About this mod
Phenderix Elements will radically transform how you play as a mage in Skyrim. Unlock powerful elemental forms and utilize a new spell-learning system that will allow you to progressively expand your arsenal of spells. Master the elements to create truly unique character builds that are capable of unleashing awesome power.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Polish
- Changelogs
- Donations

Phenderix Elements will radically transform how you play as a mage in Skyrim.
- Unlock 11 unique toggleable element forms that provide powerful buffs and enchantments
- Learn new elemental spells that completely alter and scale in power as the player progresses through a playthrough
- New spell learning system that will allow you to learn new spells by using your existing spells
This mod should be conflict-free and work with any spell or perk mods you are using. It can be installed mid-playthrough.
What are elemental forms?
Forms are essentially power-ups or auras that give benefits to the player at the cost of Magicka or Health every second that they are active.
In addition to the buffs, the forms will enable you to use the three dynamic spells added by this mod, as well as have automatically enchanted arrows, crossbow bolts, and unarmed punches. These spells and enchantments will sap the player's Magicka or Health and will scale with the player's magic skill levels.
How do I unlock elemental forms?
Use the <Phenderix Elements> spell, given to the player automatically upon installing this mod, to open a menu that has many options, including the option to unlock elemental forms.
You can also use a configurable hotkey to open this menu. By default, the open menu hotkey is "=".
You may need to hold down the hotkey for half a second for it to trigger.
You unlock elements by spending element points and you will initially start with 5 element points, enough to unlock your first element. Unlocking additional elements will require you to spend element points. Gain an element point every time your character levels up.
There is also a cheat option in the menu system that will allow you to easily unlock all elements for use. However, I do encourage you to use the built-in mechanics, instead of cheating, for a more balanced and progressive character playthrough.
How to toggle elemental forms?
Upon unlocking an element using the menu system, you will have an element spell added to your spells list.
Cast this spell to turn on the elemental form. Cast this same spell again to turn off the elemental form.
You can also, using this mod's MCM, set up a hotkey for every element that you can press to toggle the elemental form on/off.
All element forms have an infinite duration and will last until you dispel them, run out of Magicka, or die.
Lastly, there is an additional configurable hotkey that will turn off all active elemental forms. By default, the dispel form hotkey is "-".
You may need to hold down the hotkey for half a second for it to trigger.
What options do I have for elemental forms?
Please see below a high-level summary of all of the elemental forms.
A more detailed overview of each element is provided later in the guide.
1. Fire Form
- Primary Magic Skill: Destruction
- Player Buffs: Increased fire resist and all fire spells do 15% more damage and cost 15% less magicka
- Core Mechanics: Spells damage health
- Primary Magic Skill: Destruction
- Player Buffs: Increased frost resist and all frost spells do 15% more damage and cost 15% less magicka
- Core Mechanics: Spells damage health and slow those impacted
- Primary Magic Skill: Destruction
- Player Buffs: Increased shock resist and all shock spells do 15% more damage and cost 15% less magicka
- Core Mechanics: Spells damage health & magicka
- Primary Magic Skill: Alteration
- Player Buffs: Increased armor rating and increased carry weight
- Core Mechanics: Spells damage health & stamina
- Primary Magic Skill: Alteration
- Player Buffs: Increased movement speed and jump height (while not swimming), zero fall damage
- Core Mechanics: Spells deal low damage but can cause stagger or knockback
- Primary Magic Skill: Restoration
- Player Nerfs: Decrease player health every second form is active, buff all spell output
- Core Mechanics: Spells deal very high damage and deal damage to the caster
- Primary Magic Skill: Restoration
- Player Buffs: Increased health regen, increased healing spell effectiveness, and increased damage to undead
- Core Mechanics: Spells deal moderate damage and will heal the caster
- Primary Magic Skill: Restoration
- Player Buffs: Increased poison resist, increased disease resist and chance to paralyze a hit target
- Core Mechanics: Spells deal low damage over a long time period
- Primary Magic Skill: Alteration
- Player Buffs: Waterbreathing, increased movement speed while swimming, and become slippery (10% chance to avoid dmg)
- Core Mechanics: Spells deal moderate damage and lower a target's shock resistance
- Primary Magic Skill: Conjuration
- Player Buffs: Darkness cloak that does damage to all in a near vicinity
- Core Mechanics: Spells deal moderate damage
- Primary Magic Skill: Destruction
- Player Buffs: Astral cloak improves magicka regen
- Core Mechanics: Spells deal moderate damage
What are elemental dynamic spells?
- This mod adds 3 spells, which completely change based on what elemental form you have active.
- For example, using the spell "<Bolt>" while having blood form active will allow you to cast a completely different spell than you would be able to if instead poison form was active.
- The spells will do nothing and have no effect if you do not have an elemental form active.
- The spells and element form mechanics are explained in further detail in later sections of this guide.
What scales about these spells?
- Pretty much everything, with every element type and spell combination scaling a bit differently.
- Visuals, including effect shader particles and explosion size increase as player strength increases.
- Power, spell strength and duration increases as player the player increases their magic skill levels and overall level.
- Projectiles, range and speed increases for many spells as the player gets stronger.
- A detailed explanation of the scaling mechanics for each element type is provided later in the guide.
How many elemental form + dynamic spell combos are there?
There are currently 30 possible combos.
This may be increased in future patches. (via adding new elements or new dynamic spells)
1. Bolt
- Magicka Cost: Low
- Casting Type: Fire and Forget
- Delivery: Aimed
- Magicka Cost: High
- Casting Type: Fire and Forget
- Delivery: Aimed (impacts all targets in an area)
- Magicka Cost: Low
- Casting Type: Concentration
- Delivery: Aimed
What is the new system?
This mod introduces an optional system to learn new spells. You can choose to heavily use this feature, occasionally use it, or completely ignore it if you would rather learn spells by continuing to use the vanilla Skyrim mechanic of reading spell tomes.
When you cast element spells, you will gain spell points for that element. You can trade in the points you accumulate to learn new spells of that element type. For example, casting fire spells will give you fire points which you can use to learn other fire spells. Using wind spells will give you wind points that you can use to learn other wind spells.
What spells are included in this system?
The spell learning system supports spells that I have handpicked that fit well into the system from vanilla Skryim and from mods that add spells. Support for these spell mods is built into Phenderix Elements already and doesn't require any patches.
The section of the guide below covering the elements will tell you specifically which spells are unlockable within each element type and what the unlock requirements are.
How do I learn new spells?
Use the <Phenderix Elements> spell, given to the player automatically, to open a menu that has many options, including learning new spells. You learn new spells by spending spell points.
The spells you can choose to learn are limited by your level in the associated magic skill.
For example, if you are only an apprentice in Destruction magic, you will only be able to unlock apprentice-level spells. Once you achieve master status in Destruction magic, you will be able to unlock master levels spells for elements that have Destruction as their primary associated magic skill.
In addition to the 3 dynamic spells mentioned above, this mod adds additional spells that can be unlocked via the new spell learning system. These new spells can be used regardless if the elemental form is active or off. (and function like traditional Skyrim spells)
Future updates to this mod will add more new, unique spells to each of the 11 element archetypes.
When a form is active, your unarmed fists, arrows, and crossbow bolts will automatically be enchanted and do elemental damage of the type of your active form. When hitting an enemy there will be a visual elemental explosion that occurs as well as potentially other effects, depending on the element that you are using.
The damage and visuals of these enchantments increase as the player increases their magic skill levels.
Unarmed limitation: You must have both hands unarmed for the elemental enchantment to apply upon striking a target.
Many things in this mod are configurable via the included mod configuration menu. (MCM)
Here are the things you can currently do in the Phenderix Elements MCM:
- Set hotkeys to toggle elemental forms, including an option to toggle them off via hotkey
- Base damage of element dynamic spells (bolt, beam, blast)
- Damage magnitude multipliers of each element type
- Magicka sap amounts (for when form is active and also when casting spells)
- Duration of certain element effects
- Element and spell learning point requirements

