

  1. muppetpuppet
    • premium
    • 272 kudos
    Hi everyone,

    This mod is fairly ancient, but continues to be supported by other modders, this is the older original version. My suggestion is to find the SE or other improved versions of the Moonpath.

    I am delighted that this mod has been enjoyed by so many, and grateful for those that still enjoy improving or maintaining it.

    Recently I launched my first game after making the Moonpath, and it's out on steam, here is its trailer.
    The Falconeer.  

    Check out the Falconeer on Steam!

    Just a visit or a recommend on the Falconeer helps me to keep going and make content, be it full blown games or mods. Steam can be a tough place, and traffic, a post on a thread all that help the algorithm to promote the Falconeer.  It might be a small thing for you but being able to live of my work literally means the world to me! 


    Tomas Sala 
  2. Moonheartsong
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    bug got 2 starter quests for this mod needs fixed 
  3. Andomian
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    After doing a quick testing (just right into Elsweyr but not further) I can agree with phillipak from below. The quest can be started as it is supposed to be. If the Khajiit are not talkative, save and load fixes them. The entrance to start the journey is the back room where the door is. The cart has just been moved out of the way. =)
    Glad I tested it before skipping it, because I really want to explore all those new lands this time around for another thousand hours of skyrim gameplay. 
  4. thebigmclargehuge
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Outstanding mod!  Good fun.  Unique and truly entertaining. 
  5. bigvadrouille549
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    It's looks good the mod but that's doesn't launch the quest and looks like there's no sign of the mod in Falkreath, like it was not installed but i installed well the mod :/
    1. Skreed
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      This mod has been improved and integrated into Legacy of the Dragonborn LE, here.
      How to start Moonpath to Elsweyr quest in Legacy of the Dragonborn, here.
  6. Tonoma
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Mr. Khajiit
    You missed the appointment at Dead Man's Drink.
    Bay bay,
  7. Aura2847
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    We so need a ps4 port of this
    1. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 437 kudos
      That's not going to happen as this uses new assists and last I checked PS4 does not allow new assets

      And also this is the LE version not the SE version which PS4 uses 
  8. Chickenator587
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Hi there, I've got just one question. The author mentiones "improved versions of the moonpath" but I can't seem to find any. Can someone get me link perhaps?
    1. Darklocq
      • premium
      • 126 kudos
      It's integrated into Legacy of the Dragonborn (LE version only).
    2. KazMiller
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      SE version too, I think. I remember seeing the official patch
  9. TobiSolomon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Guy doesn't know it but basically made the mod community what it is today. Putting Bethesda  in place making us a dlc almost a decade ago. 
  10. phillipak
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    This world is absolutely amazing. For being (supposedly) as old as it is, this is some breath-taking work. I'm just sorry that somehow the modding community has bitten the hand that feeds it and has given this talented Moonpath modder a very bad time of it, resulting in no sequel. I've had a look at his new indie game and it looks fantastic. The trailer doesn't give you very much information, just battle sequences. So I've no idea what the story and characters are about. Still, it does look great!

    Interesting that the new, improved version of Moonpath seems to be available through another Nexus mod. I know it is, in addition, available through the Legacy... mod. However, Legacy is so enormous, has so many different parts and bits and such, I wouldn't know where to begin looking through all that data for the Moonpath mod. Haven't had the time to download Legacy... yet, but I'll get there eventually. I'm hoping I'll stumble across the Moonpath mod as I do so. We'll see.

    Still, what I have right now in Moonpath seems complete to me. Maybe I have all its original and improved parts already.

    I'm noticing lots of comments which reveal a lack of understanding of how this mod functions. When I began to try out this mod, I ran into the same problems:  couldn't find one thing or another, a wagon in the middle of the pub, inaccessible, etc.  Was fairly frustrating. Then I realized that this mod design was really not as complex as I was making it. I understood this when I simply entered the back room of the Falkreath pub (the one with that weird open metal gate), walked to the back of that room and the instructions to continue popped up on the screen. Just click the instruction box and you're off. The wagon that appears in the pub is a glitch and is irrelevant, so just ignore it.  And that dialogue telling you to "load your gear" is also irrelevant. It's just part of the story, nothing more. It's to get you into the story psychologically. The only relevant action you will take is to click on the message box that pops up when you enter that back room. But you first must speak with the Khajiits to begin/further the quest, of course. It's just designed this way.

    In fact, almost all of the triggers to advance this mod are incorporated into dialogue with one Khajiit or another. You just have to pay attention, click on each Khajiit until you find the continuation of the story and proceed. Simple. This design gets you deeply involved into the Khajiit culture and the details of their fascinating world. Once you understand this, you can fairly fly through this mod unhindered and enjoy every second.

    So, just keep in mind:  if it seems the story has stopped, keep clicking on the characters until you find the relevant character. That's what the mod is expecting you to do; waiting for you to do.

    Enthusiastically ENDORSED.
  11. ArtilleryVoodoo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Started this but it didnt work.

    Why would a caravan leaving to elswyr be inside a pub? It tells me to load my gear onto the caravan. The wagon suddenly appears in the pub over the top of the bar and is inacessibe. - couldnt get any further.

    Why not have the caravan on the road?.. and somewhere the wagon can be accessed?

    1. MightyPorkin
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      THIS.  This is the problem I am having.  I figured it might have something to do with maybe a conflict with the mod I have "The Great City of Falkreath", but I am not sure.  I'm about to disable "Great City of Falkreath" and restart the game, but I have no idea if that's even the problem.  Did you ever figure out how to resolve this?
    2. nomorenamesleft
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I kind of got around it, Hearthfire adds an oven to the inn which blocks the entrance to the room with the caravan in it (before you talk to the questgivers), after I said I was ready the wagon appears on top of the pub also. I turned on noclip so I could walk through the oven, and the quest start point seems to be in that room behind the oven, at some large double doors
    3. Darklocq
      • premium
      • 126 kudos
      Which inn?  I've had this mod installed for a year+ and never gotten it to start.
    4. nigrhedazz
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I'm fairly certain it gives you a quest marker to go to. It's an inn in Falkreath, I just can't remember the name. Go there and explore some, I'm sure you'll find it.
    5. Darklocq
      • premium
      • 126 kudos
      Yeah, it's in the Dead Man's Drink, along with a Khajiit guy, but he just has generic dialogue, so I still can't start the quest.  [sigh]