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About this mod

a pretty garden greenhouse with wine cellar, spa, and more

Permissions and credits
an indoor garden oasis greenhouse replacement with a field for crops, a garden for fruit trees, a wine cellar for kegs, a hidden-ish basement cave with a minecart link, and a spa for energy regen. also tonnes of random decorations and lore-friendly strings in various languages

★ features 

  • 15x10 space for six iridium sprinklers (=144 crops)
  • 16 spaces for fruit trees (two of each)
  • wine cellar for kegs and/or casks
  • basement cave with minecart link (outbound only)
  • functional oasis spa for energy regeneration
  • 16 custom strings (click on things to discover them all)
  • radio in cellar to change game music (like saloon jukebox)
  • custom tilesheet with edited vanilla sprites and a couple of new ones
  • optional non-alcoholic version without the wine cellar (in config)

♥ credits ♥

  • eemiestardew as always for the beautiful flowers and fall recolour
  • mmanlapat whose 15x10 greenhouse with cellar i used as a base



  • download and install the above required mods
  • extract [CP] Oasis Greenhouse folder to Stardew Valley/Mods
  • run the game with SMAPI