Required Mods
This mod has several installation requirements:
- Papyrus Extender
- Powerofthree's Tweaks (required for Papyrus Extender to function)
- Address Library (required for Papyrus Extender to function)
- Keyword Item Distributor (KID)
- UIExtensions
Optional Add-Ons
Synergies with Spell Mods
The following mods will add more spells to the spell learning system added by Phenderix Elements.
These mods are completely optional but can greatly enhance your experience using this mod.
- Odin or Mysticism
- Phenderix Magic Evolved or Phenderix Magic World
- Elemental Destruction Magic Redux
- Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Arcanum Fixed (Full Version)
- Storm Calling Magic
- Hemomancy (ESL Version)
- Astral Magic 2
- Cosmic Spells
- Forgotten Magic Redone
- Flames of Coldharbour
- Inquisition
- Vulcano
- Constellation Magic
- Winter Wonderland Magic
- Arclight
- Storm Calling Magic 2
Do not compact the form IDs and ESLify any of the above mods (if they aren't already an ESL) Doing so will break the integration I have made for the above mods and Phenderix Elements.
Spell mods that are not listed above will still work with this mod and will not cause compatibility issues. You will just not be able to obtain spells from these mods using the spell learning system added by Phenderix Elements.

Vanilla Spells Compatibility
Phenderix Elements does not edit any spell found in Skyrim or its DLC. You can continue using these spells.
However, some spells added by Phenderix Elements are meant to replace these spells.
Many spells added by this mod are improved versions of vanilla spells that scale over time in more interesting ways.
Mod Spells Compatibility
This mod works out of the box with every other spell mod made for Skyrim.
I personally recommend using this mod in combination with other magic mods. By doing so, you will unlock all kinds of cool and useful roleplaying opportunities.
Proteus Compatibility
This mod works with my mod Proteus. (v.3.2.4 and beyond)
Using the mods together will allow you to play as multiple characters, each with its own tracked element/spell progression.

