  • FOTM interview with KDStudios

    We are back with another FOTM interview. This one is for the winner of June. So today we bring you a interview with KDStudios from the Restoreout mod. It's a interesting read and we hope you all enjoy it. Q. So tell us who KDStudios is. Is it just you? A friend or two? A. Well it started out a few years ago. I were doing a computer course at college and met my girlfriend (Wiccan0witch) and a few other people there. Long story short, we worked together on projects in my office and we all...

  • Skyrim fan interview released

    Today Gstaff posted the fan interview, which has Todd Howard, Bruce Nesmith, and Matt Carafano answering questions that were asked, such as what kind of armor there was, if you could play after the main quest, and the differences between races and genders....

  • June File of the Month Interview with Falloutperson416

    Well, its that time again. Here is the June File of the Month Interview, this time with Falloutperson416, who created New Vegas Restoration with the NVR Team. Working alongside him are GTA44, GeeZee, and CyberNathan. A big thanks to them for accepting the interview request. What was your inspiration for creating this mod? When I first saw the Strip, I really thought that it was going to be nice. A place that you could actually enjoy in the Wasteland. But when I set foot on the Strip that f...

  • Skyrim pre-order bonus announced

    Today, Bethesda announced that anyone who pre-orders Skyrim will receive a physical copy of the game’s map. Bethesda stated that Making real maps of our fantasy worlds is an Elder Scrolls tradition. and that Todd Howard believes that There’s something about having a physical object in your hands that feels like it’s part of this other world, that you are that person in the game, finding your way among the hills. Bethesda also stated that in order to guarantee your copy of the world ma...

  • Old World Blues coming 19 July

    The Bethesda Blog has the news that the next downloadable content package Old World Blues will be available for download on 19 July. We’ve received plenty of inquiries asking when we’ll be releasing Fallout: New Vegas’s third DLC, Old World Blues. Today I can confirm the content will release on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on Tuesday, July 19th. Prior to release, we will release a new title update for New Vegas. Along with adding support for Old World Blues, the update will bring...

  • [COMPLETE] Server move today

    The server move is now complete, but as sod's (or Murphy's) law dictates, we hit a few snags along the way so we had a few hours of down-time. If you find any issues please let me know. ---- Just wanted to let you all know that I am in the process of moving TESNexus over to a new server today. While the server itself is coping perfectly fine right now the hard-drives have been low on space for some time and my hosting provider in the UK, Krystal, offered me a nice deal in which if I bought...

  • New file feature: change logs

    Some of the site features I have in the pipe-line or on the to-do list right now are focusing on trying to reduce the amount of clutter mod authors put in their file descriptions by providing them separate areas to list important information. One thing that I know many users find annoying is having to try and find a description of a mod underneath all the other information mod authors feel is more important than actually describing what their mod does. Popular things to put at tops of pages are ...

  • Skyrim developers plan to include romance and friendship in the game

    According to German website giga.de, Skyrim developers plan to include relationships (both romantic and otherwise) in the game. The website was able to interview some of the developers; and while not much new information was given out, the following statement is present in the article they posted. Auch romantische Beziehungen und Freundschaften sollen sich demnach in der Planung befinden. Which translates to: Even romantic relationships and friendships are therefore being planned. This ar...

  • Todd Howard and Notch (Minecraft) "interview" each other

    At E3 2011, GameInformer writer Ben Hanson managed to get Todd Howard and Markus Persson (Notch), the creator of Minecraft, in the same room. The back-and-forth pseudo-interview (it's more of a conversation) of course includes Skyrim and Minecraft, but Oblivion is brought up too. Todd also talks a bit about mods, calls the PC version superior because of mods, and again brings up trying to get them available on the consoles. Fallout 3's ending and the community reaction is also brought up. Oth...

  • Bethesda forums and websites hacked: usernames, emails, and passwords potentially taken

    GStaff has just announced via the BethBlog that the Bethesda forums and websites were the subject of a hacking attempt/attack over the weekend. GStaff claims that no financial info was taken but usernames, emails, and passwords may have been accessed. If you have an account over on the Bethsoft forums, changing your password is recommended. If you use the same password on the Nexus (or other sites) it is definitely a good idea to change those passwords as well. At the moment Bethesda has n...

  • May File of the Month interview with Motseer

    Today we bring you an interview with Motseer whose TnT Underarmors mod won file of the month in May. So put on your eyeballs and enjoy the read below. Q:So Motseer, tell us a little about your self. What other games do you like? Where do you live. Anything you feel like mentioning to us. =D A:About myself, in a nutshell - middle aged denizen of the mid-west (USA), former Marine, career electrician, retired early due to broken knees, avid rpg gamer and recent modding enthusiast. I started mod...

