dealing blunt damage on their handles.
- Reduce handle size of burial sword to be more historically accurate.
- Made Gokstad Shield held sideways by default
- Removed rapiers and estocs and curved weapons like sabres and cutlasses from enemy loot tables (too long/curved for enemies to handle correctly for some reason)
- Added new effects for pan, shovel, spiked maces and caestus
- Fixed piercing on the war club
- Shortened war club to be more one handed.
Version 3.0
- -Added Misericorde (Piercing dagger)
- -Added Court Sword (shorter rapier)
- -Added Smallsword (shorter rapier)
- -Added Crucifix Longsword
- -Added Renaissance Longsword
- -Added Flamberg, Greatsword
- -Added Battleaxe (2x)
- -Added Shield (4x) with 2 extra left handed varients
- -Added Wooden Spear
- -Added Lead Maul (similar to vanilla maul)
- -Added Dane Axe (similar to vanilla dane axe)
- -Added Dolchstreithammer, fist shaped war pick
- -Added Viking Sword (3x)
- -Added Seax (3x), Viking Knives
- -Added Stangenwaffe Morgenstern (Rarity Category), a Morning Star Polearm
- -Added Quiver for Throwing Axes
- -Added Quiver for Balanced Knives
- -General rebalance of damage to be more in-line with vanilla U8 damagers with some variety between weapons that specialize in slashing and thrusting. Further balance updates may be pending such as easier penetration but I may stick with vanilla values.
- -Added new one handed weapons to enemy loot table
- -Removed tools category and added the items to other categories
- -Added a category for daggers
- -Optimized size and performance of weapons. With about 147 models the current file size is <100 MB, which will allow for better performance when enemies use weapons and a faster loading time even though you have 140+ weapons to load.
- -Rebalanced Greathammer to be much easier to wield.
- -Increased length of Celtic Leaf Spear
- -Resized hammer of War Pick to be more realistic.
- -Decreased size of Morning Star's bludgeon
- -Decreased length of all cutlasses
- -Moved Kriegmesser from Blade category to Greatsword, since it's two-handed.
- -Renamed Kite Shield to Norman Kite Shield
- -Renamed Spiked Club to War Club
- -Renamed Spiked Mace to Spiked Ball Mace
- -Renamed Landsknecht Messer to Man-At-Arms Messer
- -Gave Man-At-Arms Messer a thicker blade and shortened it
- -Renamed Great Knife to Langes Messer
- -Shortened blade of Langes Messer to make it more one-handable (Kriegmesser is still two handed)
- -Renamed Lenticular Longsword to Bohemian Longsword
- -Renamed Hollow Ground Longsword to Ringneck War Sword
- -Renamed Broad-Fuller Longsword to Royal Longsword
- -Renamed Hafted Axe to Bearded Axe
- -Renamed Hutton Sabre to Dueling Sabre
- -Renamed Broad Sabre to Naval Cutlass
- -Renamed Dirk to Quillon Dagger
- -Shortened Javelin
- -Shortened Winged Spear
Version 2.4
- Fixed a bug where enemies that spawn with the Archer's Axe would be unable to attack.
Version 2.3
- Re-ordered the way weapons appear to have a semblence of organization (more traditional weapons appear first for each category)
- Reevaluated the length of Zweihanders (Now they are between 5 and 7 feet)
- Reevealuated the length of Greatswords
- Reevaulated the length of Broad-Fuller Longsword
- Lowered weight of zweihanders to be more realistic, which will improve their handling.
- Decreased guard grip radius on Zweihanders so you won't accidentally grab the guard as easily.
- Shrunk the english long axe into a hand axe (it was scaled up and looked ugly to me and we already got a vanilla dane axe anyway)
- Changed name of English Long Axe to Archer's Axe
- Changed name of Royal Greatsword to "Lowlander"
- Renamed all Claymores
- Added the Archer's Axe to the NPC loot table
- Slightly rebalanced the NPC loot table to have a lower chance of spawning vanilla weapons
Version 2.2
- Added prefabs for Modular Weapons. This is a weightless addition meant for Modular Weapons compatibility.
- Added roughness maps to all materials (Increases visual quality especially on weapons with wood/leather and metal parts together)
- Slightly increased length of the 3 Bastard Swords.
- The Rondel Dagger is now unsheathed in reverse grip.
- Fixed a naming issue where there were two Fauchards. One is now named "Glaive"
- Aligned Sabre A's blade better to the handle.
- Fixed some incorrectly aligned stabbing decals on certain weapons.
Version 2.1
- Fixed some swords and weapons creating perpendicular wound decals when stabbing.
- Fixed spiky materials (Morning Stars and such) not creating effects when hit against wood.
Version 2.0
- Added 24 "rarities," weapons that are either a little unconventional or not part of the original set. These will appear in the "rarity" category as they are not necessarily historically accurate.
- Dramatically improved ease of stabbing on all weapons
- Improved handling of most one handed weapons
- Increased visual quality of all weapons
- Added pictures to category icons
- Added a second Kite Shield variant for left handed players
- Added a second Farming Scythe variant that's better for right handed players
- Added extra handles to the Farming Scythe
- Slightly resized rapiers and sabres
- Added more force to handle/pommel attacks
- Changed the names of Sabres to better resemble real life counterparts
- Changed name of Danish Axe to Battle Axe
- Spear slashes and stabs can now trip and knock out enemies (includes sword staffs, lances, and the farming scythe)
- One handed Arming Swords and Falchions can be held with 2 hands
Version 1.1
- Increased blade lengths and handle sizes of Rapiers
- Increased blade lengths of Longswords
- Increased blade lengths of Estocs
- Increased lengths of Claymore blades and handles
- Increased blade depth of Messers
- Decreased blade depth of Sabres
- Made Quillion Dagger unholster in reverse grip if held in the left hand
- Changed name of Quillion Dagger to Dirk
- Changed one of the two Nadziak's names to "Horseman's Pick"
- Rapiers are easier to stab with
- Added a whoosh to the kite shield
- Adjusted parry point on all weapons
- Zweihander does less damage with swings and is harder to knock enemies over with. It can still knock enemies over with ease and does a lot of damage. It was just OP. You probably won't notice a difference.
- Changed the Polearm category to Spear category
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
Version 14.0 of MMP is now updated for BaS 1.0. It has the original 90 weapons from version 1.0 of MMP. MMP version 14.X will be an incomplete version of MMP while I slowly add the rest of the weapons in future updates to version 14.X. The version will change to 15.0 when it is finished.
As you can imagine, maintaining such a massive mod has been very time consuming. Donations are not necessary but highly appreciated. Also, consider joining my Discord for updates and help with mods.
For even higher quality specialized weapon packs, check out Longsword MegaPack and Katana MegaPack.