Fire form provides the player with additional fire resistance and makes fire spells do more damage and cost less magicka.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Destruction skill level.
- additional fire resistance = (player destruction level) * 1%
- fire spell damage increase = 15%
- fire spell cost decrease = 15%
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Fire spells damage a target's health.
Scaling of the three dynamic fire spells:
- Damage scales with Destruction skill level and any perks/enchants that impact fire damage
- Projectile speed and range (for bolt and blast) scales with Destruction skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Destruction skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Destruction level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing fire form:
BOLT - FIREBOLT - fire a firebolt that will damage a target upon impact
BLAST - DRAGON FIRE - unleash a blast of fire that will damage an area
BEAM - FLAMES - spout a short burst of flames that will damage any targets it touches
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
The following fire spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Vanilla Skyrim + DLCs
- Flames (apprentice)
- Fire Rune (apprentice)
- Conjure Flaming Familiar (apprentice)
- Firebolt (apprentice)
- Fireball (adept)
- Fire Cloak (adept)
- Incinerate (expert)
- Wall of Flames (expert)
- Conjure Flame Atronach (expert)
- Conjure Flame Thrall (master)
- Fire Storm (master)
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Unbound Fire (novice)
- Dragon's Teeth (apprentice)
- Inferno (apprentice)
- Bolide (adept)
- Incendiary Flow (adept)
- Bombardment (expert)
- Scorching Hands (expert)
- Flame Strike (master)
- Forbidden Sun (master)
- Volcano (master)
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul
- Taldam's Scorcher (apprentice)
- Fire Hand (adept)
- Flame Darts (adept)
- Blazing Strikes (adept)
- Wildfire (expert)
- Fire Bloom (expert)
- Flame Tempest (master)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Fire Channel (apprentice)
- Fire Enchantment (adept)
- Firebolt Repeater (adept)
- Fireball Repeater (expert)
- Frostfire (expert)
- Frostfire Cloak (expert)
- Firespark (expert)
- Firespark Cloak (expert)
- Bird Bomb (expert)
- Blazebolt (master)
- Blaze of Wrath (master)
- Trinergy Cloak (master)
- Fire Concussive Strike (master)
- Burning Touch (apprentice)
- Flame Touch (adept)
- Greater Flames (adept)
- Fiery Grasp (expert)
- Greater Fire Rune (expert)
- Scorch (master)
- Flame Tempest (master)
- Immolate (master)
- Blazing Soul (novice)
- Cauterize (novice)
- Combustion (apprentice)
- Mending Warmth (apprentice)
- Inferno Jet (adept)
- Radiant Helix (adept)
- Chaos Fireball (expert)
- Punishing Fire (expert)
- Boiling Earth (master)
- Sol Invictus (master)
Arcane Accessories (Creation Club)
- Mara's Wrath (expert)
- Unbounded Flames (expert)
Forgotten Magic Redone
- Fire Blast (apprentice)
- Doppelganger (apprentice)
- Conflagarate (adept)
- Meteor Shower (adept)
- Salamander Touch (adpet)
- Phoenix Strike (adept)
- Molten Ash (novice)
- Molten Bolt (apprentice)
- Molten Touch (apprentice)
- Molten Rune (apprentice)
- Molten Body (apprentice)
- Conjure Molten Wyrm (apprentice)
- Molten Lava (adept)
- Molten Aura (adept)
- Molten Contact (adept)
- Molten Skoria (adept)
- Molten Wall (expert)
- Molten Fragment (expert)
- Molten Blade (expert)
- Molten Grasp (expert)
- Molten Lava Rune (expert)
- Conjur Molten Atronach (expert)
- Molten Earth (master)
- Molten Core (master)
- Molten Lava Detonation (master)
- Molten Palm (master)
- Molten Ray (master)
- Molten Eruption (master)
- Conjure Molten Monarch (master)
While fire form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with fire magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Destruction skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Destruction level) / 2.5
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

Frost form provides the player additional frost resistance and makes frost spells do more damage and cost less magicka.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Destruction skill level.
- additional frost resistance = (player destruction level) * 1%
- frost spell damage increase = 15%
- frost spell cost decrease = 15%
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Frost spells damage a target's health and slow their movement speed
Scaling of the three dynamic frost spells:
- Damage scales with Destruction skill level and any perks/enchants that impact frost damage
- Projectile speed and range (for bolt and blast) scales with Destruction skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Destruction skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Destruction level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing frost form:
BOLT - ICICLE - emit an icicle that will damage a target upon impact
BLAST - DRAGON FROST - unleash a blast of frost that will damage an area
BEAM - FROSTBITE - spout a short burst of frost that will damage any targets it touches
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
The following frost spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Vanilla Skyrim + DLCs
- Frostbite (apprentice)
- Frost Rune (apprentice)
- Ice Spike (apprentice)
- Frost Cloak (adept)
- Icy Spear (expert)
- Wall of Frost (expert)
- Conjure Frost Atronach (expert)
- Conjure Frost Thrall (master)
- Blizzard (master)
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Hailstone (novice)
- Creeping Cold (apprentice)
- Fracture (apprentice)
- Frost Nova (adept)
- Ice Shive (adept)
- Shattering Crystal (expert)
- Sleet Storm (expert)
- Frozen Orb (master)
- Howling Blast (master)
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul
- Arctic Blast (apprentice)
- Frost Hand (adept)
- Ice Shards (adept)
- Freezing Strikes (adept)
- Arctic Frost (expert)
- Frost Bloom (expert)
- Black Winter (master)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Frost Channel (apprentice)
- Icicle Repeater (adept)
- Frost Enchantment (adept)
- Ice Storm Repeater (expert)
- Frostfire (expert)
- Frostfire Cloak (expert)
- Frostspark (expert)
- Frostspark Cloak (expert)
- Frost Entombment (expert)
- Frost Concussive Strike (master)
- Frost Walk (master)
- Chilling Touch (apprentice)
- Icy Touch (adept)
- Greater Frostbite (adept)
- Freezing Grasp (expert)
- Greater Frost Rune (expert)
- Flash Freeze (master)
- Hoarfrost (master)
- Throat of the World (master)
- Icy Vortex (novice)
- Rimedrop (novice)
- Crippling Chill (apprentice)
- Frostpiercer (apprentice)
- Gelid Gale (adept)
- Whiteout (adept)
- Crystalline Spear (expert)
- Glacial Ray (expert)
- Frozen Maelstrom (master)
- Soul of Winter (master)
Arcane Accessories (Creation Club)
- Unbounded Freezing (expert)
Forgotten Magic Redone
- Frost Armor (apprentice)
- Ice Lance (apprentice)
- Frost Bomb (adept)
- Winter Woe (expert)
- Glacial Fortress (expert)
Flames of Coldharbour
- Cold Flames (novice)
- Cold Fire Bolt (apprentice)
- Cold Burn Touch (apprentice)
- Cold Fire Rune (apprentice)
- Cold Fire Ball (adept)
- Cold Fire Cloak (adept)
- Greater Cold Flames (adept)
- Cold Flame Touch (adept)
- Cold Combustion (expert)
- Wall of Cold Flames (expert)
- Cold Fire Grasp (expert)
- Greater Cold Fire Rune (expert)
- Cold Devastation (master)
- Cold Flame Tempest (master)
- Cold Flame Storm (master)
- Cold Scorch (master)
Winter Wonderland Magic
- Enchanted Snowball (novice)
- Frost Spirit (adept)
- Boreal Touch (adept)
- mirage Cloak (adept)
- Winter's Grace (adept)
- Boreal Breath (expert)
- Frostblossom (expert)
- Boreal Nova (master)
While frost form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with frost magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Destruction skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Destruction level) / 3
- slows target speed amount = (player Destruction level) / 2
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

