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This page was last updated on 16 October 2024, 11:32AM
- Changelogs
Version 2.8.0
- This update corresponds to SSE version 2.8.0. Relevant here:
- - an "autumn" color scheme of map flags (imperial - cinnabar, stormcloak - light blue sky; swap colors of forsworn with neutral whiterun)
- - a fix for CWMapActivatorScript Is3DLoaded check - based on the same fix from OCW 2.7.1 and inspired by USSEP 4.2.9 "fix" #22948
- - a fix for Tactical Valtheim map flag colors (based on this fix from 2.7.0)
Version 2.7.1
- - fixed an issue resulting in some enemy camp commanders disabled; they are still essential (unless you change it with another mod to make them killable)
- - civil war map will no longer skip placing flags if their 3D is not loaded soon enough - added code to wait up to 10 seconds until it gets loaded
- - in major sieges in Markarth and Riften, CWSiege is attempted to start first. this should be a no-op, unless you have another mod that makes aliases on quest CWSiege optional
- - added Linear OCW, currently guarded by "setstage ocwmoot 1"; recommended to use it with Fortuna mode.
- - in Linear OCW, dialogue to suggest general which hold to conquest is disabled
- - in Linear OCW, dialogue to suggest general to make capital defense relief battles is disabled as well
- - defense battles won't start in Linear OCW; enemy invasions will always fail and can be ignored
- - hold city battles won't start until you win the fort battle in that hold. (offscreen battles are not blocked by that, in case a fail-safe is needed)
- - the dialogue option to suggest general to visit field camp is disabled completely now - at least in new games
Version 2.7.0
- - recolored civil war map flags: imperial red -> Cinnabar(Vermilion) #e34234, stormcloak blue -> Light Sky Blue / #87cefa; (this should look mostly better, possibly better for colorblindness)
- - corrected flag colors for Valtheim with Tactical Valtheim mod 1.07 added 3 options (Whiterun, Imperials, Stormcloaks)
- - in default OCW initialization, the wargame bias will now set to 4 instead of -4 (matching the oldschool "adept" difficulty)
- - slightly faster placing the wargame map gizmos
- - in the beginning, while Whiterun is still neutral, Falkreath now uses a celadon-green flag; no effect on gameplay, just to test another color (
Version 2.6.3
- - it should be no longer needed to manually do "setstage cwfortsiegefort 10" before Fort Amol / Hragstadd final hold fort battle; provided that the fort battle quest is running before stage 10 (use "sqv cwfortsiegefort" to check that), the "let's take fort Amol/Hragstadd" dialogue (that was adedd to work arounds some bugs) should appear in all cases when the vanilla dialogue is missing
- - corrected \WinterholdLocation to \WinterholdHoldLocation in conditions of various missions and fort battle starting event nodes, as well as "what's next" dialogues; an incorrect cwowner of the Winterhold city will still be visible on the civil war map as a two-colored flag, but it should no longer stop vanilla civil war questline
- - exiled jarl Korir dialogue will no longer block conversation and prevent completing his favor quest (UESP wiki suggests that this is caused by jarl Korir staying in Brunwulf house that the player has to lockpick into and tresspass, and someone proposed a work around to lure Korir outside; in my tests it wasn't necessary)
- - NPCs exiled by upheavals should call out player faction correctly - the following dialogue lines are spoken now only if player character is aligned against them, and Whiterun siege is finished: exiled jarl Skald line "Why are you speaking to me, Imperial", Jod "You should leave. Skald gets upset around Imperials.", Bulfrek "What do you want, Imperial? Ain't my life hard enough?"; exiled jarl Igmund "What do you want? Haven't you done enough damage to Markarth?", Raerek "I don't think we have anything to discuss, Stormcloak.", Faleen "You lay one finger on Igmund, and I'll end you, Stormcloak."
- - (not a bugfix; change made for OCW to kinda work with CWRS 3.0) it should be now possible to start a hold conquest battle regardless of whether the objective "Regain/Liberate <hold>" is displayed, after the fort in that hold is conquered (if the fort in the hold player is in is not conquered yet, the hold from the current displayed objective will be preferred still)
Version 2.6.2
- - fixed "Pieces of the Past" quest broken by battle of Dawnstar (Silus house locked again). fix is retroactive, will apply after civil war map flags are redrawn
- - the WinHoldAndSetOwnerAlreadySetKeyword workaround fix is also applied after civil war map flags are redrawn (no need to activate any of them)
- - corrected the Tullius dialogue line advancing to final hold campaign, from checking WinterholdLocation to WinterholdHoldLocation (this will match other dialogue options based on hold ownerships)
- - "THIS MATERIAL IS NOT MADE, GUARANTEED OR SUPPORTED BY ZENIMAX OR ITS AFFILIATES." mentioned in mod sources and in the changelog.
