About this mod
This mod makes crops the way they always should have been!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
MOVED TO Balanced Valley
Do you love farming but you feel like this isn't realistic enough?
Do you always get rich and bored of the game by year 3 and end up with a farm full of ancient fruit?
This mod makes crops more realistic based on real information in terms of how many days to grow and the growing season and how many harvests etc.
Always I was not too fond of the fact that everything about crops is on YouTube and people say you should do this and don't do that and plant this but don't plant these, it feels like you're just a robot and always go for the same options with no sense of choice freedom because of the profit differences!
so if you think the same I hope you find the farming joy you're looking for, with this mod you have multiple ways to enjoy farming with good profit.
There are three modes, and all of them aim to balance crops with less profit than vanilla to slow progression and enjoy the game for the long term, the profit difference between them isn't much so you can pick the play style you prefer without worrying about that
↬ Realistic Mode ↫
- Adding/removing the ability to regrow for some crops
- Changing crop maturing days to be inspired by their maturing days in real life.
- Changing crop seasons to match their harvest seasons in real life.
- Balancing artisan goods (Honey, Pale Ale, Beer, Mead, Coffee, Tea).
- wines, juices, jellies, and pickles are more balanced based on the crop price.
- Balancing crops and tree fruits prices.
↬ Even More Realistic Mode ↫
- Adding/removing the ability to regrow for some crops
- Changing crop maturing days by depending on their maturing days in real life.
- Crops take a long time to grow but give a really good profit (the ultimate farming feeling).
- Changing crop seasons to match their harvest seasons in real life.
- Balancing artisan goods (Honey, Pale Ale, Beer, Mead, Coffee, Tea).
- wines, juices, jellies, and pickles are more balanced based on the crop price.
- Balancing crops and tree fruits prices.
- some crops are meant to be planted on the island farm or the greenhouse only and they take a very long time to grow.
- this mode will only balance prices without changing days or seasons, it was made for people who want to keep the vanilla style or to avoid compatibility issues with other farming mods
note: if you're using this mode you might want to delete the "[STF] Balanced Valley - Realistic Farming" folder
unless you don't mind having some out-of-season crops in the shop, the same thing for the immersive shops fix patch
↬ Changes For Shops ↫
- Pierre sells at 20%+ the prices at the start but gives discounts up to 30% (10% less than vanilla prices) when you have 10 hearts with him
- When you complete the Community Center AND reach year 3, Pierre will sell all seeds for all seasons year round!
that means Mobile players can have this feature as well, but also means buying Pierre's Missing Stocklist from Qi's shop is useless now.
- JojaMart now gives a 10% discount when you complete the joja route, what a generous company!
- When you complete the Joja Warehouse AND reach year 3, JojaMart will sell all seeds for all seasons year round! (but Pierre won't)
(if you're using SVE you need to disable SVE JojaMart in their config so it doesn't conflict with this)
Stardew Valley Expanded
Ridgeside Village
Lunna Astray
East Scarp
Adventurer's Guild Expanded
PPJA - Fruits and Veggies
PPJA - Mizu's Flowers
Winter Crops
↬ Spreadsheet data ↫
(you can check and compare all changes for vanilla and modded crops here)
important note: the profit numbers in the spreadsheet aren't everything! what I mean is that I wanted farmers to think and try things to find out how to manage their farm, e.g. some high-value crops are less profitable than others but you can prosses them into kegs or jars to get a better profit, some low-value crops have multi yields so planting them isn't a waste and a lot of other things that I want you to discover and feel just like a real farmer ツ
Enable For Vanilla Crops [true, false] default is true
this will enable/disable the balance of vanilla crops only, modded crops can be disabled individually
Balance Mode [Realistic, Even More Realistic, Lightweight] default is Realistic
this will change the balance mode of vanilla crops only, modded crops have the same balance for all modes
"Mod Name" [true, false] default is true
a list of mods to toggle each mod individually (check supported mods above)
also if you don't have the mod you don't need to toggle it to false
↬ Recommendations ↫
these mods are heavily recommended for a balanced and fun farming
Balanced Valley - Animals
Balanced Valley - Fishing
Balanced Valley - Mining
I recommend using "balanced mode" in my mods above
Take It Slow
Activate Sprinklers
Better Artisan Good Icons
Crop Variation
Fertilizer Anytime
- Content Patcher
- Shop Tile Framework
- Generic Mod Config Menu (optional if you want to edit the mode in-game)
unzip and put the folder into your mods folder
please note that the changes will apply only to things you make/get/plant after downloading this mod or switching modes.
Compatible with any mod that doesn't change vanilla crop prices, seasons, seeds info, and doesn't fully replace Pierre's Shop or Joja Mart.
Compatible with mobile and multiplayer (everyone has to install the mod)
works fine with mods that add custom crops.
if you have any issues or ideas to improve this mod I'm all ears for you, take care :D