Lightning form provides the player additional shock resistance and makes shock spells do more damage and cost less magicka.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Destruction skill level.
- additional shock resistance = (player Destruction level) * 1%
- shock spell damage increase = 15%
- shock spell cost decrease = 15%
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Lightning spells damage a target's health and magicka
Scaling of the three dynamic lightning spells:
- Damage scales with Destruction skill level and any perks/enchants that impact shock damage
- Projectile speed and range (for bolt and blast) scales with Destruction skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Destruction skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Destruction level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing lightning form:
BOLT - THUNDERBOLT - launch a bolt of lightning to harm a target
BLAST - LIGHTNING WAVE - unleash a wave of lightning that will damage an area
BEAM - SPARKS - release a short burst of lightning that will harm a target
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
The following lightning spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Vanilla Skyrim + DLCs
- Sparks (novice)
- Lightning Bolt (apprentice)
- Shock Rune (apprentice)
- Chain Lightning (adept)
- Lightning Cloak (adept)
- Wall of Storms (expert)
- Thunderbolt (expert)
- Conjure Storm Stronach (expert)
- Conjure Storm Thrall (master)
- Lightning Storm (master)
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Crackle (novice)
- Rift Bolt (apprentice)
- Thundercrack (apprentice)
- Electrosphere (adept)
- Scattershock (adept)
- Lightning Strike (expert)
- Shock Nova (expert)
- Cyclonic Rift (master)
- Fingers of the Mountain (master)
- Static Dome (master)
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul
- Lightning Grasp (apprentice)
- Storm Hand (adept)
- Charged Storm (adept)
- Shocking Strikes (adept)
- Thundering Grasp (expert)
- Shock Bloom (expert)
- Lightning Fury (master)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Lightning Channel (apprentice)
- Shock Enchantment (adept)
- Firespark (expert)
- Firespark Cloak (expert)
- Frostspark (expert)
- Frostspark Cloak (expert)
- Charged K Beam (master)
- Discharge (master)
- Lightning Concussive Strike (master)
- Shocking Touch (apprentice)
- Static Touch (adept)
- Greater Sparks (adept)
- Thundering Grasp (expert)
- Greater Lightning Rune (expert)
- Electrocute (master)
- Finger of the Mountain (master)
- Stormblast (master)
- Electrolyze (novice)
- Induced Charge (novice)
- Lightning Tether (apprentice)
- Unstable Current (apprentice)
- Distortion Flux (adept)
- Overload (adept)
- Eyes of Kyne (expert)
- Thunderbreak (expert)
- Atomize (master)
- Twisting Tempest (master)
Storm Calling Magic 1
- Streak (expert)
- Lightning Flood (expert)
- Mage's Fury (expert)
Storm Calling Magic 2
- Teslasphere (adept)
- Streak (expert)
- Lightning Flood (expert)
- Mage's Fury (expert)
- Maelstrom (master)
- Conjure Gloomstorm Atronach (master)
Arcane Accessories (Creation Club)
- Unbounded Storms (expert)
Forgotten Magic Redone
- Storm Strike (apprentice)
- Lightning Strike (adept)
- Storm Armor (adept)
- Electric Charge (adept)
- Skyfall (expert)
- Arclight Sparks (novice)
- Arclight Body (apprentice)
- Arclight Bolt (apprentice)
- Arclight Touch (apprentice)
- Arclight Rune (apprentice)
- Arclight Chain (adept)
- Arclight Aura (adept)
- Arclight Contact (adept)
- Arclight Wall (expert)
- Arclight Flash (expert)
- Arclight Wave (expert)
- Arclight Grasp (expert)
- Arclight Charged Rune (expert)
- Arclight Atronach (expert)
- Arclight Discharge (master)
- Arclight Detonation (master)
- Arclight Palm (master)
- Arclight Storm (master)
- Arclight Monarch (master)
While lightning form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with lightning magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Destruction skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Destruction level) / 3
- target magicka damage = (player Destruction level) / 3
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

Earth form provides the player additional armor rating and carry weight when active.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Alteration skill level.
- additional armor rating = (player Alteration level) * 0.5
- additional carry weight = (player Alteration level) * 3
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Earth spells damage a target's health and stamina.
Scaling of the three dynamic earth spells:
- Damage scales with Alteration skill level and any perks/enchants that impact earth damage
- Projectile speed and range (for bolt and blast) scales with Alteration skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Alteration skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Alteration level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing earth form:
BOLT - BOULDER - launch a boulder at a target
BLAST - QUAKE - blast an area with the power of the earth
BEAM - DUSTER - continuously rock a target
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
SANDSTORM (expert) - unleash a powerful storm that chokes an area surrounding the caster
The following earth spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Vanilla Skyrim + DLCs
- None
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Raise Wall (novice)
- Strength of Earth (adept)
- Undermine (adept)
- Entomb (expert)
- Talons of Nirn (master)
- Thrumming Stone (master)
Elemental Destruction Magic Redux
- Gravel (novice)
- Rock Blast (apprentice)
- Earth Rune (apprentice)
- Earth Atronach (apprentice)
- Stalagmite (adept)
- Rock Cloak (adept)
- Boulder (expert)
- Wall of Earth (expert)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Sand Strike (apprentice)
- Avalanche (expert)
- Sand Burial (master)
Forgotten Magic Redone
- Earthbound Weapon (apprentice)
While earth form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with earth magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Alteration skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Alteration level) / 3
- target stamina damage = (player Alteration level) / 3
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

