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  1. Malice7
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you.

    I have been searching for a good mod for just adjusting the D-Pad. I don't need to change my entire control scheme and add +20 combo keys! Just let me remap the D-Pad, so activating the favourites menu isn't on 2 different buttons (D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down)! That's all I ask, and I was answered through this mod.

    Thank you for this simple, customizable mod.
    1. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for your comment. Yea I needed more than 2 slots but like you said, and 20 is a little much. If I could have like 8 switchable, in battle spells it would be perfect. And so I came up with this. Im glad people liked it.
    2. Malice7
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      • 1 kudos
      4 years later, I come back to this mod. Still great. Still my favourite control scheme. I was so sad when I thought I couldn't find it again after nuking my previous modlist and starting a new mod loadout from scratch. Took some googling and looking at my mod download history from pre-COVID, but this is still the best.
  2. SNN0
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    the documentation is so unredable 
    1. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Were you able to get it to work?
  3. AhLight
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The greatest mod of all I have ever used?thanks for your amazing work?
    1. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks man
  4. JustIChris
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Great mod! Felt really nice just switching between melee and ranged on the fly without scrolling through menus while bandits stare me in the face frozen. One question: Is there a way to assign an empty hand in the left hand? If I've used a spell and go to get out my dagger, it always equips a spell in the left hand, and if I try to unequip the spell with the hotkey, it just dual-casts it. Just so I can block with my melee weapon without once again scrolling through menus to unequip my spell. Cheers.
    1. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      Thank you for your comment. Sorry I had not been on here in a while. Im pretty sure thats possible, but I would have to figure it out again.
  5. piperprinx
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Great Mod, I'm using it in Enderal SE. I'm using native 4 ways,  but I would like to have RB instead of LB as a shift, so I could move better while changing weapons. I tried to modify controlmap.txt by myself,  but I didn't realize how to. Would it be a problem for you to provide an alternative version with RB as a shift button and RB+LB for Shout?
    1. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for your comment. Sorry I had not been on here in a while. And I forgot how to edit these things, lol. Although Im sure I could figure it out again.
  6. butterenough
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    So happy there are other Xbox Controller Skyrim fans out here, and even happier there are mods to make it better, thanks!
    I am curious-the "press D-pad" and "press-and-hold D-pad" to get two different functions, that works without needing a third party app like Xpadder? That was always a feature of the original Xbox Controller???

    (Also agree on the downsides to the diagonal Dpad thing-just not accurate enough to depend on)
    1. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      The version that allows you to press a direction for one hotkey and then hold for another hotkey requires Xpadder. The versions that dont require xpadder either use the 8 way directional for all 8 hotkeys, or you use the 4 main directions for the first 4, and then hold LB and press any direction again for 5-8.
    2. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      However. There some file somewhere that allows Skyrim to tell the difference between pressing the Triggers and Holding the triggers. I wonder if this same concept can be applied natively in game to the D-Pad. If someone can figure where in the coding the difference between a normal attack and power attack is, then I might be able to apply that same code to the D Pad. That way, I would no longer need xpadder, with the exception of the layout that has the Alt button with the 8 additional inputs.
    3. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Honestly I was surprised looking through all the Hotkey mods. I assumed there would be quite a few that allowed multiple hotkeys using the controller but most of them are for the keyboard.
    4. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      I wonder if the 8 way directional works better with the Elite D Pad on the Xbox One controller.
    5. butterenough
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Ah, got it. I like the idea of the LB hold=get 4 additional hotkeys from the Dpad thing, I'll try it out!

