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About this mod

The original Granite Hill mod. Granite Hill steeped in legend and lore, cut from the base game, now restored. Explore Granite Hill and solve the mystery plaguing the town in exchange for a new home. Featuring a full town with custom NPCs, a quest, and a fully loaded player home with the ability to move your family in.

Permissions and credits
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The original Granite Hill mod.
Granite Hill steeped in legend and lore, cut from the base game, now restored. Explore Granite Hill and solve the mystery plaguing the town in exchange for a new home. Featuring a full town with custom NPCs, a quest, and a fully loaded player home with the ability to move your family in.

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6.41 Update
Fixed a dialog bug with during quest where if you backed out during the conversation, you couldn't activate the dialog again. This caused an issue of not getting the dungeon or playerhome key.

6.4 Update
Civil war outcome now changes guards between imperial or stormcloak

6.3 Updates
  • Fixed the bug where every NPC in Skyrim would thank you for saving Granite Hill

6.2 Updates
  • Fixed custom dialog issues

6.1 Updates

  • Redecorated the interiors of the shops
  • Fixed weapon plaques downstairs (before updating, remove all weapons from plaques)
  • Updated John's dialog with newly recorded lines
  • John's dialog now follows the subtitles

6.0 Updates
  • Fixed dungeon boss spawning issue
  • Fixed follower issues in dungeon (always agro)
  • Fixed rumble and shake upon entering dungeon
  • Re balanced enemies in dungeon
  • Added two children to town. They belong to the blacksmith faction.
  • Rebuilt player home from the ground up (No more exploding meshes in player home)
  • Player home is now compatible with "Multiple Adoptions Mod" allowing for wife, 2 kids, and 2 followers to live at the house.
  • Reworked lighting on all interiors
  • Reworked lighting on exterior
  • Rebuilt navmesh inside inn
  • New Sheepshead Inn sign featuring new 3d mesh and artwork
  • Moved flags banner attached to inn that was floating
  • Adjusted schedules for various NPCs in the town to be more active
  • Removed mage as follower from inn due to issues
  • Moved and rotated sharpening wheel on the blacksmith balcony to avoid clipping issues and getting trapped between the sharpening wheel and the handrail
  • Enhanced the captions for John's dialog. The dialog still says more things than in the captions due to a 150 character limit
  • Added cow to farm for milking
  • Updated the benches and tables in the inns.

To Start The Quest:
A courier will deliver a letter to you once you complete the Western Watchtower quest and defeat your first dragon.


Compatible with anything not changing or altering these cells. Patches offered for Lux Via and Ryn's Dragon Mounds.

Install normally with your mod manager of choice. Place in the same part of your load order for new locations/towns. Place patches after this mod and the mod it is patching.

Adoptions, Followers, and Spouses
If you want adopted kids, followers, and spouses to live in the player home, you need Hearthfire multiple adoptions - Now with custom home support for kids and spouse

Special Thanks:
Special thanks to Kynkaid for the idea to fix the dungeon boss issue.
Special thanks to Bruv and Brandi for their input and testing.
Special thanks to all those who joined in on the streams for their input and support.
Special thanks to those who commented, downloaded, and endorsed. Also to those who found issues with the mod and supplied a fix for it.