Mörskom Estate is a large player home situated on the hillside of Dawnstar. The mod comes with a short quest to acquire the home before the player will need to restore the building to its former glory, including the exterior and interior. Depending on your play style, Mörskom can be rebuilt using skill and materials or paid workers.
Other user's assetsSome assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
Asset use permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
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Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
I will not tolerate anyone re-uploading this mod in any shape or form unless for an endorsed translation by an established mod author or group.
If you wish to translate the mod, please use the contact form here: https://www.darkfox127.co.uk/contact and I will be happy to take your request into consideration.
File credits
[colr=yellow]The original version of this mod was created in collaboration with Elianora. Although Eli was not involved in the rebuild of this project, much of her work still resides in the new version of the mod.[/color]
If you feel you have been left out of the credits and one of your resources is included in this mod, please let me know and I will add you to the credits. Given the scale of the project and re-use of old assets from the original version, it's easy to lose track of mod credits.
Elianora simsim899 Phayntom The_Dog_Of_War
Enirac The Panicked Monk Sacralletius RetroDaddy DirtyWeaselMedia
Pushed the version number to 3.0 as this now aligns both versions of the mod for LE and SE.
Fixed issues with incorrect ESP flags for LE and SE.
Fixed major issues with the quest not keeping up with the player's actions, causing the quest to break.
Fixed issues with the quest not starting for some players.
Fixed a wide variety of mesh-related errors.
Fixed a wide variety of items not linked to their correct enable parents.
Fixed an issue with accessing the secret note in the hidden shrine.
Fixed a variety of gaps within the structure both inside and out.
Added mesh collision to the exterior railing.
Fixed a number of tutorial notifications not displaying correctly.
Fixed an issue with blood splatter from the secret room showing through to downstairs.
Fixed a number of Z-Fighting issues throughout the house.
Fixed a number of clipping issues with some objects.
Fixed the Miner's satchel item not having havok.
There is no longer a chance of receiving nothing in your mailbox.
Fixed an issue where Kregor's dialogue was not prioritising correctly.
Tweaked kregor's attributes, mainly ensuring he cannot be killed.
Corrected a varierty of floating items throughout the mod.
Set a correct location for the player fast travelling to the house.
Removed the custom towel clothing as it was not compatible with different body sizes and types.
Re-scripted the mod from the ground up, making everything a lot more efficient and easy to understand if you viewing the source scripts.
Renamed all references in the mod as part of this large overhaul. This helps keep track of changes and objects needing updating.
Made major changes to some room sin the house to improve clutter, layout and general design.
Made some changes to the flow of the quest, adding a new objective or two.
Added additional entired throughout the quest for additional hints and info.
Improved the look and design of the exterior fencing.
Changed a variety of crafting times and requirements.
Reworked the mailbox system to work with game time updates, preventing issues with script lag and allowing the system to work with custom time scales.
Reworked the workers system to work the same as the mailbox system.
Swapped out the rugs in the mod for brand new custom designs. These should also be compatbile with texture replacers, despite the unique rug detail added.
Increased the size of the journal font.
Changed the ghost's appearence to be a mix between Torban's old self and his vampiric form.
Changed the snow direction on a number of structures.
Changed a number of textures on structure, mainly the roof to better blend with the surrounding architecture.
Changed some other textures throughout the mod , also improving UV map scaling.
Swapped out some old meshes such as handrails for improved versions.
Added some skills to the ghost, including the ability to contract his vampirism.
Changed the noble chairs to better work alongside texture replacer mods.
Re-worded the note on the door.
Upgraded some furniture meshes throughout the mod.
Moved the secret button for the secret room to make more logical sense and be accesible prior to crafting any furniture.
Made some significant changes to the interior and exterior structure in places to improve visuals and performance.
Changed out some plants to give more variety.
Made minor changes to the hidden stashes throughout the mod.
Changes the color of the large rear gate bolt to match the rest of the structure.
Amended some crafting recipes.
Added some additional fencing and other minor touches to the exterior of the mod.
Added a visible side path the side of the house through to the back garden.
Added some additional quest markers for the quest.
Added a changable statue outside the front of the house.
Added some sounds throughout the mod when interacting with objects.
Added additional colours for changing various furniture and decor objects.
Added new pillows with changable colours.
Added a lantern outside of the sauna house.
Added some mining points to the rear of the house to help with gathering build materials.
Added feint wind sounds inside of the house that die down during the evening.
Added additional occlussion planes to help with performance.
Added additional ambient music for the start of the mod to add more atmosphere and make the start of the mod more spooky.
Added a new egg to the mod. Uncle Sweetshare is watching you.
Version 1.2
Added an option to stop mailbox deliveries.
Removed the ability to change the table cloth as it never worked as intended.
Fixed missing sauna water which can still be hard to see on certain modded games.
Fixed an issue where trapdoors made no sound.
