File information
Created by
OmecaOne - ziggycurry - YongRiMing - Xing - ap05Uploaded by
OmecaOneVirus scan
About this mod
potentially the most MOTIVATED mod on the nexus
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
DT armor model - ziggycurry
HDT Physics - Xing
Animations - YongRiMing (highly recommended: Yamato Reanimated 1.3 moveset, new version contains some animations for DT)
Judgement Cut End - Chaos
JCE Remake (effects VFX used in this mod) - novon1/ap05
Vergil voice lines - mostly taken from PC Headtracking Vergil Voice Type
Scripts, Plugin - OmecaOne
Testing, feedback - 보노, Gaen El olvidado, and others
Inspiration - Dragon Trigger by cris
DevilMayCry 5 by all its authors
equip the shout "Vergil's Sin Devil Trigger" from your magic inventory
- shout button -> Devil Trigger transformation ON
- shout while transformed -> Devil Trigger transformation OFF
Doppelganger operation needs an extra "DOPPELGANGER SYNC" hotkey input (configurable)
default input: "Activate/Interact" (E on keyboard) or "Left Ctrl"
- hold "sync" input + weapon sheathed + shout -> summon Doppelganger (Human form)
- hold "sync" + weapon drawn + shout -> summon Doppelganger (Devil form)
hold "sync" while Doppelganger summoned -> make Doppelganger mimic your melee attacks- hold "sync" + shout while Doppelganger is summoned -> banish Doppelganger
alternatively equip one of the other shouts which all do just 1 single thing
"Summon Doppelganger"
"Summon Devil Doppelganger"
"Devil Trigger Transformation"
When your Doppelganger is summoned and you move, it will follow you much like an NPC follower.
When enemies are present and you do nothing, it will fight for you much like an NPC follower.
When you do a melee attack, Doppelganger will mimic your attacks with a bit of delay. It will use the same animations and movesets as you. With this you can do interesting team combos. Attack mimicry does not work for magic casting.
Press the "Doppelganger sync" input at any time while Doppelganger is summoned to teleport it to your side (this works after fast traveling).
Press AND HOLD DOWN "Doppelganger sync" to reduce the delay between your and Doppelganger's attacks. Some lag will still be present, especially in combat. If you dodge WHILE holding "Sync", Doppelganger will dodge in sync with you.
Doppelganger must be summoned. Press "Sync" input while holding down "Sprint" input.
(the extra input that needs to be held can be changed in \SKSE\Plugins\dtryKeyUtil\config\custom\SinDevilTrigger.ini)
- Switch places with Doppelganger instantly
- Useful for fast movement, evasion, or strategic fighting against many opponents
- Doppel Shifting costs 10% of your max. magicka and 10% of max stamina
- WARNING: You should only do this as long as Doppelganger is within sight. If you fast travel to another cell leaving Doppelganger behind, and then try to switch you will most likely teleport out of bounds.
Perform a Doppel Shift within 0.3 seconds after getting hit by an attack.
- Doppelganger will take the damage for you
- after taking the hit Doppelganger will disappear, and restore 20% of its remaining health to you
- When it disappears it will self-destruct, dealing magic/lightning damage to any targets in a line between you and Doppelganger and in a small area around its place of death
- Doppelganger cannot be summoned again for 30 seconds after this
You need to have a Taunt mod installed, either Taunt Animation or Taunting Matters.
Performing a Taunt while Doppelganger is summoned and while the Sync input is held will trigger the special dance. When Doppelganger disappears at the end of the animation, it will give 20% of its health to you.
open SKSE\Plugins\dtryKeyUtil\config\custom\SinDevilTrigger.ini to change the Doppelganger Sync command input (default: either "Activate" or "left Ctrl").
Devil Trigger form gives you various buffs (comparable to Dragon Aspect shout), they can be adjusted to your liking in the INI file
open OmecaOneVergilSDT.ini to customize mod settings!
all effects are annotated with Payload PIE into the animations so you can edit or use them without equipping the shouts
Doppelganger will use the exact same animation set as the player character, including anything replaced by other mods or with DAR
(EXCEPTION: anything that requires the player to have a MagicEffect/Spell/Perk on them, Doppelganger will not have these)
OAR/DAR condition for Devil Trigger transformed state:
HasMagicEffect("OmecaOneVergilSDT.esp" | 0x838)
only Vergil voice lines for now, if you play a female character just delete the files in \sound\fx\V\ or replace them with something else
Mostly fixed as of version 1.2. Things that can still hurt you: attacks payloaded with contact spells that damage/stagger/knockdown.
Any mod changing Power Attack input mechanics
Such as One Click Power Attack, Elden Power Attack, Separate Power Attack. When using one of these mods, Doppelganger will not be able to copy player Power Attacks without a patch.
- A patch for Elden PA exists.
- A patch for OCPA exists. A spell which makes Doppelganger do a PA can be triggered via Key Utils. Open the file \SKSE\Plugins\dtryKeyUtil\config\custom\SinDevilTrigger - OCPA.ini and specify your OCPA power attack input. It is known that Key Utils sometimes does not work for mouse input. If you use a mouse button to trigger power attacks with OCPA, instead open the file VergilSDT - OCPA Patch.ini and specify your input choice (this will trigger a scripted key down event which fully supports mouse input).
Dodge Mods
Doppelganger can mimic player dodge, but right now only when using TK Dodge RE
(I will maybe add patches for TUDM and DMCO dodge in the future)
SOS (Schlongs of Skyrim) messes with the transformation logic of this mod. People have reported that if you have a schlong equipped, your character will sometimes get naked (or invisible) instead of transforming
- Bugs were reported where apparently the game in some instances confused the player with its Doppelganger. For example where the player uses an item belonging to them, but the game thinks it belongs to Doppelganger and that the player is stealing it. It is therefore highly recommended to not let Doppelganger exist in the game for too long, only summon it for combat and banish it again before doing anything else.
- Some people have reported CTD (game crash) when using 2-handed weapons with custom enchantments from mods such as Vigilant weapons, Lightsabers etc. I was not able to recreate this bug in my own game so unfortunately I can't do anything to fix it. It could be an incompatibility with any other mod that those people have installed. If you have this problem, here is what you can do:
- make a profile in your mod manager with all mods disabled, except for this one and its requirements
- start a new game, check if CTD still happens
- if it does, I'm out of answers
- if it doesn't, start enabling your other mods again one by one and check for CTD each time until you isolate the mod causing it
- tell me the incompatible mod you found and I will try to make a patch
Doppelganger will sometimes randomly dodge on its own (no idea why)Fixed in version 1.1Doppelganger's ghost effect shader will sometimes bug out. if it happens, just banish it and summon againfixed in version 1.1