- - (guarded by "setstage ocwspecial 62") detects failed aliases when starting minor hold battles and show a message box with the name(s) of the culprit alias
Version 2.6.1
- - added an extra period of enemy downtime between hold invasions, for a number of turns stored in global OCWEnemyInvasionDowntimeTurns. During this "downtime" no hold will be marked as besieged by enemy on the civil war map (does not apply to retaliation invasions that are follow-ups to hold battles won by enemy withdrawn soldiers); new OCW playthroughs have this set between 1.0 and 3.5 turns depending on OCW difficulty level; updates are set to 1.0. (This value can be fractional, for example the Adept downtime value 2.5 will alternate 3 and 2 downtime turns).
- - fix for the rare bug that left OCWFortSiegeCapitalAI quest running even after civil war was over and it had to be stopped by console command "stopquest ocwfortsiegecapitalai" as it had some blocking dialogues for generals and soldiers
- - by default, OCW initializes to Fortuna mode with the Adept OCW difficulty level; initializing OCW by activating a war map flag opens menu with "Oldschool" option to start by choosing the OCW difficulty level; playing the civil war questline and starting cut content battles will no longer pop-up the difficulty choice menu to initialize OCW
- - no upheavals in Fortuna mode at all; upheavals in other modes can be enabled/disabled by global variables OCWUpheavalsIn{WargamerMode,StandardMode{Before,After}Whiterun}
- - redesigned OCW mode choice menus; more text information useful for new users, and switching from Fortuna mode to other modes will refresh the war map (no longer needed to find another map or exit and reenter the room)
Version 2.6.0
- Miscellanous fixes
* Increased deadline on CWPrepareCity quest startup from ~1.5s to ~20s.
* in siege reliefs, changing StageToSetIfDefenderWipedOut to 200 (value of StageToSetIfAttackerWipedOut) - possibly fixes a race condition if player flees the same time defenders are wiped out
* added explicit end phase conditions to CWSiegeDefendersScene - possibly fixes some of the "Rikke stuck in battle of Whiterun speech" bugs - Fortuna mode
* there are three gameplay modes now: Fortuna, Standard, and Wargamer.
* Fortuna is pretty much like Standard mode, except
- wargame situation is hidden (flags are displayed, helmets are not)
- battle odds are multiplied by random number between -0.1 and 1.5
- Miscellanous fixes
Version 2.5.8
- Fixed a regression in 2.5.7 version that caused the Solitude siege relief battle to not initialize fully, exposing raw cut content behavior (infinite soldier respawns, Ulfric attending battle, and so on).
- this version should still have no load order conflict with Open Cities - - added a proper error message if CWPrepareCity quest fails to fill aliases and does not start in defense major battles (it used to silently start battles with raw cut content behavior if that happened)
- Fixed a regression in 2.5.7 version that caused the Solitude siege relief battle to not initialize fully, exposing raw cut content behavior (infinite soldier respawns, Ulfric attending battle, and so on).
Version 2.5.7
- bugfixes for 11/11
- Fixed a bug in vanilla CWSiegeBarricadeScript, that was preventing barricades from advancing battle stage (important at Riften gate barricade) if they were destroyed with a single hit large enough to skip over the "barricade destroyed in 75%" (confirmed behavior with Wildcat "x4/x4" and Bound Bow)
- Fixed the complex scene markers issue by disabling them and moving to an unused cell in Sovngarde worldspace (reportedly this approach helps against "levitating animals" in city battles areas)
- The "(Defense)" dialogue should be now available only when the current location hold is being invaded
- In minor hold defense battles, disable guard garrisons early on. Reduces peak memory usage, which prevents CTD crashes when going outside and starting the battle. The commander gets disabled as well, there's a delay so you can turn away to avoid the immersion ruined.
- Removed 2 form changes to make this mod freely compatible with Open Cities, no matter the load order:
- removed persistence flag from \MarkarthWorldIntroSceneTrigger (0x000753B4), rewritten the script that held it as a property
- removed change to \CWSolClutterToggle 00100D2C - used to change clutter toggle location ref type in Solitude, bug in OCW
- In Riften jarls exchange scene (Leila and Maven) added dialogue conditions to check if the pro-imperial jarl is Maven indeed (in case someone makes a mod replacing Jarl Maven by e.g. Saerlund, it should be compatible)
- found and unlocked unique Galmar's dialog for expelling Jarl Maven with "(...) Jarl Black-Briar put your government together. Do it now, or there will be rioting in the streets. (...)" - it was conditioned on wrong city
- Fixed fleeing from a fort battle (an OCW added dialogue option) on Stormcloak side - the dialogue condition was for Imperial side
- bugfixes for 11/11
Version 2.5.6
- April bugfixes:
- Removed "allow repeated flag" from OCWSiegeDUP quest (clearly it was flagged so by mistake because CWSiege is not). This caused an extra "Failed: Battle of [...]" , if player fast traveled after losing a major siege
- Added safety conditions in dialogues to prevent attempting to start another siege battle when a major siege quest is already started (including the capital relief preparation mini-quest). A similar thing for minor sieges was already added in a previous version.
