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Enai Siaion

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About this mod

Smilodon improves the combat experience by enhancing combat AI, adding mechanics such as timed blocking and attacks of opportunity, and making combat faster by increasing lethality. It is lightweight and uses minimal scripting.

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Smilodon is a spin-off of Wildcat for Skyrim Special Edition. It is compatible with the PS4 (albeit in a cut down version) and XB1 and removes some controversial features. Its feature set is similar to Wildcat, but less expansive and therefore closer to a vanilla experience.

  • Improved combat AI: modified combat styles and game settings.
  • Attacks of opportunity.
  • Timed blocking.
  • Faster combat: deal and take more damage.
  • Unintrusive, low script load.
  • Can be dropped into an existing load order as a complete combat package.
  • Comes with a "Smilodon" configuration power to enable or disable various features.


Improved combat AI

Combat styles and combat related game settings have been turned up, making opponents much more relentless and decisive.

Dynamic combat (Not available on PS4)

Various actions cost Stamina:

  • Attack (one-handed): 10
  • Attack (two-handed): 15
  • Fully drawing a bow: 15
  • Holding a drawn bow: 5/second
  • Swimming: 5/second

Actors that are out of Stamina are considered fatigued, slowing down movement by 15%. Stamina regenerates up to 50% slower when below 1/4 Health. Can be disabled using the "Smilodon" configuration power.

Actors hit by an attack or damaging explosion while drawing a bow are interrupted, throwing off their aim or ruining the shot. Use the "Smilodon" configuration power to optionally enable other forms of stagger for a more brutal experience:

  • Wound stagger: Actors stagger when they fall below 1/4 or 1/8 Health.
  • Burst stagger: Actors stagger upon taking damage equal to 30% of their remaining Health in combat.

Blocking an attack within 1 second after raising a shield or weapon blocks 20% more damage and briefly staggers a melee attacker. Can be disabled using the "Smilodon" configuration power.

Increased lethality

Deal and take more damage.

  • Novice: x2.50/x1.00 (was x2.00/x0.50)
  • Apprentice: x2.00/x1.25 (was x1.50/x0.75)
  • Adept: x1.50/x1.50 (was x1.00/x1.00)
  • Expert: x1.25/x2.00 (was x0.75/x1.50)
  • Master: x1.00/x2.50 (was x0.50/x2.00)
  • Legendary: x0.50/x3.50 (was x0.25/x3.00)

The optional Realistic Damage plugin sets damage dealt and taken to realistic levels. Damage is fair for both sides and greatly increased, making combat much more deadly. This is more immersive, but perhaps easier to exploit if you are a powergamer:

  • Novice: x2.00/x2.00
  • Apprentice: x2.50/x2.50
  • Adept: x3.00/x3.00
  • Expert: x3.50/x3.50
  • Master: x4.00/x4.00
  • Legendary: x5.00/x5.00

  • Spell costs: +50%
  • Bow damage: -25%
  • Damage reduction to massive targets: increased to 3/4.

Attacks of opportunity

Deal and take attacks of opportunity with weapons and unarmed attacks. Can be disabled using the "Smilodon" configuration power.

When the target is...
  • Drawing or holding a bow: +25%
  • Power attacking: +50%
  • Casting a spell: +50% (ward spell negates)
  • Struck from behind: +25%
  • Staggered or paralyzed: +25%
  • Struck in melee: +25%
  • Sleeping or sitting: Critical strike for 10 times critical damage
  • Massive: -50% damage and spell magnitude (dragon, centurion, giant, mammoth)
  • Below 1/4 Health: +25%
  • Above 3/4 Health: -25%

Game settings

Changes to game settings to make combat feel more realistic.


  • Auto aim on bows and crossbows is greatly reduced.
  • Stamina regeneration in combat increased from 35% -> 65%.
  • Stamina regeneration delay after running out now lasts up to 3 -> 5 seconds.
  • Bash cost reduced from 40 -> 15 points of Stamina.
  • ...


  • Cap on blocking/resistances reduced from 85% -> 80%.
  • Armor gives 0.12% -> 0.125% damage reduction.
  • Shield block changed from 45% + 0.2/shield armor -> 50% +0.075/shield armor.
  • Weapon block changed from 30% + 0.2/attacker weapon damage -> 40% +0.25/attacker weapon damage.
  • Block effectiveness against power attacks reduced from 65% -> 50%.
  • ...


  • Dual casting a spell now results in x2.5 effectiveness for x3.0 cost.
  • Magicka regeneration in combat increased from 35% -> 65%.
  • ...

See the Readme for a full list of game settings changes.


Actors move slower sideways and backwards while wielding a bow or spell.


Compatibility notes

Click here for a list of (in)compatible mods.

How to install or uninstall

To install: Add the mod to your load order and activate it.
To uninstall: Use the "Smilodon" configuration power to disable all features, then fast travel and uninstall.


  • NPCs seem to be much stronger after I reload a save: There is a bug in Skyrim that causes NPCs to gain their perks twice when you reload a save, making them overwhelmingly strong. Whenever you reload a save or die, make sure to reload it twice and do not use quick reload. This is a bug that affects the vanilla game and all combat mods and game overhauls.
  • I die a cinematic death (killmove) despite having high Health: There is a bug in Skyrim that causes killmoves to ignore armor, making them much stronger than they would normally be. Use a mod to disable or nerf killmoves against the player, such as Violens.
  • Fistfights (brawls) immediately end or turn into a real fight: The "Brawl Bug" is a common issue with many gameplay mods and hard to avoid due to the way Skyrim brawls are implemented. Smilodon comes with a copy of the Modern Brawl Bug Fix included to solve this issue. If it does not, you may have the outdated Brawl Bugs Patch in your load order after Smilodon (as a standalone mod or included with another mod such as Enhanced Blood Textures). Either remove it or add the Modern Brawl Bug Fix to the end of your load order.
  • I deal or take suspiciously much or little damage compared to the advertised difficulty multipliers: You may have another mod loaded below Smilodon that modifies difficulty multipliers, overriding Smilodon.
  • I want to disable Stamina costs and/or stagger: Use the "Smilodon" configuration power to disable these features.