This is a collection of small files that remove and reintegrate certain pieces of Creation Club content such as the Staff of Hasedoki and the Lord's Mail.
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File credits
BGS and associated mod authors: Skyrim and the original Creations. Aosana: For the LOTD patch.
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Version 4.1
Fixed the Arms of Chaos module requiring Stendarr's Hammer. Oops.
Redid the Gray Cowl's integration: Rather than given at the end of the questline, the Cowl can now be found near Andurs's skeleton in the Twilight Sepulcher.
Also redid Chrysamere's integration: It's now wielded by a Forsworn Briarheart in Broken Tower Redoubt by the name of Blakull Bullblood.
Fixed the various ring artifacts still being able to be fished up in the Fishing Reduced Cut module.
Version 4.0.2
Packed each script into a BSA for the sake of convenience (and making sure they don't get overwritten).
Added an ESL flag to the Fishing Reduced Cut module. No RefIDs have changed so it should be fine to update mid-save.
Version 4.0.1
Added the ESL flag to Bittercup. No record files were changed so it should be good to update.
Added the Fishing - Reduced Cut module.
Removed the edits to the Conjuration Ritual quest and gave the Sovereign Band to the Ritual Master instead. It was kind of a bad idea. Sorry bout that
Version 4.0
Major update: Several modules have been redone, including Chrysamere, the Gray Cowl, and Stendarr's Hammer, to simplify their implementation and make them stand out less.
Multiple bug fixes have been included, such as actually including the script for the Bow of Shadows module. It was a very stressful month when I published the last update.
The Redguard Elite Armaments module has been discontinued. Use Elite Sellsword instead. I'll leave it in the Old Files tab for anyone who still wants it though.
Version 3.12
Fixed the FOMOD requiring you to select a patch even if you aren't using any of the files being patched. Tonight is not my night.
Version 3.11
Fixed the FOMOD being borked. My bad.
Cleaned the Staff of Hasedoki ESP so it shouldn't cause issues with DynDOLOD. Sorry about that.
Version 3.1
Compacted and ESL-flagged the Arms of Chaos, Redguard Elite Armaments, Headman's Cleaver, and Staff of Hasedoki modules.
Added patches for Arms of Chaos and Artificer, and the Headman's Cleaver and Lawless. Thanks to DerrylHopkins for the patches and for letting me know that those four weren't ESLs.
Version 3.0
This update will require a new save. The old files will remain available.
Revamped the Arms of Chaos module, as well as some additions to the Bittercup, Stendarr's Hammer, and Gray Cowl modules.
Added new modules: the Lord's Mail, the Bow of Shadows, and Redguard Elite Armaments.
Version 2.13
Fixed the Ironwood Stew recipes in the Gourmet patches, as well as flagging the Creation Cave plugin as an ESL. Which I had forgotten to do even after I compacted the files. On the bright side, that means that save games should hopefully be okay.
Version 2.12
AIO patches in the FOMOD should install correctly now.
Version 2.11
Fixed a FOMOD error for the AIO file.
Version 2.1
Relatively large update:
Removed the Lord's Mail module in favor of Jelidity's Morihaus's Refuge. If for some reason you still want the Lord's Mail file, it is in the Old Files section.
Added a Bloodthirst module, removing the Bloodthirst miscellaneous quest in favor of giving the sword to Vighar, Dengeir's ancestor.
Packaged all the files into a FOMOD for ease of access.
Version 2.021
Fixed the Ironwood Soup curing all your diseases. Whoops.
Also fixed the Staff of Hasedoki individual file, as I had forgotten to actually give Vals Varen the staff in that one.
Version 2.02
Undeleted the quests and instead emptied all quest entries for all modules. Hopefully this should prevent any accidental quest starts.
Implemented the Creation Club Rebalancing enchantment for the Warlock's Mark. Thanks Oreo!
Added patches for Lawless.
Version 2.01
Fixed NPCs in the Arms of Chaos, Staff of Hasedoki, Headman's Cleaver, and the All-In-One file having no items. Oopsie-daisy.
Version 2.0
Simplified the mod to be more akin to Catir Club. I would not recommend updating on an existing save due to various changes to the ESPs.
Stendarr's Hammer is now in Mara's Eye Den in a crate.
The Arms of Chaos are now given to specific NPCs: The Caller, Sild the Warlock, Sylvia (Ilia's mother), and Naris the Wicked. Changes from Oreo's Creation Club Adjustments and Tweaks have been carried over. The patch is no longer needed.
The Staff of Hasedoki is now in the hands of Vals Varen in Hillgrund's Tomb.
Chrysamere is still in Bleakcoast Cave. However, changes from Oreo's Creation Club Adjustments and Tweaks have been carried over. The patch is no longer needed.
The Bittercup is now found in Rimerock Burrow. The Champion's gear is still in Lost Knife Cave.
The Lord's Mail is still in Shadowgreen Cavern, this time in a chest. This is due to the previous implementation causing issues with radiant quests. Oops.
The Gray Cowl is still in the Twilight Sepulcher, this time in a chest behind a master locked door.
All files have been cleaned, compressed, and ESL-flagged.
Added an AIO file.
Version 1.2.6
Fixed the Stendarr's Hammer FormIDs. Whoops.
Added a Bittercup Gourmet patch.
Version 1.2.5
Altered Modig Gilgar's outfit to include Ancient Nordic Armor as well as adding the Staff of Hasedoki to his inventory rather than placing it on the nearby enchanting table.
Locked the door from Fryssa the Forsaken's area to Dead Drop Mine, adding a key on a barrel outside her area.
Removed the Ancient Paladin from the Chrysamere file. The trolls should be enough of a challenge.