      (not sure why I'm afraid of Xpadder-I think I must have had a bad experience with it and old Skyrim or somethin )
    6. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      Xpadder was originally created specifically for games that had no Native Gamepad support. Skyrim has native gamepad support. So for a game that doesnt have native support, you download Xpadder and assign the keyboard keys to the buttons you want. And everything works fine. However if you try to use Xpadder with Skyrim, and you assign say the letter R (ready weapon) to the Y button in Xpadder, when you load up Skyrim and press Y, you will register both the letter R and Y on the gamepad. However skyrims controlmap file also has these inputs of code called Flags that prevent the gamepad from detecting external programs while Skyrim is running. So what I did was, for any custom mapping I needed in my mod, I removed that binding from Skyrims controlmap file. So when you hit that button after youve assigned it in Xpadder, it wont register the native input from Skyrims original controlmap file. Instead itll register Xpadders input, which is binded to the keyboard. If that makes sense. My xpadder setup works well.
    7. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      I just figured out how to add SkyUIs additional 8 Groupset Hotkeys to my mod. Pretty soon Ill have a controller setup where you can have the potential of 16 total hotkeys. I think Ill stop there. If anyone needs anymore hotkey support, the mods like AH Hotkeys do the job well. My Mods purpose is to add 8+ hotkey functionality while being able to switch them Mid Battle SUPER FAST. The other mods give you hotkey support, but unless your system is Top Notch, the extra scripts may slow down your computer while your changing your sets. I tried using them, but it took literally an extra 1.5 seconds to equip my weapons and spells and every time it lagged I got killed. My mod has no extra scripts. It only uses one native file. The switch speed is unparalleled.
  7. Lurker1212
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Could you make a version that just adds the 8 key hotkey functionality for controller? I myself don't need any of the extra features, and would appreciate it if you could do this.
    1. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      I just uploaded it. It should be ready soon. Its still pending. I added the Tween menu back to the B button, and I added Sprint back to the LB button. I made the Back button Stock, with only Wait. The Start Button now is the only Dual Functionality button, besides the D Pad. If you press Start, you get the Favorites menu. If You hold Start, you get the Journal. I moved the Favorites to Start, because now that way if you use Sky UI, all the buttons work in the SkyUI Favorites menu with this Stock Layout, including "Save File."
    2. Lurker1212
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks a ton man, can't wait to try this out!
    3. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      No prob.
    4. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      Its the one labeled Stock.
  8. havoc70000
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I have created new Versions that are easy to download and easy to install. If you have Vortex installed, you can download via Vortex and then install right inside Vortex.
  9. TheShaggyDuelist
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Unfortunately, even without Xpadder, I cannot get this mod to work. I've placed it in the Interface folder, but there is not a "controls" folder, nor a "pc" folder. Upon creating these files folders manually, STILL nothing happens. I've triple-checked and I have no other mods installed to alter the functionality of my d-pad. Is there an additional file I don't have, or is the control map txt and readme txt the only two files?
    1. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Download BSA or BAE extractor from this site. Use BAE to extract Skyrim - Interface.bsa. Extract it into the same folder (ie Data) that its already in. An Interfaces folder should be extracted. In that folder should be a controls folder. In the controls folder, there should be a PC folder. Place the controlmap.txt in that folder and overwite. Alternatively you can use the Archiver tool to repack controlmap.txt back into Skyrim - Interface.bsa.
    2. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Also, delete any CustomMap_Custom file in your main Skyrim directory, if there is one.
    3. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I have created new Versions that are easy to download and easy to install. If you have Vortex installed, you can download via Vortex and then install right inside Vortex.
  10. alexan1308
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    Add installation instructions please. Also, X-padder link does not work.
    1. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      Theyre on the DOCUMENTS tab for this mod. I just copied and pasted the link. It does work. You only need to download Xpadder. You dont need to install the program, as its a lightweight program that comes fully installed from its root folder. The only thing you need to do is drop the controlmap into your \The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Interface\controls\pc directory. This may be on your C drive, it could be in your steam folder, just depends on your PC.
    2. havoc70000
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      If you dont want to pay the 9.99 for Xpadder, you can Google search Xpadder real quick and should be able to find a free, older version.
    3. havoc70000
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      • 1 kudos
      Do you have an Interfaces folder in your Skyrim/Data folder?