Wind form provides the player additional movement speed and jump height (while not swimming) and zero fall damage when active.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Alteration skill level.
- additional speed = (player Alteration level) * 1.2
- additional jump height = (player Alteration level) * 3
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Wind spells damage a target's health and can stagger or knock them back.
Scaling of the three dynamic wind spells:
- Damage scales with Alteration skill level and any perks/enchants that impact wind damage
- Projectile speed and range scales with Alteration skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Alteration skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Alteration level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing wind form:
BOLT - AIR SHOT - release a concentrated shot of wind
BLAST - CYCLONIC STRIKE - unleash a slow cyclone of wind that will knockback all that it touches (push amount scales)
BEAM - WIND BARRAGE - release a long-range, continuous burst of wind
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
SUMMON - WIND HORSE (novice) - Summon a rideable horse (level and speed scales with the player's overall level and Alteration skill level)
The following wind spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Vanilla Skyrim + DLCs
- Whirlwind Cloak (adept)
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Wind Running (master)
- Twister (master)
Elemental Destruction Magic Redux
- Gust (novice)
- Zephyr (apprentice)
- Wind Rune (apprentice)
- Tornado (adept)
- Whirlwind Cloak (adept)
- Wind Atronach (adept)
- Tempest (expert)
- Wall of Wind (expert)
- Cyclone (master)
- Wind Thrall (master)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Blow (apprentice)
- Gust (adept)
- Force Strike (expert)
- Force Strike Omega (master)
- Rapid Squalls (master)
- Gale (master)
While wind form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with wind magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Alteration skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Alteration level) / 5
- knockback amount = (player Alteration level) / 5
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

Blood form harms the player's health when active but buffs the damage of all spells the player casts.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Restoration skill level.
- additional spell damage = 10%
- player health damage = 1% of maximum health per second
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Blood spells will do great damage to a target but also harm their caster.
Scaling of the three dynamic blood spells:
- Damage scales with Restoration skill level and any perks/enchants that impact blood damage
- Projectile speed and range scales with Restoration skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Restoration skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Restoration level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing blood form:
BOLT - BLOOD BOLT - fire a blood shard
BLAST - RING OF DAMNATION - fire a blood ring that will damage an area
BEAM - RAVAGER - release a continuous blood beam
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
TRANSFUSION (adept) - heals a target while harming the caster for half to the heal amount (scales with player's restoration skill level)
SLASHER (expert) - unleash a powerful blood slash that slices a target
CONJURE DREMORA WARRIOR (novice) - summon a warrior you can interact with (scales in level/items with the player's overall level and Restoration skill level)
The following blood spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Vanilla Skyrim + DLCs
- Conjure Dremora Lord (master)
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Slay Living (apprentice)
- Welling Blood (apprentice)
- Conjure Dremora Churl (apprentice)
- Finger of Death (adept)
- Conjure Dremora Pit Fighter (adept)
- Conjure Xivilai Sorcerer (adept)
- Blood Boil (expert)
- Conjure Dremora Champion (expert)
- Conjure Dremora Honor Guard (expert)
- Conjure Dremora Mentor (expert)
- Conjure Xivilai Lord (expert)
- Bloodseeker (master)
- Breath of Arkay (master)
- Circle of Death (master)
- Conjure Dremora Assassin (master)
- Conjure Lord of Binding (master)
- Conjure Weeping Daedra (master)
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul
- Conjure Clanfear (apprentice)
- Conjure Daedroth (adept)
- Conjure Houndmaster (expert)
- Daedric Thrall (master)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Seep (apprentice)
- Hemorrhage (expert)
- Eradication (master)
- Conjure Dremora Warrior (adept)
- Conjure Dremora Warlock (expert)
- Atonement (novice)
- False Promise (novice)
- Funerary Rite (novice)
- Torrid Therapy (apprentice)
- Solemn Penance (apprentice)
- Transfusion (apprentice)
- Malpractice (adept)
- Brand of Condemnation (expert)
- Martyrdom (master)
- Psalms of Retribution (master)
- Conjure Oblivion Gate (master)
- Transfusion (novice)
- Blood Solid (apprentice)
- Blood Mark (apprentice)
- Blood Boil (apprentice)
- Blood Dagger (adept)
- Blood Dash (adept)
- Face Sculpt (adept)
- Sanguine Ring (adept)
- Blood Drain (adept)
- Revive Gargoyle (expert)
- Blood is Power (expert)
- Blood Tide (expert)
- Blood Grip (master)
- Blood Vortex (master)
While blood form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with blood magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Restoration skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Restoration level) / 2
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit
- saps 5% of the player's maximum health per hit

