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Adds 5 new butterfly species and 3 new moth species.

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I’ve always loved leaving the world saving aside to catch some pretty critters across Skyrim, but sadly, the vanilla game has a pitifully low variety of critters for catching. I’ve searched the web for a mod to fix this, but failed to find one that satisfied me fully, so finally I’ve decided to learn some basic modding to tackle this issue my way. This mod ads 5 butterflies and 3 moths to the critter’s leveled list, increasing your butterfly and moth variety a whopping 250%! I didn’t alter anything on the vanilla ones, and they should spawn besides the new ones normally. This is quiet a simple mod, but still, it’s my first one and I didn’t tested it thoroughly, so if there’s any problems or suggestions, feel free to address it in the comments.
-         Compatible with anything that adds more spawn points and critter numbers.
-         Compatible with Butterflies Unchained and Butterflies Land True.
-         Not compatible out of the box with it with other mods that add to the critter spawn list (like CACO or More Colorful Critters). To use them you'll need to merge the formlists using xEdit or SSEdit. 

I do want to add more butterflies at some undefined time in the future, so maybe keep this page in mind if you _ like me _ has an unquenchable need for pretty butterflies in your games.
-        Wiseman303 for the improved critter meshes.
-        zzjay for the improved butterfly textures I used as a base. 
(Those are both great mods, by the way, and if you want your vanilla critters to look good, I would recommend them)