  • Skyrim Facebook screenshots

    Though they were added nearly a week ago, I thought I would draw everyone's attention to the E3 screenshot gallery posted on The Elder Council Facebook page. If you haven't joined already, the Facebook page is a great source of up-to-the-minute Skyrim news. I would recommend it wholeheartedly. Below are a couple of screenshots on offer: The now-infamous "chubby pony" of Skyrim. A closer look at the improved NPC facial models....

  • New, more comprehensive Skyrim gameplay video

    If, like me, you could not get enough of the seven minute walkthrough of Skyrim gameplay footage from the first day of E3, G4TV has released a longer, more comprehensive video with Todd Howard walking the (at times rather jockish) presenters through a full thirteen minutes of video, revealing environments, enemies and gameplay not seen before, including: - Standing stones that function like Ayleid wells, but with powers based around star signs. - Horse riding in motion for the first time. ...

  • Oblivion 5th anniversary edition coming July 12th with (some) DLC, collectibles, and $10 Skyrim coupon

    "Hot off the press," Bethesda has announced the upcoming release of the 5th Anniversary Edition of Oblivion on July 12th (in North America). The announcement may not be much of a surprise considering people started to notice the product around two weeks ago. The package will include Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles; it seems the other DLC are, strangely, not included. Update: GStaff confirmed that the other DLC are indeed not included. The anniversary edition comes in a "beautiful c...

  • 7 minutes of Skyrim footage from GameTrailers/E3 2011

    GameTrailers has posted the Skyrim "gameplay walkthrough" video Todd Howard showed earlier today. The almost seven minute video shows off various aspects of Skyrim, including... Environments: tundra, nordic ruins/cave, forest, guard tower, etc. Combat, including dragon shouts (knockback, fire breath, lightning storm), dual wielding, archery, sneak attacks, finishing moves, and spellcasting (healing, fire, shock). Dragon combat (unscripted), soul absorption, etc. Bandits, giants, mammoths...

  • May File of the Month Interview with llamaRCA

    As we have in previous months, here is the File of the Month Interview for May. The mod that won this month was Willow - A Better Companion Experience by llamaRCA. We'd like to thank llamaRCA for agreeing to the interview, and we hope you enjoy reading it. Did you have any inspiration for this mod? If so, what was it? It started with my experiences with companions in FO3 on the 360. I've spent hundreds of hours with the vanilla companions there and knew what I thought they needed to make t...

  • Bethesda releases two new screenshots of Skyrim

    http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/thumbnails/2383757-1307229298.jpg Yesterday, Bethesda released two new screenshots for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The first picture shows two new creatures introduced into the game: the wooly mammoth and the giant that watches over them. According to this interview with Skyrim’s lead designer Bruce Nesmith, they will be involved in the overall ecosystem present in the land of Skyrim. The interview also has information about loot, game detail, and skills...

  • Old World Blues Interview

    An video has gone up on Youtube featuring interviews with MCA (aka Chris Avellone) and Jason Bergmann. The video contains some footage of areas and characters in Old World Blues as well as information about why the player is there, what the history of the place is, and the voice acting behind some of the characters. Also revealed is that the courier Ulysses who has been mentioned in New Vegas, Dead Money, and hinted at in Honest Hearts will be making an appearance....

  • Witcher 2 patch 1.2 released with new and old DLC

    Patch 1.2 has been released for the Witcher 2, and can be downloaded through Steam, the Witcher 2 launcher, or directly from the official Witcher site. The patch includes all previous DLC (Blue Stripes Combat Jacket, Ultimate Alchemist's Outfit, Ultimate Mage's Outfit, Ultimate Swordsman's Outfit, Finisher Pack, Mysterious Merchant, Troll Trouble), plus one new DLC: Barbers and Coiffeuses. The new DLC adds barber/hairstyling services to each chapter. The patch also includes gameplay tweaks...

  • Interview with tetrodoxin, winner of May's FOTM Contest

    Tetrodoxin won The Elder Scrolls Nexus’ File of the Month contest with his mod The Synx. I interviewed tetrodoxin, which you can read below. Congratulations, tetrodoxin! Q:Tell us a little about yourselves. Where you are from, what are some of your other hobbies outside of games? A:I'm from Bavaria, Germany. My real name is Mario S. and my other hobbies are quite different... motor-biking, festivals and music in general are consuming a lot of time for me. I'm also a hobby photographer. ...