About this mod
This is an NPC Replacer / updater for Skyrim AE (with Creation Club Content). This Mod updates Approx. 3500 NPC records. And updates the Race defaults. Updates are High Poly (Head, Brows, Facial Hair), Facial Complexion, Hair updated to KS Hair
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
Long ago when the dragon war raged many were killed, injured with burns, scars and left disfigured. When the dragon war ended the population of all races was nearly depleted. Thus, when it ended the 9 divines thought that there would be a population boom from all the celebrations of victory. However, people were too injured or marred with the scars of war to rejoice and repopulate the lands. The 9 divines grew concerned as their temples were standing empty. Two divines Mara and Dibela decided that action was required. Dibela and Mara told their priests they wanted to see passion and love flow across the land. So, they each gave a group of their followers one part of a blessing and instructed them to work together to complete the blessing to ensure that passion, love and marriage spread across the land. The priests one evening first cast a spell to put everyone in Tamriel in a deep sleep then they began the blessing ritual. The blessing made all races of the land a cleaner people (dirt was harder to stick to their skin), all scars from the dragon war were healed, and their body and faces would only show minimal age until they were beyond the child bearing years at a great old age of 65. When the people of Tamriel awoke in the morning to see their healed bodies, they were shocked and pleased that the divines would heal their wounds and make them appear younger. Passions flowed for weeks and the temples of Mara and Dibela were filled with grateful worshipers. Though it has been long past the time of the blessing ritual, the blessings are still passed down from generation to generation.
What changes this mod does
This makes all NPCs cleaner and high poly. With over 3500 records updated and base Race defaults updated this gives a great update for the game to be consistent look.
NPC updates include
- Head: High Poly version
- Brows: High Poly Version
- Facial Hair: High Poly Version
- Hair: KS Hair
- Face Complexion set to default (Removes rough, 40 , 50 and freckles from NPCs)
- Sets all head "Face" Dirt to color average (removes dirt)
- A couple of NPCs I removed headgear. (Danica Pure Spring was one)
This mod does not make major changes to the appearance outside of what is listed above. I did not change any scars, warpaint etc. This gives this NPC replacer although cleaner a more immersive appearance.
Screenshot Details
- First two screenshots are without mod enabled to give a before example. Note: My body and texture mods were active so not a true vanilla comparison.
- I use Fair Skin complexion for female textures (The mod site is NSFW)
- I use The New Gentleman for male textures (The mod site is NSFW)
Q: Why did I create this mod?
A: I created this mod to have a great consistent NPC look and include all CC content that is included in the Anniversary Edition.
Q: What are dependencies
A: AE with all CC content, High Poly Head 1.4, My resource pack "See Requirements for link", Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content. With all their dependencies.
Q: What are possible conflicts?
A: Any MOD that modifies an NPC that I have updated or changes the Race defaults. See my article for details.
Q: Can I load this mod mid game
A: I do not recomend it. It is best to do with a new playthrough as you should also review your mod list for conflicts. See article for details on how.
Q: Can I stack a limited NPC replacer on top of yours
A: Should be fine as long as you ensure proper load order and no conflicts with default race defaults.
Q: Will this work on Special Edition Version?
A: No: The masters on the ESP require CC content.
Q: Will you publish facegen data?
A: No, I did not generate them for my testing I use Face Discoloration Fix
Q: Will you create patches for a mod I use?
A: If I use the mod or if time permits I might look into a patch. However I strongly recomend reading the article I posted. This is my first mod published and while creating this mod I was surprised how easy creating a patch really is. You might be able to create one faster than contacting me and awaiting a patch. If you do create one and wish it posted here let me know.
Q: Will you create a Mod install process and have patches auto applied?
A: That might be something in long term depending on popularity of this mod.
Q: Why can't I add a bug?
A: Most issues I have seen in teting were not from this mod however conflicts with other mods. Hence limiting the Bug reporting to what I post to not have people post items that are on their end. I will check posts for treds and if it is an issue with this mod will post it itn the bug section and update when time permits.