

  1. RevanGrad
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Spent a couple hours trying to figure out why this mod wasn't showing up all the sudden...

    Mods that use the term "sTestFile" in StarfieldCustom.ini will invalidate all mods that use Plugins.txt Enabler (such as this one)

    Per the Plugins.txt Enabler Author: ï»¿ï»¿
    Notice: Plugins.txt will be ignored if any sTestFile INI variables are used


    Delete any lines that say "sTestFile" and subsequently their mods and this one will work again.
    1. NitroSBack
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Thank you for this, and you are absolutely right! Any mods that use bTestFile to be enabled should not be used. Bethesda designed bTestFile only to be used for a few .esm's at a time to literally... test files! Plugins.txt mods and mods that use bTestFile are NOT compatible, it's one or the other. xEdit team swears against them entirely as bTestFile also has other limitations/issues of its own. If you really want a mod that uses bTestFile, ask the modder to update the mod for use with plugins.txt by creating/updating it through xEdit (SF1Edit) or ask if it is already compatible with plugins.txt. Plugins.txt is the safer way to run multiple mods.

      Thanks for commenting this for everyone!!!
  2. sphinx7410
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Youve got too many static objects
    Here are essentials one needs :

    • Defense systems 
    • Habs
    • Dining
    • Sleeping arrangements 
    • Bathroom, toilets showers
    • Entertainment (Tv stereo , bar , fishtank etc
    • wall decorations painting sculptures
    • Crafting
    • Bioscience
    • Infirmary 
    • some electronics 
    • resource manufacturing and storage
    • Vehicles , forklifts 
    • Pot plants and some landscaping not a 1000 trees
    All other static objects that you see at POI's that are pointless, that take up all the space in the outpost menu 
    ...more is not better the stuff that's useful to us is. 
    Make a lite version even. 
  3. JonathanVP
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I had to run this through the starfield nif migration tool since it appears that the meshes are not updated to the May update. Now everything shows up!
  4. nicksaleen
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Think there are some conflictions with this mod and the most recent ship interior designer update from Beth, was kinda thinking id see some other comments, am I the only one? 
    1. vicki2009
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Just tried using it in an outpost and am having issues, my admitted limited experience is that mods that effect outpost and ships would appear to have issues with the new update.

      Shame I liked this mod, so hope the author will be able to find the time update the file.  Always assuming of course that I've not made an error I did have to start from scratch following the update and still not sure that was necessary. hey ho.
      Thanks for your work on this NitroSBack
    2. nicksaleen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes it doesn't seem like everything is effected, so hopefully a few fixes, I got all my necessary mods working and updated ( i.e. SFSE, address library, plugin.txt etc ) there was an issue with body meshes that had a quick fix, perhaps something of the same nature happened here. 
    3. BricksterMan
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Yep .... good old Beth has F...up a bunch of mods using .nif mesh including  this one :-(
    4. NitroSBack
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      I was able to use a community tool that updates all nifs. It has fixed the issue in my testing so far. With 600+ items to loop through though, I am still checking that everything was fixed. Once I confirm that, I will re-upload a compatible version with recent update. Thanks for your patience guys, life has really gotten in the way for months now.
    5. martys0403
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Which tool?
    6. Arciticwolf
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Can't wait for the update! Thank you very much!
    7. Sweetpea704
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Hey, thanks for coming back to update it. We appreciate it. I love those kitchen counters. ;) Yeah, I took off all my furniture mods one by one and it finally started working when I disabled this one.
    8. firetech54
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      My guess is they're referring to STARFIELD .NIF MESH PATH MIGRATION TOOL FOR SF 1.11.36. Only a guess though. I used this on my ship flip mod earlier this week and that was causing a similar issue. Fixed that one and I know other folks have been using it to correct other mods that the update messed up. It's a little tricky, all manual downloads and file manipulations but there is a step by step with pictures some had left in the comment section of the mod page. I also found a short How To video with a google search. I'm going to try it with this mod next chance I get if doesn't get updated first. Good luck!
    9. Sweetpea704
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Okay. I tried a bunch of different combinations of things. Removing StarUI workbench fixed the ship decorating for me. I still have StarUI inventory and this mod works fine. Wanted to let folks know, because the vanilla UI is frustrating, but I still need my snapping kitchen cabinets.
    10. nicksaleen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      We appreciate you NitroSBack, there is not another object mod anywhere close to yours from what I have seen, thank you.
  5. lostinwhere
    • member
    • 41 kudos
    This is probably the best mod out there for decorating an outpost.
  6. srlleandro
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    • 0 kudos
    1. NitroSBack
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Hello and SO sorry for such a crazy belated response. When time starts slipping, it really has a way with taking off running!! lol

      As for the icons, if you are still stuck on this, there is an article showing how to install them. One thing to note before you do; is the icon pack only covers about 150-200 of the items in this mod. So with around 600 items for the published version, 75% of them will still have no icons. 

      Plushing up the icon pack is on the roadmap for one of the next updates, so soon we will have plenty more icons. Its just a time consuming process that takes away from other QoL or new items so I tend to prioritize it a bit lower than other aspects of my mod, which is why I have not updated icons in months.

      ANYWHOOO..... hopefully soon I will have more icons for you and here is a link to the article covering installing them :D let me know if you have any other questions!!!
      Installing Mod Icons at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (
  7. LoneWolf1988
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome mod!

    Some of the paintings (forgot to write down which ones) are positioned a little weird. Either flipped around the Z axis so they snap to the wall showing the back of the painting and not the front. One snaps correctly but is rotated 90 or 180 degrees.