- Restored sources and changes to scripts CWFortSiegeJarlScript.pex and TIF__0065C8A.pex, TIF__00065C8B.pex - these three were left in Skyrim/Data when reinstalling Skyrim from scratch, and silently recompiled to vanilla state before 2.5.3 update. (Minor regression - the dialogue fragment scripts are related to awarding civil war rank promotions even if holds were gained without a battle, and the CWFortSiegeJarlScript change is related to Bug #23062 in the Unofficial Patch Tracker).
- April bugfixes:
Version 2.5.5
- Improved "enemy withdrew" feature in minor siege attacks:
- no longer required to wait until the ambush or not is revealed, going to the jarl's longhouse front door will force resolve it
- fixed bug in 2.5.4 that made ambushes stuck; if not updating to 2.5.5, a workaround is that you can force enemy soldiers to reveal with "setstage ocwspecial 286"
- the ambush or enemy withdraw decision is now based mostly on wargame strategic situation, rather than random chance (it's still is 50% chances for a normal battle, but previously the remaining split was 35% ambush and 15% withdraw, now it's 12.5% ambush, 37.5% ambush-or-withdraw-let-me-take-a-look)
- in enemy withdraw scenario, the invaded hold will no longer be random, but rather the most vulnerable hold (as it happens already for the regular enemy invasions).
- enemy will no longer withdraw from a predictably won battle for a predictably lost invasion; in win-win and lose-lose situations, enemy will withdraw only if there is a predicted improvement in battle odds (large in win-win, medium in lose-lose).
- when withdraw to a major hold is considered, a bonus to defender strength is added that makes it less worthy as a withdraw target
- after the mission "Rescue from Fort ..." is completed (which makes the hold conquered), a forced enemy withdraw is made. This change is retroactive, if you've done that mission, expect an extra enemy invasion to happen (unless you don't own any more holds possible to invade, in that case it will be skipped).
- Improved "enemy withdrew" feature in minor siege attacks:
Version 2.5.4
- - Added a spliced voice line for Rikke and Galmar if player fails a mission (the vanilla line was good only for generic field commanders). For Rikke: "First of all, what you're doing. Not impressed. Think about it!", for Galmar: "First off, you're definitely screw-up unlike-Stormcloak material. I misjudged you... friend."
- Added a warning message box if changes to the vanilla civil war map script were reverted by another mod, or not installed at all
- Changed quest aliases in OCWSiegeRelief to avoid Cretion Kit making Kynesgrove and Dragonbridge flagged persitent (no longer a load order obstacle for mods such as ETAC)
- In OCW capital relief battles, the city map marker should be disabled now (like it is during an attack siege battle)
- After capital relief battles, you can now report to your faction leader (as the objective says). The lines they respond with were used for peace/truce time in a very early version of civil war. For Ulfric, "The gods have granted us peace for the moment. But that won't last long. I'm sure trouble will be stirred up soon enough.", for Tullius, "Things are quiet for the moment. That won't last long. As soon as a new campaign starts, I want you there. Stay close. See me tomorrow." - but you don't have to wait until the next day.
- Reduced chance of winning the fort If you flee from a fort battle, down from 100% (always win) to something between 10% and 90%, depending on the % number of defenders left.
- Restored Ulfric lines during battle of Solitude finale scene "The Empire is weak, obsolete. Look at how far we've come and with so little." "When we're done rooting out Imperial influence here at home, then we will take our war to the Aldmeri Dominion.", they were disabled by devs, but I see no red flags there (and a lot of blue flags...)
- The fort battle will be cancelled (completed, failed objectives, no $$$ reward) after taking over the hold, like the other civil war vanilla missions are. Either fort location or the hold location ownership status change will trigger that.
- Fixed an issue in civil war mission cancelling script that made it possible to cancel at most one mission per playthrough.
- Added blocking dialogue lines when minor battles are running (if you travel away from a battle, only the major hold battles resolve and stop) to everyone important: Ulfric/Tullius, Rikke/Galmar, field commanders and regular soldiers with fitting voice types. This should prevent breaking civil war by traveling away from a defense minor battle and e.g. getting into the final hold campaign.
- Decreased the amount of Papyrus log warnings. There are still annoying warning messages coming from the vanilla CWPrepareCity quest.
- More robust code when cancelling or fleeing a minor hold attack battle. We've been running 2.3.x code there all along...
- Fixed a loophole in minor hold attack battles, where you could fast-travel back to camp after joining the soldiers but before losing any casualty, and claim a free "enemy withdrew" scenario, even if the enemy was there. Now you have to wait until getting the objective "Report back to camp".
