Skyrim Special Edition


  1. megaman2k
    • premium
    • 101 kudos
    Since there are a few mods that do similar things with follower idle comments, I'll provide a breakdown of features of the current mods that will try to cut back on followers talking over each other:

    I'm Talkin' Here

    • When the player is in dialogue, follower idles are silenced.
    • Does not require a patch except for rare cases.

    Muzzle It

    • When the player is in dialogue, follower idles are silenced.
    • When a follower is talking, follower idles are silenced.
    • When a follower is in a scene, follower idles are silenced.
    • Requires a Synthesis patch.


    • When the player is in dialogue, follower idles are silenced.
    • When a follower is talking, follower idles are silenced.
    • When a follower is in a scene, follower idles are silenced.
    • When an NPC close to the player is in a scene, follower idles are silenced.
    • The above are configurable, currently via console commands.
    • Does not require a patch except for rare cases.
  2. gustavolmg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just a recomendation, make the name easier to find, i looking for this for about 3 days, its pretty hard to associate the name with the propose. 
  3. Endro15
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    what's would be the best to use between this mod and this one?
    1. megaman2k
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      My answer would be biased. :D

      I've added a breakdown of 3 mods that all aim to reduce the frequency of follower talking over other NPCs. See the sticky above.
  4. 0Keed0
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Going to test this, but I wonder if it needs a patch for Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Update and MCM, since the mod I'm Talking Here needed one... Hmmm...
    1. megaman2k
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      I'm guessing I'm Talkin' Here was adding a condition to follower mods via patch. (Although they have updated it to use the silent idle in a high priority quest like I did, thus no longer requiring patches for most followers. Granted, it still doesn't check for scenes playing between followers like my implementation does).

      I don't expect a patch to be necessary, although I haven't tried with RDO. It could require a patch depending on how their idles are set up. I guess just use some vanilla followers and see if you notice them talking over you a lot.
    2. 0Keed0
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks, I'll give it a swing and we'll see. Thank you for this! Been an issue forever. Much obliged.
  5. lainV01
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Would this conflict with Muzzle It? Or make it redundant? Thanks!
    1. fillia888
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      • 0 kudos
    2. megaman2k
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      They do pretty much the same thing in very slightly different ways, except I've got a few extra bells and whistles for other follower features.

      The main difference is they use a Synthesis patcher to edit the follower mods while I override companion idles with a silent line.

      So they should work independently, but you don't really need to have both at the same time.
    3. lainV01
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Got it, thanks for the reply! :)
  6. eldriiiitch
    • supporter
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    Was just thinking a few days ago how handy a mod like this would be since I use IFDL and suddenly this one appears!

    Amazing mod, works with my heavy modlist and is stable out the box for me right now, very good work!

    My only suggestion would probably be an MCM menu only for convenience :)
  7. SirFarq
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Father Jack would be proud!
    1. megaman2k
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      That would be an ecumenical matter!
  8. Ardanto
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hello! This mod truly great idea(at least according to the description).
    Is it incompatible with Nethers Follower Framework?
    1. megaman2k
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      Yeah, this should be 100% compatible with NFF or any multi-follower framework.
  9. ItsRainmoon
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Endorsed, this mod is must have for me now replacing iam talkin here
  10. Khayyin359
    • member
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    Very excited for this, and I laughed out loud when I saw none of my current followers on the list 😅. Since you said you're open to requests, here they are:

    Daegon & Kaeserius (there's a Daegon-only mod too, but I don't have that one)
    Amaniri & Neranith
    Naryu Virian
    1. megaman2k
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      Inigo should work fine as is... he's even in the video demo, I just forgot to include him in the list, I guess. I'll try some of the others and see how well they work or if I need to drop in a silent line for them.
    2. megaman2k
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      OK, I did a little more testing. Even if I remove the voice files, they don't say anything when they're not supposed to.

      So my inclination is that these followers are already supported. However, I've noticed that a patch was needed for Caesia... for some reason, her idles are able to play if I don't add conditions to them. So what I'd like to ask you is to go ahead and try with these followers you've listed. If they talk out of turn a lot, let me know, and I can try to get to the bottom of it.
    3. Merridyn42
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Kaidan seriously needs this. Recently we're sneaking through a dungeon and he's babbling loudly . I abandoned him for a while after that. He seriously does not shut up.
    4. megaman2k
      • premium
      • 101 kudos

      I got a suggestion on reddit to also filter out banter while sneaking. I'll put that on the TODO list, since it seems some followers aren't sneak aware.
  11. VesperXeni
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    OMG!  LOVE this idea!  I went to Falkreath with Inigo & Lucian once.  As I walked through the graveyard, the priest stared the funeral for the little girl with her grieving parents right there. Inigo and Lucian started singing their version of Ragnar the Red DURING THE FUNERAL.  My character fired Lucian on the spot, so I never did finish his plotline.

    Blessings of Arkay on you!
    1. megaman2k
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      I'd recommend getting the updated version. It should reduce the chances of them talking if you're standing a... respectful distance away from NPCs engaging in a scene.

      You can also configure the distance. I didn't test with the funeral... if you think you need to hover over the poor priest during the eulogy like a weirdo, feel free to up the distance. :D (See the STFU section on the mod description, specifically under configuration/troubleshooting.)
    2. nyquilpirate
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      ♫ oh there once was a baker named ragnar the red, at a funeral disrespecting the dead...♫