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  1. Brehanin2
    • premium
    • 909 kudos
    Instead of a mod website, I put all the information in sections of the mod description.
    Please read all about Coldhaven in the mod description
    (including troubleshooting and FAQs).

    I wholeheartedly give permission for others to use this mod if they want to make patches or change the city of Coldhaven to suit their own wishes. If you make an add-on or patch for Coldhaven then let me know and I will link to it here. I only request that you use my mod as a required master and that you provided a link back to my mod. You can alter my assets if you want.

    Still have a problem or question?
    Then PLEASE post in this forum so others can see my answer if they have the same issue.

    I cannot respond to personal messages asking me how to fix your installation or explaining why something isn't working for you.  Only message me if you are seeking permission for a translation, are making a video of my mod, etc.

    Fallrim Tools - Script Cleaner and more: A powerful savegame editor/cleaner for Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE.
  2. Brehanin2
    • premium
    • 909 kudos
    I recommend you start a NEW GAME if you want to update/upgrade mid-playthrough...
    If you are troubleshooting (or want to update mid-game anyway), you can try the following steps:


    1) Make certain you remove all equipment/items from Lamae's Rest (the Player home).
    2) Leave Coldhaven (I recommend going to Ivarstead).
    3) Wait 24 hours in game.
    4) BLANK Coldhaven using the MCM or Config Power. see note below ...
    5) Make a New Save (not a quicksave).
    6) Exit the game.
    7) Uninstall and Delete the old version of Coldhaven.
    8) Load the saved game from Step 5. see note below ...
    9) Make another New Save (not a quicksave). see note below ...
    10) Exit the game. see note below ...
    11) Install the new version of Coldhaven.
    12) Check/sort your load order.
    13) Start Skyrim and load your save (from step 9).

    NOTE: IF you want to update and still keep all items and quest progress then you can try skipping Steps 4, 8, 9, 10, but then wait outside of any Coldhaven cell (go to Whiterun) for 30 days so all cells will reset.
  3. Brehanin
    • premium
    • 909 kudos
    Coldhaven 2.1 is released!

    Coldhaven is VOICED.
    - Lighting template has been adjusted to decrease clipping distance and increase ambient fog (should be easier on your system).
    - Many occlusion boxes have been added inside structures in Coldhaven and the sewers; this should help with FPS and be easier on your system.  Many thanks to chikuwan for the idea and implementation.
    - Textures for the mountains (walls of cave) are standard 1k now and 4k in the higher res pack.
    - Madi and Ciaran NPCs have been tweaked and should now be able to become followers normally.
    - Sovrena Tamara is now able to be married AFTER you finish the main quest.  Also, the treasure vault is accessible if you kill her OR if you marry her.
    - Several merchant chests have been tweaked and a few will sell rare items when you are higher levels.
  4. ProudRider
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I don't know why but Tamara is immortal. I did the main quest and every other quest in Coldheaven but she still acts as essential. (This comment was made for the SE version but i don't know how to delete it)
  5. Brehanin
    • premium
    • 909 kudos

    Sorry if the voices are jarring.  Originally it was just text, but then I used SKVA Synth ( to generate the voices. Some are better than others ... some are too robotic for my liking for sure.

    I know using Breezehome as a template bothers some, and I guess I could have chosen another building.  I cannot create my own meshes, sorry, but I do like re-texturing.  I have done the best I could at the time and if I could redo everything I would.  I learned a lot as I went :)

    Please keep in mind that this is the second time (after BVW) that I ever "made" cells and worked with quests, dialogue, NPCs etc.  Instead of trying to teach myself how to make a player home, I tried to make an entire city. 

    Does it make a lot of lore sense?  Probably not, but I wanted it accessible to anyone - originally I had it so any non-vampire who entered was killed on sight. 

    The dialogue trees were especially hard for me to create at first, and I am self-taught.  I apologize if the dialogue isn't professional-sounding. 
    I focused more on making a world space and then wanted to add "flavor" to it with a couple quests etc.  Nothing about any of my NPCs will even come close to, say, Inigo :)

    I hope you enjoy it for what it is!  I learned a lot and I am proud of what I could create.  I will be fixing bones in sewers, reducing fog in main chamber to hopefully make it easier on your system, and I will see if I can tweak some other things as well. 

    I will try to update my other mods too  this summer - I have been jotting down issues I have seen in the discussion.
    1. parkmallbaby
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No thank you. The voices for the characters shows your resourcefulness using voice generators. 
  6. parkmallbaby
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there any way to make it less system heavy? This is a really great mod but the game noticeably slows down when walking around the city and during the first playthrough the game crashed altogether I  worry it might crash more I explore the city.  
    Never mind seems like the stutter was just on the first couple of playthroughs. It runs smoothly now. Turns out there are also graphical options which helps with the fps. Thanks again for the mod. Well done! 
  7. Elcimo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi sir 
    Can you upload a loose files or lower the bsa more?
    1. Brehanin
      • premium
      • 909 kudos
      Probably not loose files, and I cannot lower size of BSA.
      Can't you just extract the files from the BSA?
      This works for all BSAs - LE SE AE
  8. Davidlazaro244
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It doesn't work for me, as soon as I enter through the second door the game crashes
    1. Brehanin
      • premium
      • 909 kudos
      I'm trying to lower the number of objects that load and tweak occlusion planes.
      You should use ENBboost with Skyrim LE.
  9. jrcherry26
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod!
    I got into a big fight after a failed pickpocketing attempt and found out the Sovrena is essential.  If this is true, how can I access the treasure in the vault?
    1. Brehanin
      • premium
      • 909 kudos
      After the main quest with her is done, she can be killed if you wish.
  10. Brehanin
    • premium
    • 909 kudos
    I am back!  but busy as ever ...
    Daughter graduated from basic training in CAF and my son is playing AAA hockey (his draft year).  Proud Dad here.

    I will be updating my mods and will try to update them for XBox too - BUT I don't use XBox myself AND some features require SKSE so some will not work properly or at all.

    Please be patient :)

    In the meantime, PLEASE help me out and send me a message on Nexus with
    things you think might need to be fixed for BV, Coldhaven, BVL.

    Please read about my mods first though ... some things people think are broken
    are just a MCM setting or not being at the correct rank or satiation

    Many thanks!
  11. Urlugal
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I would really like to play this on xbox, but no matter what I do, it won't stop crashing every time I even try to go in
  12. tatudex
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    OMG I rememeber so bad waiting for this mod to be just voiced, to named it probably my favourite mod ever, and now it issss! And with many improvements. Damn I must have this...

    Aproach, my child, says Mara again in that damn cell... thank you so much though, it's been years and we've shared some nice points of view, so ty for that. And  ty for BV and everything you've done, Bethesda and many players owe you big. 
    1. Brehanin
      • premium
      • 909 kudos
      Thank you so much!
      Have fun!
  13. luizatrans
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod and also much needed for Skyrim. I just have a question, why does Baalric just agroed to me right in the middle of Ivarstead? And why do the guards ignore him? Is that what the correct behavior of this character suppose to be ? Because he is clearly a vampire and thd guards are there just "Oh ... a fight !?! "
    1. Brehanin
      • premium
      • 909 kudos
      He hates the Dawnguard and will react accordingly if you wear any of their gear :)