Divine form provides the player with increased health regen, healing effectiveness, and damage against undead when active.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Restoration skill level.
- additional health regen = (player Restoration level) * 0.2
- additional healing effectiveness = 15%
- additional damage versus undead = 15%
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Divine spells will heal their caster upon being cast and will damage targets.
Scaling of the three dynamic divine spells:
- Damage scales with Restoration skill level and any perks/enchants that impact divine damage
- Projectile speed and range scales with Restoration skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Restoration skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Restoration level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing divine form:
BOLT - CLEANSING LIGHT - unleash a sun bolt
BLAST - DIVINE AWAKENING - blast an area with holy sun magic
BEAM - SUNRAY - release a continuous stream of concentrated solar energy
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
PURIFYING FLAMES (adept) - fire holy flames at a target
CONJURE DIVINE PALADIN (novice) - summon a paladin you can interact with (scales in level/items with the player's overall level and Restoration skill level)
The following divine spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Vanilla Skyrim + DLCs
- Healing (novice)
- Lesser Ward (novice)
- Fast Healing (apprentice)
- Healing Hands (apprentice)
- Necromantic Healing (apprentice)
- Steadfast Ward (apprentice)
- Sun Fire (apprentice)
- Turn Lesser Undead (apprentice)
- Close Wounds (adept)
- Greater Ward (adept)
- Heal Other (adept)
- Heal Undead (adept)
- Repel Lesser Undead (adept)
- Stendarr's Aura (adept)
- Turn Undead (adept)
- Vampire's Bane (adept)
- Circle of Protection (expert)
- Grand Healing (expert)
- Repel Undead (expert)
- Turn Greater Undead (expert)
- Bane of the Undead (master)
- Guardian Circle (master)
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Wild Healing (novice)
- Circle of Strength (novice)
- Circle of the Moon (adept)
- Ruin (adept)
- Resurgence (expert)
- Dust to Death (master)
- Godform (master)
- Infinite Light (master)
- King's Heart (master)
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul
- Troll's Blood (apprentice)
- Shield of Daybreak (apprentice)
- Hallowed Strikes (adept)
- Rilm's Cure (adept)
- Shield of Sanctuary (expert)
- Purifying Dawn (master)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Restore Health Target (apprentice)
- Restore Stamina Target (apprentice)
- Restore Magicka Target (apprentice)
- Restore Stamina Self (apprentice)
- Scorching Ring (apprentice)
- Chakra Gate (apprentice)
- Fortify Creativity / Dexterity / Magic (adept)
- Resistance Field (adept)
- Divine Shield (adept)
- Cure Disease (expert)
- Divine Concussive Strike (master)
- Resistance Barrier (master)
- Overshield (master)
- Embrace (master)
- Resurrection (master)
- Sunbeam (novice)
- Sunlight Touch (apprentice)
- Sunlight Rune (apprentice)
- Rapid Regeneration (adept)
- Close Greater Wounds (adept)
- Attunement (adept)
- Radiant Touch (adept)
- radiant Sunbeam (adept)
- Searing Grasp (expert)
- Mutagen (expert)
- Reflective Light (expert)
- Radiant Sunlight Rune (expert)
- Wall of Sunlight (expert)
- Font of Vitality / Wisdom / Strength (master)
- Augur of Aetherius (master)
- Spelldrinker (master)
- Eclipse (master)
- Daybreak (master)
- Solar Flare (master)
- Charged Nova (master)
- Divine Pardon (novice)
- Immolating Glare (novice)
- Unbreakable Formation (novice)
- Vital Surge (novice)
- Alabaster Accord (apprentice)
- Consecrated Blade (apprentice)
- Hallowed Sanctuary (apprentice)
- Redeemer's Shield (apprentice)
- Anima Blast (adept)
- Battlefield Suture (adept)
- Gnosis (adept)
- Resplendence (adept)
- Righteous Authority (adept)
- Warstorm Ward (adept)
- Aedric Wind (expert)
- Sacred Fire (expert)
- Daybreak Coronet (expert)
- Luminous Edict (expert)
- Avowed Sword (master)
- Sutra of Perseverance (master)
- Exalted Armament (master)
- Second Chance (master)
- Reckoning (master)
Forgotten Magic Redone
- Healing Touch (apprentice)
- Hammer of Justice (apprentice)
- Divine Light (apprentice)
- Divine Armor (adept)
- Holy Bolt (adept)
- Holy Dagger (novice)
- Holy Sword (apprentice)
- Holy Shield (apprentice)
- Holy Mace (apprentice)
- Holy War Axe (apprentice)
- Holy Bow (adept)
- Holy Greatsword (adept)
- Holy Battleaxe (adept)
- Holy Warhammer (adept)
While divine form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with divine magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Restoration skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Restoration level) / 3
- restores 5% of the player's maximum health per hit
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

Poison form provides the player with a chance to paralyze hit targets and provides poison and disease resistance when active.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Restoration skill level.
- chance to paralyze target for 3 seconds = 10%
- additional poison resistance = (player Restoration level) * 1%
- additional disease resistance = (player Restoration level) * 1%
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Poison spells do dmg over a long period of time. (default poison duration is 20 seconds)
Scaling of the three dynamic poison spells:
- Damage scales with Restoration skill level and any perks/enchants that impact poison damage
- Projectile speed and range scales with Restoration skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Restoration skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Restoration level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing poison form:
BOLT - POISON SPRAY - launch a poisonous venom spray
BLAST - TOXIC GAS - release a burst of gas that will poison an area
BEAM - BUG BEAM - spray out a short burst of poisonous bugs
Other new poison pells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
HOMING EGG (adept) - spawn an egg that is a homing projectile onto a target, spawns something creepy and crawly
CONJURE SPIDER (novice) - summon a spider that you can interact with (scales in level with the player and will increase in size)
CONJURE CHAURUS (apprentice) - summon a chaurus that you can interact with (scales in level with the player and will increase in size)
The following poison spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Vanilla Skyrim + DLCs
- Poison Rune (adept)
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Leech Seed (apprentice)
- Necroplague (apprentice)
- Horrid Wilting (adept)
- Decompose (expert)
- Life's Finale (master)
- Worm Shroud (master)
Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul
- Spider Touch (novice)
- Viperbolt (apprentice)
- Black Hand (adept)
- Poison Strikes (adept)
- Viper Blast (adept)
- Toxic Cloud (expert)
- Accelerated Decay (expert)
- Poison Nova (master)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Spider Bite (expert)
- Poison Spray (novice)
- Poisonous Touch (apprentice)
- Poisonbolt (apprentice)
- Venomous Touch (adept)
- Deadly Poison SPray (adept)
- Poison Cloud (adept)
- Poison Cloak (adept)
- Vipers Grasp (expert)
- Viperbolt (expert)
- Deadly Poison Rune (expert)
- Wall of Poison (expert)
- Venomfang (master)
- Miasma (master)
- Death Cloud (master)
- Black Marsh (master)
- Betrayal of Flesh (apprentice)
- Conjure Mindwrack Spider (adept)
- Necrotic Ooze (adept)
- Metastasize (expert)
- Scourge of Thras (master)
- Aberrant Opus (master)
While poison form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with poison magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Restoration skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Restoration level) / 50 (lasts for 30 seconds)
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

