About this mod
photogrammetry models and textures. Added 4 scans that I made, if I find more nice mushrooms (like white one I love) I add them to the group
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1. added tree photomod info (esp):
new esp adds (additional) thematically arranged dead tress, a tree waterfall and a long waited bridge to Riverwood to the other side of the river
locations: Riverwood, Whiterun, Orphan's Rock, Anise's Cabin
actually Anise's Cabin dead tree is a great place for rendez-vous, u call the Amorous Adventures modder, there behind nobody can see
example of file proper structure:
tree added by photomod esp (first one is in Riverwood and Orphan rock):
old tree in whiterun (as a watterfall) and Anise's Cabin
fancy placements by BlueStar
nifscope substitution: the mod adds: 1. classical standard tree stump that spawns in all forests, see it immediately in Falkreath. 2. Then we added muchrooms with custom flora around them, if u want to see them immediately they spawn near the Western Watch Tower too. We also added twisted birches, u can immediately see it near Ivarstead on to road to Riften.
Models have collisions
4 more custom models
Update 1: I did 2 photoscans of birch's caps and a tree fungus photogram placed on the twisted birch.
Update 2: added rotten birch photogram
10k lowpoli normal from 2 mln