Version 1.2.3
Fixed the Ironwood fruit and recipes, preventing them from starting the Bittercup quest and allowing the soup to be crafted.
Added a patch for Apothecary for the Bittercup module.
Version 1.2.2
Implemented some USSEP changes to cells edited by these files. Thanks to Butterwichtel for pointing the incompatibilities out.
Version 1.2.1
Cleaned the Bittercup file and made it a proper ESL flagged file. Whoops.
Version 1.2
Fixed Chrysamere falling to the floor within the ice cave.
Renamed the Headsman to Chief Yagruk, and fixed him being too weak.
Added the Bittercup module.
Version 1.1
Fixed the Gray Cowl, Hasedoki, and Headsman's Cleaver files from initiating the quests. If they still do, please let me know.
Set the Stendarr's Hammer NPC to be the boss of her location. This is mainly for users of TDM as it adds boss bars.
Version 1.01
Fixed the Gray Cowl ESP from causing damage to save games. Oops.
Version 1.0
Slampire's Creation Cave - CC Reintegration
The Creation Club has some excellent items in it. However, the integration into the base game leaves something to be desired, tending to rely on half-baked fetch quests and strange placements. Inspired by mods such as TateTaylor's excellent Reduced Cut series, I decided to make some small files that do the same for the smaller pieces of content in Anniversary Edition.
The following pieces of content have had their quests removed and their content placed elsewhere:
The Arms of Chaos:
The Arm of the Sun is given to Ildari Sarothril, former apprentice to Master Neloth. Her journal has been edited to reflect this change as well as provide some light background information about the Arms.
Master Neloth will give the Arm of the Moon to the player after they prove themselves useful by killing Ildari.
The Warlock's Mark is, appropriately enough, worn by Sild the Warlock and can be looted from his corpse.
The Sovereign Band is given to the Ritual Master of the Wolfskull Cave coven, aiding her in the coven’s sinister plans.
The Champion's Helm and the Red Diamond Gladius are given to the leader of Lost Knife Cave, who can be found drunkenly fighting in a makeshift arena deep within the cave.
Ironwood Trees can now be found at various Spriggan groves in the warmer areas of Skyrim. Their fruit can also be found in apothecary and alchemist lists as well as a potential drop from Spriggans.
The Bittercup can be recovered from the treasure room of Rigel Strong-Arm in Pinewatch.
Chrysamere has been given to Blakull Bullblood, a Forsworn Briarheart guarding the prison tower of Broken Tower Redoubt.
Dawnfang and Bloodthirst (Requires Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers):
Dawnfang has been given to the leader of the Exiled Apostles, Kinthal, and can be looted from his corpse.
Bloodthirst has been given to Svarig, leader of the Exiled Priests near Stopgap Hall.
Fishing - Reduced Cut:
The Fang of Haynekthnamet is given to Jaree-Ra and can be looted from his corpse.
The Irkngthand War Axes are now found in the Irkngthand Slave Pens, close to a torture rack. They have also been given the names "Bane of the Betrayed" and "Brand of the Betrayed", making their current users even more grimly ironic.
The Mentor's Ring is worn by Ancano, and can be retrieved from his smug fingers at the end of the College questline.
The Ring of Khajiit is given to Mercer Frey, and was presumably stolen from whichever Daedra currently owned the damn thing.
The Caller now has Denstagmer's Ring, an invaluable tool given her research into elemental Daedra.
The Vampiric Ring is in the hands of Movarth Piquine, enhancing his already formidable vampiric powers.
The Ring of Phynaster can be looted from the corpse of Kornalus, a warlock within the bowels of Harmugstahl.
Haldyn of Japhet's Folly now wears the Warlock's Ring which can be taken from his corpse at the end of "Rise in the East".
The Ring of the Wind is given as a reward for restoring the Gildergreen after completing "The Blessings of Nature", regardless of whether the player brings a sapling back to Whiterun or mutilates a tree.
Other unique gear, such as the Lucky Fishing Hat and the Ring of Kynareth, can still be fished up.
The Bow of Shadows:
The Bow of Shadows is now involved in a sinister plot to kill First Councilor Morvayn in Raven Rock and can be looted from the ringleader's corpse in Ashfallow Citadel during the quest "Served Cold".
The Gray Cowl Returns:
The Gray Cowl can now be found near the skeleton of Andurs, a failed thief who tried plundering the Twilight Sepulcher only to die of thirst in a pit. Corvus Umbranox is laughing his ass off from the shadows.
The Headman's Cleaver:
The Headman's Cleaver is wielded by Ghunzul, an Orcish bandit chief living in Cracked Tusk Keep. Provides a nice alternative reward for barbarians doing Mehrunes Dagon's quest.
The Lord's Mail:
The Lord's Mail, sacred symbol of the Empire, is now given to the player as a reward for destroying the last remnants of the Dark Brotherhood.
The Staff of Hasedoki:
Vals Veran, encountered during the quest "Ancestral Worship", has been given the Staff of Hasedoki which can be looted from his corpse after killing him and his annoying Draugr.
Stendarr's Hammer:
Moric Sidrey, leader of the enthralled Vigilants in the Ruunvald Excavation, wields the comically heavy warhammer of Stendarr in the service of his new god Minorne.
Note: Due to the way that Creation Club files work, I highly recommend that you use this on a new game. Related scripts will have already begun to play, and using this on an existing save could lead to errors. Also, if you use LOTD, do not use the Stendarr’s Hammer file. It is already distributed in LOTD.
Credits: BGS and associated mod authors: For Skyrim and the Creations. The SimonRim Discord: For encouragement and feedback while I made these.