    Also, the wall cabinets for the drinks snaps into the wall a little too far, at least in the player homes. Nothing that the positioning tool of Build Bits can't fix, but still. I think that one of the cocktail making counters are somehow pushed into each other.

    As for the suggestions for addition: I know there are two hookah tables, but there's also a single hookah that I ran into a couple of times, it would be nice to build that one as well in the Neon apartments.

    The smaller beer fridge doesn't have doors on it yet, are they separate from the mesh?

    I like building a games nook with a pool table. There's no way to build cues or the wall cabinet with the cues on it such as in the apartment in Paradiso.

    Oh, and in order to facilitate a nice corner for Andreja, it's awesome that we can build the serpent statues, but aside from that and some incense, it would be nice to place candles for everyone's new age and worshipping needs, great serpent or otherwise.

    I'll wait patiently for any updates though, if there's going to be any that is. Without the CK I can imagine making all this is a more time consuming process.
    1. NitroSBack
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Hello friend, work will pick back up on this mod without a doubt. On top of just life taking lots of time lately, I spent the last week/10 days in and out of the ER/surgery and racked up quite the bill. I am still recovering and work/mods are lowest priority at the moment. I do have lots of ideas for when I am back up 100% and candles are something I have wanted for a while but its just tricky. They are in the game somewhere but everything I have done to reproduce them in my mod has resulted in flameless candles. I will investigate again once I pick back up with modding.

      Making/developing the mod is time consuming! But its a lot of fun and the great feedback from the community has told me its something others enjoy too. Theres not many ways I can make others happy so this project is something I am very proud of and I will not abandon. Just need time to finish healing and I will jump right back into it.

      Thanks for the feedback!
    2. Quadnick
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I hope you're doing well and it's nothing too serious. I love the work that you do, but it's obvious that your health is more important. Hope you have a speedy recovery bud.
    3. NitroSBack
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Hello ^_^ thanks for the kind words here and a comment below!!!!! I am doing much better overall and just trying navigate development for this mod, the company I work for selling itself off and a family members sickness now. Always love the way when it rains, it really pours.

      Thanks again for the kind words, and I hope you continue to enjoy my mod! Its been lots of fun and learning for me :D
  8. Kaztuaki
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    HI ! nice mod! I wanted to ask you if you could make available all the IDs you found that are not present in the mod.Thank you!
  9. zpm0
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    awesome mod, thank you. after many hours I finally got into settlement building, and this has been what I've been looking for to really flesh it out.
    as a StarUI user, tried looking the posts to see if anyone else had issues, but I cannot get the icons to function, or any solid fix.
    followed the instructions in the article, tried both  ...\data\textures\interface\workshopicons and ...\data\textures\workshopicons to no avail.

    any thoughts? I even moved both.esm to the beginning of the load order, even though that shouldnt matter.
    I see  no conflicts in xedit for my modlist.
    not a big deal, but would polish the mod quite nicely.
    1. NitroSBack
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Hey friend, sorry for the belated response. The icon pack was made when I only had about 180 objects. It only has about 100 icons in it. It is sensitive to load order. Basically, you need OCE in plugins.txt at first slot. The game looks to match build menu form ids with corresponding icons named to match game form id. Since load order affects formID of loaded esms, you either need to place OCE at top (it may be second, I honestly can't remember its been so long) OR you can find the first 2 digits of formID for an item in my mod based on your load order and rename the first two digits of all the icons from 03XXXXXX to whatever you need like 05XXXXXX, 06XXXXXX so on and so fourth.
    2. NitroSBack
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Actually, I just realized you may be using starUI Outposts, that should just figure it out regardless of load order as long as you install starui version of OCE. The StarUI version includes the names of the icons in the in game object name and starUI can locate the icon that way.

      But either way, there is only 100 icons so you would still have most items not having icons. Once I officially drop the next update bringing categories and the last legacy update to OCE before all additional version have new categories - I will work on even more icons for everyone. 

      Cheers! ^_^
    3. zpm0
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I am indeed a StarUI Outpost user. going back, I do see that some do have icons, which makes sense with your original release.
      take care of you and yours first, no rush. I was just thinking something was wrong at first, looking forward to the update. this has been a great improvement to outpost building.
    4. Quadnick
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I just responded to your other post about your ER visits and surgeries, which is bad enough. But you're having family issues too? Haha damn man. Life really has a way of just piling on sometimes. You're due for some smooth sailing. Hope that comes soon for you brother.
  10. IkariTheTrueHighKing
    • member
    • 69 kudos
    Why is there only female mannequin octagon display case? is it intended?
    1. NitroSBack
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      At the time, yes. I just wanted a display case that worked and some of the other mannequins produced strange placement/overlap issues. I only tried about 5 and IIRC theres nearly 30 mannequins. So I will try with some more variants of the mannequin within the case when I jump back into modding. Just taking a medical hiatus right now while I focus on me. I will be back soon and with new updates/content that everyone can love ^_^

  11. softail4life
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Love the mod, thank you. I have a question and only ask to make sure all is good on my end, but the cabinet with the mannequin,  is there only the female one? No issue either way. Thanks again
    1. NitroSBack
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Currently its only the female mannequin currently but I will eventually add more. I can quickly just throw one more together with male mannequin for next update and then later add even more variants.
    2. softail4life
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      No worries, I just wanted to make sure I didn't mess it up lol. No rush, you do what you need, take your time, thanks again.