File information
Created by
Jangles the Moon MonkeyUploaded by
KaptainCnucklzVirus scan
About this mod
Adds anyone who has the voice lines for marriage + adoption to the potential marriage faction. (You still have to make them like you.)
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Some various warnings and important notes:
- Don't marry quest-related NPCs whose quests aren't finished yet.Things can possibly break if you do.
- You'll NEED to tell them to live with you. Many of them won't have the proper set up to live with them. i.e. choosing to marry and live with Sapphire will let you take items from the Ragged Flagon, but you still don't get to unlock the door unless you join the thieves guild, and she will seem to disappear from the game (unless you bring her back with "prid [ref id]" + "moveto player" console commands, after which she'll hang out at the inn).
- You still have to make them like you via quests, dialogue, mods, cheats, or whatever your preferred method is to get the option for marriage.
TL;DR this is a SPID mod that adds anyone who has a vanilla voice type with lines for marriage + adoption to the "potential marriage" faction.
Requires Spell Perk Item Distributor. No plugin. Compatible with anything.
I'm making this as an excuse to get used to the xEdit scripts and am sharing since someone might want to marry someone new for their 100th play through. And yes this is a very blanket application so you can technically marry married NPCs (i.e. you can get revenge on Bolli's wife and marry Bolli lol).
Recommended mods:
NPCs Have Relationships - This can increase the chance that you'll get a wedding guest from their friends, instead of only your own friends. A test marriage with Sapphire had Rune come to the ceremony, for example, and we never met or interacted till then.
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - This adds more dialogue for the voice types, including spouses. Keeps things more interesting.
Buy Your Friends and Allies or Sidequests of Skyrim - Either will let you boost NPC affinity assuming they have the proper generic voice types.
Your preferred NPC visual mods - Make your choice of spouse more attractive before marrying them. For beautification with minimal headaches, try Nordic Faces + Closed Mouths for Orcs + Aesthetic Elves + Face Discoloration Fix. But browse around yourself and use any NPC mods you like! :)
Install & Uninstall
Just get SPID and plop the file in your mod manager or extract to the data folder.
To uninstall, deactivate + remove the mod from your mod manage. If you installed it manually then delete the INI file ("potentialmarriagefaction for supported voice types_DISTR.ini") from the data folder.
It applies at start up, and won't bake the faction changes into your save files, so is safe to remove anytime if you need to.