About this mod
Adds a simple hunting cabin to the Riverwood area. Original mod by Okiir, updated for Skyrim Special Edition! Includes minor fixes and updates from TravLaney's patch.
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The Hunter's Cabin of Riverwood is a lore friendly, free player home that's available to all players, almost as soon as you start the game. The perfect mod for those who want a beautiful, simple yet functional house from the very beginning, without feeling that you're ruining, or going against the lore.
This is NOT the ultimate player house, for the simple reason that it's not supposed to be.

Simple, just look on the front porch for a note from the owner. It will direct you to Embershard Mine (the first "Mine" icon that appears on your compass when you escape from Helgen). Once inside the mine, fight your way to the treasure room (you can't miss it), there you will find a key named "Hunter's Cabin Key" and a Bandit Report (if your interested in the background story). Finish the dungeon and exit through the rear entrance, once outside just continue towards Riverwood.

If you are having issues with the Key, the Note, or the Report not showing up in your game, you need to sort your load order. Move "RiverwoodHuntingCabin.esp" a little lower in your load order, and try it again. This mod needs to be one of the last mods loaded.

- New player house/lodge, just outside Riverwood.
- Realistic background story ("Embershard Report" and "Hastily Written Note").
- Lots of plants and flowers (Ingredients) around the cabin.
- Safe storage chests.
- Fully functioning Book Shelf, with room for 14 books (v1.5)
- Wood Chopping Block + Axe
- Pickaxe
- Cooking Pot.
- Tanning Rack.
- Grindstone.
- Huntsman Bow + 100 Steel Arrows.
- Archery Skill Book.
- Updated for Skyrim Special Edition
- Cleaned with TES5Edit ("Identical to Master" records have been removed)
- The bed now gives the Well Rested bonus
- The anvil is now usable
- The strongbox is now a functional, safe storage container
- The static goat hide is now usable
- The static rug outside has been replaced with an elk hide
- The body of the cabin's former owner has been added to Embershard Mine
- A couple of typos in the Hastily Scrawled Note have been corrected
- The Hastily Scrawled Note has been moved outside

Either A or B.
A) Use the Nexus Mod Manager (recommended).
B) Extract the file to your game's Data folder.