Water form provides the player with water breathing, a chance to evade attacks, and additional speed while swimming when active.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Alteration skill level.
- additional speed while swimming = (player Alteration level) * 2
- 10% chance to dodge attacks (slippery effect)
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Water spells damage a target's health and shock resistance.
Scaling of the three dynamic water spells:
- Damage scales with Alteration skill level and any perks/enchants that impact water damage
- Projectile speed and range scales with Alteration skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Alteration skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Alteration level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing water form:
BOLT - WATERBOLT - launch a water bolt that will cause quite the splash
BLAST - RAPID WAVE - release rapids that will explode upon impact to release a burst of water
BEAM - CONCENTRATED STREAM - unleash a long-range spout of water
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
CONJURE SLAUGHTERFISH (novice) - summon a fish that you can interact with (scales in level with the player and will increase in size)
CONJURE MUDCRAB (novice) - summon a mudcrab that you can interact with (scales in level with the player and will increase in size)
The following water spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Elemental Destruction Magic Redux
- Rapids (novice)
- Waterball (adept)
- Water Rune (adept)
- Rain Cloak (adept)
- Geyser (adept)
- Torrent (expert)
- Wall of Water (expert)
- Water Atonach (expert)
- Tidal Wave (master)
- Water Thrall (master)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Hyrdo Touch (apprentice)
While water form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with water magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Alteration skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Alteration level) / 3
- target shock resist damage = (player Alteration level) / 3(lasts for 10 seconds)
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

Darkness form provides the player with a cloak that damages all nearby enemies when active.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Conjuration skill level.
- darkness area damage = (player Conjuration level)/10
- saps 0.5% of maximum magicka per second the form is active
Core Mechanic: Darkness spells utilize conjuration magic to summon purple fire and spirits from the void.
Scaling of the three dynamic darkness spells:
- Damage scales with Conjuration skill level and any perks/enchants that impact darkness damage
- Projectile speed and range scales with Conjuration skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Conjuration skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Conjuration level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing darkness form:
BOLT - DARK SHARD - fire a purple bolt of fire
BLAST - SHADOW BURST - unleash raw darkness to burn an area
BEAM - DARK FLAMES - fire a short burst of dark flames
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
The following darkness spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Vanilla Skyrim + DLCs
- Raise Zombie (novice)
- Reanimate Corpse (apprentice)
- Revenant (adept)
- Conjure Mistman (adept)
- Conjure Boneman (adept)
- Dread Zombie (expert)
- Expel Daedra (expert)
- Conjure Wrathman (master)
- Dead Thrall (master)
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- Conjure Avenging Wraith (novice)
- Conjure Deadeye Captain (apprentice)
- Conjure Lich (adept)
- Corpse Explosion (adept)
- Conjure Necrowitch (master)
- Conjure Nether Lich (master)
Phenderix Magic Evolved / Phenderix Magic World
- Conjure Dragur Assortment (apprentice)
- Conjure Skeleton Assortment (apprentice)
- Conjure Ghost Assortment (apprentice)
- Tentacle (expert)
- Corrupted Fireball (expert)
- Conjure Reaper (master)
- Conjure Gargoyle Brute (master)
- Conjure Skeleton Archer (apprentice)
- Conjure Skeleton Mage (adept)
- Conjure Gargoyle (adept)
- Conjure Skeleton Warrior (expert)
- Conjure Skeleton Champion (master)
- Oblivion's Embrace (master)
- Morbid Obsession (novice)
- Ritualist's Circle (novice)
- Conjure Death's Shadow (apprentice)
- Conjure Sorrowblade (apprentice)
- Conjure Lord of the Pit (expert)
- Song of the Damned (expert)
- Chorus of Woe (expert)
- Army of Darkness (master)
Plague of the Undead (Creation Club)
- Conjure Zombie (novice)
- Conjure Foul Zombie (apprentice)
- Conjure Putrid Zombie (adept)
- Conjure Malignant Zombie (expert)
Necromantic Grimoire (Creation Club)
- Conjure Skeleton Minion (novice)
- Conjure Undying Ghost (novice)
- Soul Split (apprentice)
- Conjure Haunting Spirit (apprentice)
- Conjure Skeleton Marksman (apprentice)
- Necromancers Ritual (adept)
- Conjure Skeleton Champion (adept)
- Conjure Tomb Guardian (adept)
- Banish Undead (adept)
- Conjure Cursed Spectre (expert)
- Conjure Skeleton Warlock (expert)
- Conjure Ancient Deathpriest (master)
- Conjure Bone Colossus (master)
Forgotten Magic Redone
- Conjure Deathguard (apprentice)
- Conjure Ancient Lich (adept)
While darkness form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with darkness magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Conjuration skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Conjuration level) / 2.5
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

Astral form provides the player with increased magicka regen when active.
These buffs increase in power as the player increases their Destruction skill level.
- additional magicka regen = (player Destruction level) * 0.2
- does not sap magicka per second when active
Core Mechanic: Astral spells damage a target's health.
Scaling of the three dynamic astral spells:
- Damage scales with Destruction skill level and any perks/enchants that impact astral damage
- Projectile speed and range scales with Destruction skill level
- Casting charge time decreases as the player increases their Destruction skill level
- Visual effects will scale with larger explosions and different projectile art as the player increases their Destruction level
Gain access to the following dynamic spells by utilizing astral form:
BOLT - STARLIGHT - launch an astral bolt
BLAST - STAR STRIKE - release a condensed burst of astral energy that will explode upon impact
BEAM - MYSTIC BEAM - unleash a long-range spout of energy
Other new spells that are only unlockable via the spell learning system:
The following astral spells can be obtained via the new spell learning system. (no patches required - it just works!)
Astral Magic 2
- Astral Bite (novice)
- Astral Wave (apprentice)
- Astral Light (adept)
- Astral Rune (adept)
- Astral Blitz (expert)
- Astral Crash (expert)
- Astral Flare (expert)
- Astral Spear (expert)
- Astral Strike (Master)
Cosmic Spells
- Luminous Crescent (novice)
- Umbral Orb (novice)
- Sentinel (apprentice)
- Star Storm (apprentice)
- Event Horizon (apprentice)
- Void Harmonics (apprentice)
- Cosmic Gale (adept)
- Plasma Bolt (adept)
- Stellar Birth (adept)
- Gravitether (adept)
- Graviton Sphere (adept)
- Prismatic Beam (adept)
- Light Speed (expert)
- Rapture (expert)
- Collapsar (expert)
- Umbral Barrage (expert)
- First Light (master)
- Eden Grid (master)
Constellation Magic
- Gravity Diamond (novice)
- Stardust (expert)
- Celestial Rays (expert)
- Supernova (master)
While astral form is active, your unarmed, arrow, and bolt attacks will automatically be empowered with astral magic.
The visual effect and damage of these enchanted attacks scale as the player's Destruction skill level increases.
- target health damage = (player Destruction level) / 3
- saps 15% of the player's maximum magicka per hit

