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About this mod

Small fix that prevents an arrow from automatically being placed in your hand when drawing a bow from holsters in VRIK.

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This is a lightweight mod that prevents an arrow from automatically being placed in your hand when drawing a bow using VRIK. This only affects VRIK holsters, it will not affect bows drawn using the Draw/Sheathe button map.

For use with mods such as Simple Realistic Archery, it may work with other quiver mods as well. This can be used without VRIK or Simple Realistic Archery, however it won't have any utility.


The latest version should be compatible with everything, and will no longer have an arrow flicker before being removed. Arrows are removed when bows are equipped and unequipped, bound bows will not be effected, thus you should still be able to manually equip specific arrows after equipping your bow.


If you're having any issues with Simple Realistic Archery I recommend reading the comments on that mod. My suggestions are to keep Simple Realistic Archery early in your load order, and if you're having issues drawing, disable and re-enable it via the MCM, there is also now a patch that will automatically do this for you. This mod does not effect any of the Simple Realistic Archery scripting, as Simple Realistic Archery doesn't come into play until you draw an arrow manually.

Special thanks to Arctal, creator of Spellsiphon, for helping me out creating this.