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About this mod

This mod adds features to improve the VR experience in Subnautica.

Permissions and credits
This mod fixes the majority of issues with Subnautica in VR as shown here and here 

The mod can only be installed on stable releases of Subnautica. 
It will not work on experimental versions, pirated versions or outdated versions like the Oculus Store version.

Subnautica does not support VR controllers.
You will need to use a gamepad or keyboard and mouse to play in VR. There might be a way to setup a custom controller mapping in Steam to get partial support for VR controllers.
(2023.02.23)The following link is for another very promising mod project that adds full motion controls to Subnautica and includes a number of fixes from my VR Enhancements mod. SubmersedVR
YouTube demo of SubmersedVR:

If you are using a controller you need to turn off the gazed based cursor or you won't be able assign items to quick slots. This is a new bug in the latest version of Subnautica that I will have to try to fix when I have some time

I have heard that the Microsoft Store version also has problems with installing mods but you can try this tool to see if it works:

Mod Features

  • Adds an option to enable VR animations under the General Tab in Options which allows the opening cinematic to play and re-enables the fire in the pod. Animations for climbing ladders, entering and exiting habitats and vehicles also work as well.
  • Fixes the badly positioned player model. The Seaglide will no longer block your entire field of view, all tools are fully visible. For those that had a problem with the PDA being too close, it has now been moved further back, tilted and scaled up to improve visibility. The initial open distance is also configurable.
  • Subtitles were not visible before and have been shifted up so they are now visible in VR and the height and scale is adjustable.
  • A slider has been added to adjust the walk speed in VR since the default VR walk speed was 60% of the non-VR walking speed.
  • The mouse cursor was originally invisible in VR and even when using the gaze based cursor, the alignment of the cursor was wrong. I made the cursor visible when using mouse and keyboard and not using the gaze based cursor option. Also fixed the cursor alignment issue on menus in the world like the scanner room and cyclops menus. Renaming beacons seem to work properly now as well as long as you keep the cursor on the text field, when using the mouse and keyboard. You can also use the mouse to drag and drop items on the toolbar and to rearrange the toolbar items.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect sound direction when turning with your head instead of the game controller or mouse.
  • Makes the loading screen more comfortable to look at by removing the background image and displaying the Alterra logo and loading text in the middle of a black screen.
  • Scaled down the HUD for the cyclops and drone cameras to make the edges more visible.
  • Added an option in the in game menu to re-center the VR position so you don't have to blindly search for the F2 key on the keyboard while the headset is on.
  • The Sunbeam timer is now visible in VR.
  • You can now move your head independently of the PDA position.
  • When piloting vehicles, the HUD is now attached to the vehicle instead of your head.
  • Added options for customizing the HUD opacity, distance, scale and element separation. There is also a Dynamic HUD option that will fade the HUD out until it is needed.
  • Auto Re-centering VR is done in the main menu and after loading a game.
  • Performance optimization for the water sun shafts.
  • Resized and repositioned menus for comfort
  • Replaced the VR Cursor with a better one
  • Disabled the Reticle until needed
  • Fixed a problem where resource tracker blips would only render to the right eye in some cases.
If I have the time I will be adding more improvements in later versions. Some likely changes are reworking the PDA to make it easier to see and trying to fix all the eye strain inducing shader issues if possible. The water surface and sonar effects are especially uncomfortable to look at in VR since the last Unity engine upgrade. If you don't know how nice it use to be, you may not even realize that it is currently causing you eye/brain strain.

  • The reticle isn't visible at the vehicle upgrade station unless looking at one of the buttons.
  • The VR settings get reset to default if you play the game in non-VR mode.


For the latest version of Subnautica.
Note that this will not work with the legacy branch of Subnautica and only other BepInEx mods will work with the new version of Subnautica.

  • Remove QModManager and any BepInEx folders from your Subnautica game folder if you previously had older QMod mods installed.
  • Download BepInEx and extract the contents of the zip file into your Subnautica Game folder.
  • Run Subnautica and quit the game. This will create a folder called plugins inside the BepInEx folder.
  • Download the latest version of VR Enhancements from Nexusmods or GitHub.
  • Extract the plugins folder from the zip file into the BepInEx folder and choose yes to replace folders and files. Example path would be C:\Games\Subnautica\BepInEx\plugins\VR Enhancements\VREnhancements.dll (your game location may be different from this)
  • Run the game with your VR headset on and you should immediately notice a difference with the main menu if the mod is installed correctly.

🔗Installation Instruction Video

If you are having problems getting the mod to work, you can try using the Subnautica BepInEx Pack instead of the GitHub version to see if that fixes the problem.
If you still cannot get it to work, you can send me a copy of your player.log file in a private message and I can try to figure out what is wrong. The player.log file is located in C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\LocalLow\Unknown Worlds\Subnautica\Player.log Note that AppData is a hidden folder so you will have to turn on view hidden files in windows to see it.

For the legacy version of Subnautica

1. Download and install QModManager.(LAST KNOWN WORKING VERSION 4.4.3) Set the correct location of your Subnautica installation in the QMods installer and when the installation is complete you should have a folder called QMods inside your Subnautica game folder. If you have or previously had the Nitrox mod installed, it needs to be completely removed before installing Qmodmanager. You should not have any nitrox dll files or a 0harmony.dll file in your "\subnautica\subnautica_data\managed" folder
2. Download VR Enhancements v2.1.2 from Nexusmods or GitHub. Extract the VREnhancements folder from the zip file into the QMods folder in your Subnautica installation folder. When done correctly you should have a folder called VREnhancements inside the QMods folder and inside the VREnhancements folder should have the files mod.json and VREnhancements.dll. An example path would be "D:\Games\Subnautica\QMods\VREnhancements"
3. Run the game in VR mode and check if the mod was successfully installed. The bottom of the General tab in options should now have an option to enable VR animations and a slider for adjusting the walk speed. These options only show up if the game is in VR mode.

Note: You may need to reinstall QMods each time the game is updated to re-enable all installed mods.

To remove only the VR Enhancements mod, delete the VR Enhancements folder from your QMods folder. To remove QMods just uninstall it from Windows Control Panel.

If you experience any bugs with the mod installed, please let me know and if you like the mod, don't forget to endorse it to help others find it.

If you are reporting bugs using the Nexusmods bug reporter, please also post a message about it under posts or send a private message since I don't get email notifications for bug reports.

My other mods:
Better Sprinting
Blurred Texture Fix
Performance Booster
Dynamic Scanner Blips

Recommended mods:
Snap Turning Mod I have not personally tested this mod as yet but it seems like it would be really good for those that get motion sickness in Subnautica
VR Pimax canted display UI Fix - BepInEx plugin that fixes UI stereo issues (double vision) for canted display VR headsets and removes the need for Parallel Projections
Enable Y axis in VR I have not personally tested this.