- Removed some unused script files.
- Recompiled and edited several scripts.
- Astral form no longer saps magicka.
- Source script files are now included within the mod installer package.
- Added spell learning system support for Storm Calling Magic 2.
- Added spell learning system support for Arclight.
- Added spell learning system support for Winter Wonderland Magic.
- Added spell learning system support for Constellation Magic.
1.3.2 - Fixed hand explosions harming player.
1.3.1 - Added spell learning system support for Vulcano.
Version 1.3.0 - Spell Stats and Rebalancing
- Can now view spell stats before learning a spell in the Phenderix Elements menu system.
- Rebalanced and lowered spell learning system unlock point requirements. (Novice: 50, Apprentice: 100, Adept: 150, Expert: 200, Master: 300)
- Rebalanced and lowered form and spell sap percentages (elemental form: 0.5%/sec, bolt: 15%, blast: 25%, beam: 2%) with the potential for these to further decrease as player magic skill levels increase.
- Existing users may need to manually change the above values using the MCM on existing saves.
- Increased control over magicka sap amounts in the MCM. (now configurable precision with 0.1 intervals)
- Elemental form will now toggle off when magicka is close to 0, even when form sap amount is set to 0.
- Added spell learning system support for Inquisition. (simple keyword patch included in installer package)
1.2.1 - Increased collision radius of all blast spells; should fix the issue that occurred where they did 0 damage.
1.2.1 - Fixed spell learning issue that occurred when spell unlock requirement was adjusted to 0 in the MCM.
1.2.1 - Slightly increased speed of wind blast.
1.2.1 - Added spell learning system support for Flames of Coldharbour.
Version 1.2.0 - Astral Form
- New Astral form and Astral dynamic spells. (to be further improved in future updates)
- Improved blood form visuals.
- Added spell learning system support for Forgotten Magic Redone, Astral Magic 2, and Cosmic Spells.
- Improved Hemomancy patch with fixed script.
1.1.2 - Added firebolt, fireball, flames, frostbite, ice spike, sparks, lightning bolt, chain lightning, thunderbolt to spell learning system. (rebuild lists to see these in the menu system)
1.1.2 - Nerfed poison form paralysis (now 10% chance to paralyze target for 3 seconds)
1.1.2 - Nerfed blood spell damage.
1.1.1 - New sound effect that plays when form is dispelled due to magicka depletion.
1.1.1 - Form visuals / sounds now end faster after they are dispelled.
1.1.1 - Improved the visuals of many form shader effects.
1.1.1 - Made EDMR and Hemomancy patch plugins properly espfe format.
Version 1.1.0 - New Form Buffs & Creation Club Spell Learning Content
- Blood form, when active, now makes all spells 10% more effective.
- Poison form, when active, will give all of your attacks a 15% chance to paralyze a target for 4 seconds.
- Divine form, when active, now makes healing spells 15% more effective.
- Divine form, when active, now makes spells do 15% more damage to undead.
- Many spells added from the creation club contents, Necromantic Grimoire, Plague of the Dead, and Arcane Accessories can now be acquired via the new spell learning system. (you must rebuild spell lists for them to show up - click the "Build Lists" option in the wheel menu)
- New sound effect that plays when learning a spell via the spell learning system.
- Minor menu formatting fixes.
- If you would like to continue seeing updates like this, please support this mod and spread awareness of it! :)
1.0.1 - Fixed darkness cloak visuals.
Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release
- Phenderix Elements is out now!
Future updates will add new spells and potentially even new elements. I would love to see your ideas in the comments section. Your feedback can help shape the direction of this mod!
If you would like to see updates made to this mod, please help support it in any way possible. The more awareness and visibility this mod has, the more encouraged I will be to continue to work on it.

Can this mod be installed mid-playthrough?
- Yes it can!
Can I use this mod with Phenderix Magic World or Phenderix Magic Evolved?
- Yes, you can. Make sure to enable the included patch in the FOMOD installer. It will trim duplicate spells and make some changes to make the spells fit in better with the elements system.
- Phenderix Elements adds much improved versions of some spells that were previously included in these mods. (as well as completely new spells)
Should I use this mod alongside your Arcane Arsenal or Arcane Brawler mods?
- You could, but it's not recommended.
- This mod, via elemental forms, adds a much better version of the arcane archery/fists content.
Can spells added by Phenderix Elements be used by NPCs?
- Most spells added by this mod cannot be used by NPCs. (e.g., elemental forms, bolt, beam, blast)
- Some of the non-dynamic spells may be usable by NPCs.
What happens if I remove a spell mod or add a new spell mod during my playthrough?
- Open the Elements menu and select the "Build Lists" option.
- This will rebuild the spell lists and add any new spells or remove spells that no longer exist.
Is this mod compatible with Proteus?
- Yes, it is! Proteus, v.3.2.4, add compatibility for Phenderix Elements.
- This will allow you to play multiple characters with their own tracked element/spell progression.