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  1. Salvinha
    • supporter
    • 74 kudos
    Download the new 5.0.4 version of SPID released today (30.09.21), as it will better run INI files with some new functions.

    All the features I wanted to implement are already in place (Now for really!). Feel free to leave suggestions in the comment section for new features. I will be releasing new version only if issues are report.

    Not the author but I looked at the plugin and all it does that is of any significance is add a new perk and magic effect. It doesn't even distribute them to any actors or objects in the world, probably because that is handled with SPID. I'd imagine if this mod can cause damage to your save after being removed, which I'm admittedly not sure about, it'd be pretty inconsequential damage and you'd still be able to play the game just fine.
    That's the point. No scripts in plugin .psc or .pex files and no injectors/leveled distribution in ordinary ways.

    This mod is crashing my game!
    99% sure you are using outdated versions of SPID and KID and their requirements.

    Will this mod work in AE?
    Yes. Just download SPID and KID for AE.
  2. Salvinha
    • supporter
    • 74 kudos
    Regarding Ghosts Mechanics and Shaders Restored - Cut Content Restoration
    It's compatible, but ghosts will become even harder as per Exalderan comment in my post there.

    Hey thanks. This mod doesn't have any immunity. The only thing thats close is the Ghost Half Damage perk from vanilla. It gets added to ghosts by the defaultghostscript and halves all physical damage. Other than that its only the new shader added by the script and the 3sec become ethereal of ghosts. So if there is any stacking of immunities it's with the vanilla perk.

    Explaining what will happen, is this: 
    - Probably all Daedric Weapons/Artifacts (Except for the Dawnbreaker), Dragonbone, Bound weapons and all named weapons in my description page, will deal half damage and make the ghost disappear for 3 seconds, while that, the ghost is immune to the attacks of this "unsuited" weapon. It will happen in every hit. Unless those weapons are enchanted with Turn Undead enchantment.
    - Only Silver, Ghost (a.k.a Ghostblade) and Holy Weapons will deal total damage to ghosts and not make them disappear and be immune to its attacks.
    - I can't say what are the holy weapons as he only mentioned the Dawnbreaker and the Sunhallowed Arrows. Stated there are others. Find that yourself. xD
    - Enchantments still deal the total damage but now there are the unsuited enchaments/spells which will make the same 3 seconds mechanic happen. I don't know what enchantments are unsuited or not as Exalderan didn't mention. He only said that Turn Undead is suited. Find yourself the others. xD
    - Guards already ignore ghosts immunity in my mod, so they will behave as they should for Ghost Mechanics and Shaders Restored.
    - As for Ghosts vs. Ghosts, in my mod they ignore each other's immunity and deal damage normally, so they will behave as they should behave according to Ghost Mechanics and Shaders Restored.
    - All other weapons are automatically unsuited, will make the ghost disappear all the time, and won't deal any damage at any circunstance as per condition of Lore Friendly Ghosts.
    Use at your own risk as ghosts will become very hard. MWAHAHAHAHA

    Beware that Ghost Mechanics can't be uninstalled mid game.

    If you don't want all this difficulty but want ghosts to look cool, check this: Ghosts Spirits Souls
  3. NathanLS94
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does this mod work for non-human ghosts like "Conjure Familiar" ? 
  4. FreedomInMoonlight
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Sun spells from the Dawnguard DLC dont seem to work on the ghosts anymore?
  5. TheAwesomest
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    In my game it seems like ghosts aren't affected by destruction magic. In oblivion and morrowind, if i remember correctly, they could still be hurt by magic? And i was under the assumption they would also in this mod.

    Or is the mod not working correctly for me?
  6. mycathasasword
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I would love to see objects moving randomly when ghosts are around, and making them invisible for periods of time just to make it feel like an actual ghost moment
    (maybe make doors temporarily lock around the ghost?)
  7. SWGBeastFromTheEast
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Just a heads up, despite what's written in the disclaimer about ghosts in the Ysgramor's Tomb, apparently now they are affected by the mod. Maybe SPID fixed the issue. Just tested it out.
  8. Conifer
    • supporter
    • 70 kudos
    If it's even possible, what would be the best way to add the ability for Vampire unarmed attacks to harm ghosts? Thanks for this mod, I don't play without it.
  9. KnightOfYsmir
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    don't know why but this mod doesn't work for me at all. Can kill every type of ghost with my steel sword. only fist attack work
  10. miscdude
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    I remember encountering a ghost in a crashed boat in Oblivion, thinking "I'm pretty capable, what could go wrong" before being attacked. I couldn't do anything but run or die. It made me investigate silver weapons, and I ended up keeping a silver short sword on me at all times once I found it in case I ever ran into a ghost again. It was great. It made the whole experience unique and interesting. The first time I encountered a ghost in Skyrim I thought "oh s#*!, I don't have any silver weapons, I'm screwed I can't leave" but my follower hit them with an iron weapon and just dropped them like it was nothing. So disappointing. Very happy to rectify that. Chaos and pain option all the way. 
  11. Dylanater11
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would it be easy to tweak this mod to not give invulnerability but instead give a percentage damage resistance? New to Skyrim modding so I wasn't sure if this would be easy to do on the user side.
  12. Motenator
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    I use SPID but not KID, my vanilla bound weapons cant harm ghosts. They worked only after adding these to the exception list:

    exception list

    BoundWeaponBattleaxe "Bound Battleaxe" [WEAP:00058F5E]
    BoundWeaponBattleaxeMystic "Bound Battleaxe" [WEAP:000424F7]

    BoundWeaponBow "Bound Bow" [WEAP:00058F60]
    BoundWeaponBowMystic "Bound Bow" [WEAP:000424F8]

    BoundWeaponSword "Bound Sword" [WEAP:00058F5F]
    BoundWeaponSwordMystic "Bound Sword" [WEAP:000424F9]
    BoundWeaponSwordRightHand "Bound Sword" [WEAP:000BA30E]
    DLC2MiraakBoundWeaponSword "Bound Sword" [WEAP:04023F6C]

    DLC2BoundWeaponDagger "Bound Dagger" [WEAP:0401CE02]
    DLC2BoundWeaponDaggerMystic "Bound Dagger" [WEAP:0401CE03]
    also my summoned Familiar couldn hurt ghosts until I added Ghost keyword to the Familiar NPC