About this mod
Allows you to swim anywhere there is water, wear your swimsuit on land, and dive for treasure or swim with rainbow fishies.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Based on Platonymous's Swim (Almost) Anywhere proof-of-concept, this mod lets you jump into the rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans of Stardew Valley.
- Toggle jumping into water using J (customizable)
- Jump in and out of water by pushing towards the water's edge.
- Jumping into water puts on your swimsuit, jumping out takes it off.
- Toggle wearing swimsuit on land using K (customizable).
- Use tools while swimming and in swimsuit.
- Travel by water between the mountain, town, beach, and forest by swimming to the map edge.
- Dive under the ocean and mountain lake using H (customizable).
- Play with rainbow-coloured fishies and hermit crabs under the sea and big fishes in the mountain lake.
- Collect resources and treasure from the ocean, mine minerals and artifacts from the mountain lake.
- Oxygen depletion while underwater is based on player's max stamina (multiplier available in config file) - also, bubbles.
- There is rumoured to be special gear hidden in the depths that might improve your swimming and diving...
Artifact spots in the mountain lake look like lily pad shadows... but there's no lily pad above!
To dive, you need to install the DIve Maps in the optional files.
You should install JSON Assets as well, just... because.
You can now create your own Swim Mod Info content packs that add dive info, underwater features, and edge warps to maps! Info on creating Swim Mod Info content packs is here.
Big thanks to Platonymous for the base code of this mod, and the rest of the core Stardew modding community for their great work on SMAPI etc.
Also grateful to Concerned Ape for SDV and pardeike for HarmonyLib.
Big fish sprites belong to whtdragon and were borrowed from here. Thanks for making them freely available!
Thank you also to those who provided translations! Send translations via discord, please!
Requires SMAPI, uses Harmony.
Compatible with Mod Updater for automatic updates.
Code is at https://github.com/aedenthorn/StardewValleyMods.
If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visit my Discord server.
A list of all my mods for Stardew Valley is available at https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/articles/895.