Fixed an issue where the hot tub buff did not appear in your active effects.
Removed the notification on lit sconces.
Removed the sound from dead embers throughout the mod.
Made some minor tweaks to Kregor's dialogue.
Fixed an issue with the "Cannot use" notification. This may not take effect on existing saves.
Changed the names of mail items to add the "Mail" prefix.
Changed the name of hire worker letters to add the "Mail" prefix.
Changed the main cells to be No Reset Zones to prevent stored items from sometimes disappearing.
Fixed an issue where child bed ownership was lost when changing their bed covers, potentially causing issues with adoption mods.
Fixed an issue with the Basement rugs not appearing. May not take effect on existing saves.
Changed the colour of the lanterns outsde to match better with Lanterns of Skyrim and overall just look more natural.
Made some minor fixes to some meshes.
Added a new front gate which can be crafted.
Version 1.1
Rebuilt the quest from the ground up which has improved quest script performance and fixed most if not all issues.
Fixed the issue with Windows 7 users crashing in the basement.
Fixed the issue with banners failing to cycle through. Please read the update article for details.
Fixed the issue where the boat remained on the workbench for crafting despite already being crafted. Please read the update article for details.
Fixed an issue with containers being overwritten by other mods causing conflicts and potential item loss. Please read the update article for details.
Fixed an issue with prerequisites for crafting the kitchen.
Fixed an issue where the lucky quil couldn't be picked up at first.
Fixed the issue with guards not showing up for duty.
Fixed the issue where guards would attack each other.
Fixed the issue with the water in the sauna being difficult to see.
Fixed the issue with ghost book not being havok settled.
Fixed the issue where the bones would disappear before they have been burnt.
Fixed the delay on the ghost appearing after burning his possessions or performing the ritual.
Fixed a rare issue with a floating wardrobe.
Fixed the issue with the organ being playable before the quest has been completed.
Fixed an issue with the ghost book not having an FX shader on as a hint to its location.
Mörskom Estate is a large player home situated on the hillside of Dawnstar. The mod comes with a short quest to acquire the home before the player will need to restore the building to its former glory, including the exterior and interior. Depending on your play style, Mörskom can be rebuilt using skill and materials or through the use of paid workers. Mörskom Estate isn't your average player home as it comes with many customisable features and immersive interactions, from lighting your fireplace to making your mead.
Mod Story
As many of you are already aware, Mörksom Estate was originally a collaboration project between myself and Elianora which was released way back in October of 2014 winning Brodual's house mod of the year. In total, the mod received over 100,000 unique downloads on the Nexus. Fast forward six years and the new Mörskom Estate is being released for legacy and now the Special Edition of Skyrim.
Roughly a year ago, I started work on rebuilding Mörskom from the ground up after being prodded by some members of the community to port the mod over to Special Edition. Initially, I refused to allow anyone else to convert and upload it on our behalf as the mod had become so huge that loading it in the Creation Kit caused the entire program to crash. As successful and ambitious as the project was, it had its issues. After hyping everyone up and then abandoning the new version, I returned to the project with a newfound passion for Mörskom Estate.
Elianora has moved on to Fallout 4 modding and creating exciting new content for the Creation Club, so I went it alone and used my past 8 years of modding experience to rebuild Mörskom Estate almost from the ground up. The result is a far more immersive and fitting house for the side of Dawnstar including many of the much-loved features of the old edition without the bugs and performance issues. The mod has changed greatly, but I think you'll be happy with the changes and the final results.
For a full list of credits, see the section at the top of the mod page. The following are special thanks to those involved with the project.
The first isn't so much a thank you but a recognition of the part Elianora played in the original creation of Mörskom Estate. She's a wizard when it comes to design and I could never hope to be as talented as she is when it comes to interior clutter.
Next up we have my amazing partner simsim899 who has stuck with me through another insane project which has sucked up many of my hours. She's been my rock and continues to support me in all of my mod projects, along with giving a helping hand on some meshes when needed.
I would also like to thank Phayntom for putting up with my insanity and being a good friend to talk to and share ideas with throughout the majority of the project. You can thank him for prodding me to rebuild it in the first place and encouraging me to continue it.
Many thanks also go to The_Dog_Of_War who created the organ music at the start of this mod along with the soundtrack for the new trailer. He did an amazing job coming out of his comfort zone with the music genre I needed and I couldn't be more grateful.
Of course, I have to thank those of you (you know who you are) who have been watching my live streams through not only the creation of Mörskom Estate but my other projects too. You all keep me focused and continue to provide me with honest feedback on the content I create.
Old Edition
For those of you who would still like to use the old edition of the mod or have a save game that requires it, you can still find it in the old files section of the legacy mod page. I see no reason as to why you would want to convert the old edition to Special Edition so this is not available officially. Please do be aware that this is a completely new version of the mod and requires you to completely replace the old edition or add this new edition on a new save. You cannot perform an upgrade from the old to the new.