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About this mod

Simple roguelike death mod. Dying in NG+ will reset the universe and begin a new NG+ instance. Utilizes PO3 Permadeath plugin.

Permissions and credits
Quantum Immortality - Roguelike Permadeath
A Permadeath Plugin

I have wondered about what happens postmortem to the countless fodder starborn that you kill. Their bodies turn to glitter, but do they truly die or do they respawn in a new universe?  Then I thought.... what if the player respawned in a new universe through a diegetic death mechanic? The NG+ system could be used to reset the game world. No.... that seemed stupid. I dismissed it. Then Aixsama suggested the same thing, who figured was a "neat idea". That prompted me to make this. And then I asked PO3 about permadeath.dll and he made it in an evening. Some might love it, some might hate it, but regardless Quantum Immortality - Roguelike Permadeath is now a thing you can install to turn your game into a roguelike. 

Starfield asks the question - who will you be? What will you do? Quantum Immortality poses the antithesis: who will you not be? How many worlds will you fail, Starborn? How many people will you leave behind forever because you suck at the game? 

Your Death Resets The Universe

In the morning, no body was found at the base of MAST. The player character would never meet that version of Major Sanon again, having entirely disappeared from her life just like her father. 

  • When you die as a Starborn, you will begin a new NG+ game instance. Credits will roll and you will be spawned into new universe.
  • Death is irreversible. Dying in NG+ will delete your previous savegames. 
  • Respawning does not count as truly crossing Unity, so PlayerUnityTimesEntered value is not changed. This means that if you die in NG+3 universe, you will respawn in a brand new universe with NG+3 ship and suit. The hidden NG+ difficulty multiplier also does not change.
  • Until Bethesda fixes it, NG+ Fixes or the Community Patch is necessary to fix the controls bug in NG+. 

Death is Final - Sort Of

"He is always becoming, and if it were not for the contingency of death, he would never end." - Nausea

  • Quantum Immortality is designed as a Permadeath mode with a twist. 
  • Dying in NG+ will wipe your savegames and respawn your character in a new NG+ universe. 
  • In the main version, dying in NG0 is not changed.
  • In the hardcore version, dying in NG0 will delete your character and wipe your savegames. Survive until NG+ to retain character progress.
  • In softcore version, permadeath is disabled and your saves will not be wiped.

Live With The Consequences Of Your Skill Issues

Every second of life is precious. You never know when you might instantly die and lose everything on the way to your home planet. Try not to die too much or you will be sick to death of the credits video. 

How Does This Mod Work?
This mod hijacks the vanilla ngplusplayerscript (used to trigger the death shader on player) to start a new NG+ instance when the player dies. PO3 Permadeath is utilized for the permadeath mechanic.

Is This Mod Safe?
Unlike my 2 previous script mods, I cannot guarantee that this mod is perfectly safe. It probably wont break your game like those janky-ass TESSnip esp/esm plugin mods are guaranteed to, but please make backup saves.
On paper, we are only calling the vanilla function to make a NG+ world where the player would have died. And NG+ creation pretty much wipes all game data anyways. But in practice, we are calling the native function to make a new universe in a situation that the game does not expect. So extensive playtesting has to be done to make sure that everything works correctly. Please report any bugs you encounter.

Versions 2.0+ of the mod are safe to install and uninstall whenever you want.

Recommended Mods
PermaDeath is intended to be used with this mod.
NG+ Fixes is a soft requirement in order to fix the controls bug in NG+ universes.
Save Restrictions is recommended to limit savescumming. 

Install PO3 Permadeath.
Install this mod.
As with every other mod, archive invalidation in ini is required.
Install with mo2/vortex/manual/dyson vacuum/whatever.
Manual install not recommended.
Safe to install whenever. Versions 2.0+ are safe to uninstall whenever. 

Updating to version 2.0 from versions 1.11 and lower require special steps (see sticky post). 

Q: Is this mod lore-friendly?
A: It is left ambiguous whether starborn can die or whether they return to Unity. Dont use this mod if you dont want to. 

Q: Will this mod blow up my game?
A: Maybe? The mod calls the exact same script functions that the vanilla game calls to set NG+, however considering the nature of the mod, complete safety cannot be guaranteed without tons of playtesting. Back up your save games. 

Q: How do I manually install this mod?
A: If you dont know how to manually install, you should not be manually installing in the first place. 

Q: I dont like permadeath. Can I have the rebirth mechanic without permadeath?
A: While this mod is designed for permadeath, you can turn off permadeath in the bundled ini file. 

Q: I cant save or load the inventory in the new universe. 
A: Vanilla bug. Install NG+ Fixes 

Q: I uninstalled this mod and now my player is immortal.
A: Caused by improper uninstallation of older versions of mod. See stickypost. 

Q: Can I skip the ending vision video?
A: Install a mod that removes that vision.

Q: This mod is deeply unserious, who let you cook? 
A: I think so too, but it is a "fun" idea. Blame Aix & AGiantPie for inspiring me to make this. 

My Other Mods
NG+ Fixes 
Simple Temple Overhaul
Quantum Immortality - Roguelike Permadeath 
Toliman Guard Dialogue Fix
Starborn Trader Overhaul 
Enhance Removes Bounties
New Landmark Quests 
Conner's Ordinary Conversations - Seek Out Stores
Conner's Ordinary Conversations - Sale Of Substances