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About this mod

A simple mod with which you can easily replace textures, meshes and data

Permissions and credits

You need BepInEx

Download the mod, open it and drag&drop the folder 'TextureReplacer' to:
TCG Card Shop Simulator\BepInEx\plugins\

Optional you can download Examples for it (Under Files/Optional Files).

TCG Card Shop Simulator\BepInEx\plugins\TextureReplacer\TextureReplacer.dll

Names and/or descriptions (.txt files):
TCG Card Shop Simulator\BepInEx\plugins\TextureReplacer\objects_data\cards\
TCG Card Shop Simulator\BepInEx\plugins\TextureReplacer\objects_data\figurines\

Meshes (.obj files): (you can create subfolders for more organization)
TCG Card Shop Simulator\BepInEx\plugins\TextureReplacer\objects_meshes\*anyfolders*

Textures (.png files): (you can create subfolders for more organization)
TCG Card Shop Simulator\BepInEx\plugins\TextureReplacer\objects_textures\*anyfolders*

Short Tutorial for Modders:

1. Start AssetStudioGUI
2. Click on File=>Load folder and select the gamedata folder:
   TCG Card Shop Simulator\Card Shop Simulator_Data\
3. Click on Filter Type=> and select Texture2D and Mesh
4. Go to the Tab 'Asset List' and select everything
   (click on the first entry, scroll down and click with holding Shift-Key the last entry)
5. Rightclick on the selected list and choose 'Export selected assets'
6. Choose a folder to extract (not the game folders!). For example, create a new folder on the Desktop
7. This takes a while.. after you have then a Texture2D and Mesh Folder

How to change a Texture?
Copy any texture file (png) in to the folder:
TCG Card Shop Simulator\BepInEx\plugins\TextureReplacer\objects_textures\
(you can create subfolders for more organization)
and edit it as you want!

How to change a Mesh?
Copy any mesh file (obj) in to the folder:
TCG Card Shop Simulator\BepInEx\plugins\TextureReplacer\objects_meshes\
(you can create subfolders for more organization)
and edit it as you want!

In-game, you can reload the Textures with F5 (the Default).
But be careful and try not to click with your mouse while loading!

'Play Table' Template (Thanks to CXANEL)
table template link

card box template

Some .png have random functions:
-Main Menu background: GameStartBG_Blur.png (GameStartBG_Blur2.png, GameStartBG_Blur3.png)
-Smartphone background: PhoneBG.png (PhoneBG2.png, PhoneBG3.png)
-The Card in loading Screen: CardBack.png (CardBack2.png, CardBack3.png etc)
-The Customers play table: wood1.png (wood2.png, wood3.png) or PlayTable_wood (PlayTable_wood2, PlayTable_wood3 etc)
-The customers Credit Card: credit_card_D.png (credit_card_D2.png, credit_card_D3.png)
-The building billboard in the end of the main street: mcp_building_32_billboards_d.png (mcp_building_32_billboards_d2.png, mcp_building_32_billboards_d3.png)

The mod uses Runtime OBJ Importer: