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Rudy102 and The Riverwood Modder

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  1. Wraith2029
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Does this only work with Rudy enb 1.1a? They are on 2.0 now which says it ONLY works with a specific enb 502 or something that isn’t what we need for VR. They do still have the link for 1.2 that I have to try. I’ve been troubleshooting as I get a ghost image of prior scenes sometimes. Often when loading into a new area. For example trying to walk from outside of white run I enter the main gates then loading screen is there but rather than black loading screen I get that plus a transluscent image of what the gates of white run. Once I’m in the city proper I can see the road that leads to the bannered mare but it’s like I’m looking at the road through a clear film that has been printed on with the last image of the gates I saw. I can walk all the over white run and the image stays superimposed over everything I see. It’s only there when I have enb enabled. I’ve tried 495 the 450ish and 350ish enb files that are specifically for Skyrim vr. Anyone have this issue plus a fix? Is it because I used Rudy enb 2.0 instead of 1.1a? Is this file dead now without the 1.1a being available? There is no link to it I could find and I don’t know how to dig through nexus archives for files not provided on the mod page.

    Thanks in advance
    1. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      You can still find 1.1a / 1.2 in the "old files" section of the download page which should work with the VR version.
  2. olet
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    When I add  this patch on the nat3 ruby in VR, I can see nothing only dark screen, I can hear the game audio working.
    what is problem?
    I used SMO mod list.
  3. red48dude
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    after running this for the first time after using TheEnhancer ENB, I honestly really like this. To explain this shortly, its just a really soft version which actually makes the game easier on your eyes which is always good for vr purposes. I have tons of other mods that change lighting and didn't think it would be so easy to change. Will post images of my own if I get the chance or find the perfect view. 
  4. ZachariaszPL
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos

    I have a problem with rain, it basically stops raining half way through. Like here:
    It's not as visible on static image as it is in HMD, but it looks like it hits an invisible platform in the middle of the hut's roof. 
    1. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Are you using DLAA / DLSS? It can confuse rain with aliased edges against certain backgrounds and cause the problem you are seeing.

      In the SSE files that you downloaded as part of installation step 4 there is an "ADDONS" folder that contains a folder called "Optional rain drops textures." You can try other rain drop sizes to see if they are less likely to be affected. Just copy the enbraindrops.png of the size of your choice into the enbseries folder in you game folder overwriting the default texture. (I believe that "drop" is the one used by default if you want to switch back.)

      Hope this helps.
    2. ZachariaszPL
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Unfortunately it did not help, but I have come to better way to describe the issue: I'm getting some sort of a cutout in rain
      I do have the upscaler .dll installed, but DLAA has been turned off during testing. 
      Also I'm 90% sure I didn't have this problem while using Scenery ENB.
      Of course I tried different droplet textures, but it haven't change anything since it looks like some sort of shader-geometry issue (I'm just guessing).
    3. ZachariaszPL
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I have confirmed that the problem is not present on Scenery, but it's even worse on Enhancer
    4. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      In that case, do you mind testing the following three values (0.6, 1.0, -1.0) for RefractionFactor under [RAIN] to see if any of them fix the issue you are seeing? 
    5. ZachariaszPL
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      .6 looked worse than default .15
      1.0/-1.0 looked fine in one eye, but bugged in another
      Only edge values 2.0/-2.0 were bug-free (or at least I haven't seen anything in 10 minutes). 
    6. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Thanks for testing those out. Do you have foveated rendering turned on? That can sometimes cause issues that are seen in just one eye.

      Also, can you share the game time of day / location / weather ID where you are seeing this problem?
    7. ZachariaszPL
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Location: Falkreath
      Weather index: 11
      weather ID: 0x0010A231
      Time: 5:24 PM

      I do indeed use fovated rendering from vrperfkit, but disabling it does not solve the issue. Also sometimes only one eye is bugged and sometimes both, seems kinda random.
    8. Lifeless999
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      its actually an old bug pre VR days its from rain occlusion and it only happens once you go under water.  Its a silly bug with ENB but you can turn off weather occlusion in the ini or use the console command for the few times you trigger it
  5. MercuryXIII
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I'm slowly working out kinks in my modlist, and eventually returned to some issues I have with Rudy\NAT3 combo. Foam and waterfalls being too bright at certain time\weather still bothers me, but I believe I did all I could to solve this. It also not too bad, I can live with it.

    The issue with fog, mentioned by Bundaraman as well, I found much harder to ignore. Even at clear weather, fog on the mountains tend to noticeable change shade with character movement or turning. NAT also have weather with heavy fog, making this much worse – fog not only change shade, but move and flicker in and out. Typical flatrim fixes (like high fSkyCellRefFadeDistance setting) produce no noticeable effect.

    Now, when it comes to weather mods, I do not know what I'm doing. Nevertheless, this problem bothered me enough I attempted to remove fog from NAT completely and replace it with a more compatible alternative. I figure, all static NAT plugin place in the world, with few exceptions, is essentially Obsidian Mountain Fogs, known to cause this exact visual bug. I removed all of it. Naturally, it left Skyrim looking very dull.

    To address it, I investigated other fog mods. Turns out, Cresty's Distant Mists, for some reason, do not have the aforementioned issue. It has no patch for NAT3, but b3ast1e provided an instruction for creating one in Cresty's Distant Mists comment section. A little tedious, but straightforward process. I added Volumetric Mists – not the main file, but an old one with VR in a name – to further supplement visuals. So far this worked surprisingly well. Fog do not behave erratically anymore. It looks different from Obsidian, but even if I compare them disregarding Obsidian fog issues, I say I like Distant\Volumetric Mists combination better. I did notice z-fighting on some mountains, which, I'm imaging, used to be hidden by Obsidian fog, but this is a problem as old as Skyrim. I probably will need to keep testing it, but so far so good.

    Just throwing this out there.
  6. lukeded
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    author, rtx1650 should use perfomance version? i wanna try balance version cause I worry about if losing a lot?
    1. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Feel free to try both and see which works best for you.
      The main difference you'll notice between the Performance and Balanced versions are Sun Rays as well as Subsurface Scattering. Also, the performance version does not rely on Adaptation so you can use it with DLSS.
  7. htakara82
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    overall i like it, but it seems that some of the interiors are unaffected by the enb, like in vanilla homes (unmodded) have the generic lighting.
    1. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      The interiors are made to work with Lux. Have you tried it with Lux installed?
  8. MercuryXIII
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I know it old problem, but I have an issue with brightness of waterfalls and water foam. At night, foam is way too bright. It looks fine during the rain.

    Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix and\or Particle Patch for ENB do not appear to help the way these mods did with Rudy Zangdar ENB. Tested on largely vanilla setup as well, but problem persist. Foam look less bright, but still clearly glow in a dark. Any advice?
    1. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      You can try Bright Waterfall Fix for ENB and if that doesn't help you can try Natural Waterfalls. While not perfect, these should be better than vanilla waterfalls.
    2. MercuryXIII
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I gave Bright Waterfall Fix for ENB a try, and I can see improvement. With Particle Patch for ENB off (it supposed to be included with NAT anyway), and Bright Waterfall FIx installed, foam do not glow at night on account of it turning black. Looks strange at certain lighting conditions, but overall less intrusive. The main issue now is twilight. With this ENB\weather combo, it starts to get dark at 6-7 PM, but foam retain its daylight brightness until 8 PM or so. But it not so bad, I can live with this. Thank you.

      Sadly, I run into another issue now. Under specific conditions, clouds turn invisible, but only in part of FOV. It happens when clouds getting highlighted by something, it seems – moon passing behind them or light of dawn. Turing ENB effects off fix it. Turning off Upscaler FOVited rendering also fix it, but I did not have this issue with NAT ENB or Ruby Zangdar ENB. It may also be something else altogether. I checked most mods that seem related, but no lock so far. Will have to do more extensive testing.
      Edit 1: I noticed it also only accuses in right eye. Huh. The rest are still stands – disabling ENB effects or FOVited rendering fix it.
      Edit 2: Tested it on largely vanilla setup – same problem. Tried switching back to Ruby Zangdar ENB and Cathedral Weather, clouds look fine. I am positive It's something to do with interactions between this ENB and FOVited rendering.
      Edit 3: More accurate way to describe the issue, I think, is not that clouds turn invisible, but that part of the FOV show different cloudcover, with sharp transition between them. Transition area do not aligned with FOVited rendering zones.
    3. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Foveated rendering in the Skyrim Upscaler has issues with the ENB CloudsEdge feature, which this preset takes advantage of for things like the moon glow effect through the clouds. It likely affected your other ENBs as well but if they have lower values for this setting it might not have been as noticeable.

      I would recommend turning off foveated rendering in the Skyrim Upscaler and either not use foveated rendering or use an alternate solution like VR Perf Kit for foveated rendering instead.

      If you prefer to leave that Upscaler feature on, you can adjust the CloudsEdge values down to make the effect less noticeable or turn it off completely by setting EnableCloudsEdge=false to the [SKY] section for all weather files that you are seeing this issue, but the clouds will lose the added effect of the sun/moon shining through their edges and certain clouds might not be shown.
    4. MercuryXIII
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      This did the trick! Had to drop Glamur, because it does not play well together with Upscaler and vrperfkit, but perhaps it for the best. Glamur have some nice features, but they appear to come with noticeable performance cost, at least on my current set-up. I am glad this seems to be resolved now. Ruby ENB for NAT is excellent, offering the best of two worlds and my favorite VR combination so far. Thank you again for walking me through it.
  9. LordFresh97
    • premium
    • 0 kudos

    I'm getting an Enginefixes.dll error. REL/relocation.h(458): failed to obtain module handle. I've followed the download instructions to the tea and I'm not sure why I am having this issue. Does anyone know of a fix or something I did wrong with the installation process?
    1. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      I would recommend posting your question on the Engine Fixes VR mod page. Some reasons you might see that error are if you renamed sksevr_loader.exe or SkyrimVR.exe or if your anti-virus is blocking something.
  10. anim8r55
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Can you integrate this fix into your files?

    VR ENB Blue and White Border Fix

    I tried to do it, but couldn't quite figure it out.
    Both part 1 and part 2 if possible.
    It looks like part 1 might have already been done, but not part 2.
    I could be mistaken.

    Thank you!
    1. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Part 1 is already integrated. I didn’t add part 2 because I didn’t notice any light bleed from the bloom, but if you are experiencing that let me know and I can look into adding part 2 as well.
    2. anim8r55
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I believe I am experiencing it. 
      It is intermittent, but does seem to be there, more visibly in dark areas.
      Not a biggie, but if you're adding anything else, it would be good to include.
      Thanks either way.

      FYI a HUGE thank you for this mod, I think rudy with Nat weathers may just be the very best combo for Skyrim VR.
    3. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Glad you are enjoying it. I'll look into including the bloom fix in the next update.
    4. theriverwoodmodder
      • premium
      • 132 kudos
      Part 2 of the fix has been added to the latest update.