- Fixed a bug where relief of Windhelm misc quest objective directed you to Dragonsbridge (instead of Kynesgrove - the relief started on imperial side by mistake)
- - Added a spliced voice line for Rikke and Galmar if player fails a mission (the vanilla line was good only for generic field commanders). For Rikke: "First of all, what you're doing. Not impressed. Think about it!", for Galmar: "First off, you're definitely screw-up unlike-Stormcloak material. I misjudged you... friend."
Version 2.5.3
- Halfway through, but since we've found potentially an impactful fix for vanilla civil war sieges, have a heads-up:
* Restored CWSiege-owned AI packages in Markarth and Riften sieges as well (sandbox packages for some civilians, and fleeing / entering gate packages for soldiers)
* In minor sieges, fleeing attackers scene lasts full 30 seconds before the CWFortSiegeCapital stops through stage 2000. Fleeing soldiers who will do a "touchdown" within this time will disappear, those who don't are still given no quarter.
* Surrendering jarl in minor sieges will look at an attacker instead at player - doesn't make during defenses.
* When starting minor siege defenses, the quest doesn't fully start until you head out of jarls longhouse. That is to prevent seeing NPCs "teleporting" in and out of the longhouse.
* Added setstage ocwspecial 4210 and 4220 for debugging Battle of Whiterun failing aliases (it starts the battle using OCWSiegeDUP quest which is like CWSiege but with all aliases flagged optional)
* Added setstage ocwspecial 73 to debug and toggle the Markarth portcullis iron gate. And a button hidden in the room above the gate that does the same. (Oddly, I have a savegame where the gate is glitched in such a way that regular levers don't open it, but Papyrus script works. You still need to toggle levers to get the objective "force jarl to surrender", though).
* Fleeing a fort battle no longer counts as successful mission and is not rewarded with money. (The mission failure dialogue line is still unvoiced for Rikke and Galmar, though).
* Restored salary cut content (dialogue option with Tullius/Ulfric). In standard mode only. Recurring 100-300 septims. First time after first Battle of Whiterun; accrued every 4 standard auto-play turns; after final campaign hold starts, it gets less and less frequent. After the civil war is over, there are no auto-play turns on the war map, but the salary counter still works.
* Defense minor sieges pass a per-hold CWCampaignMarker instead of a FieldCO object reference to the starting event (CWCampaignMarker-s are unused and less likely to be reserved by some radiant quest - more robust than changing the campaign marker alias to be flagged as "allow reserved").
* The open civil war is no longer blocked if Whiterun is owned by enemy faction. You still have to retake it before the final hold campaign, though.
* In CWArrowVolleyParent script, moved the WAIT call outside the IF in a WHILE loop. This is to counter a potential white-lock starvation by an unfair threading scheduler. Inspected code of all other loops in the CWSomethingSomething scripts, they look good. Impacts the shutdown glitch of major siege battles, vanilla and cut content alike.
- Halfway through, but since we've found potentially an impactful fix for vanilla civil war sieges, have a heads-up:
Version 2.5.2
- * Fix for the imperial defense in Morthal having "[...]" for Jarl Idgrod name (the CWScript property with alias for Hjaalmarch imperial commander points to Haafingar alias, clearly by a mistake)
* Corrected the display color for the Winterhold hold defense flag on the war map (it used to display the invasion of the Rift hold instead)
* Fixed "I want Rikke/Galmar here in this camp" dialogue to be available from after first battle of Whiterun until the end of civil war (it used to be started by dialogue lines when player chose the next hold to conquer, but not by the vanilla lines where the faction leader chose the next hold to conquer)
* Suppressed the "(Defense) I want to help... " dialogue option in military field camps - never useful there, since camps are supposed to be enabled only in enemy-owned holds...
* In Markarth and Riften defenses, when defenders run out of reinforcements, attackers will get unlimited respawn (no longer having to flee from a single remaining essential Rikke/Galmar enemy)
* After fleeing major siege defense, quest CWSiegeObj should stop correctly now (it used to display as completed, but stay running, and that interfered with the journal objectives in a next major siege battle)
* The civil war friend (Ralof or Hadvar) will be in the battles in Markarth and Riften in the city exterior, and he may now "friendly follow" the attacking player inside the city and jarls palace.
* In Markarth siege battles, the exterior portcullis gate will close when the first barricades are broken through, if not closed already (it can start as open or closed when attacking Markarth after losing it in a live defense battle).
* In minor holds city battles, after losing the attack you don't have to report to Rikke/Galmar in the camp (it used to be glitchy to forego it and start a defense battle, but now you can report that lost attack battle to pretty much anyone in your faction).
- * Fix for the imperial defense in Morthal having "[...]" for Jarl Idgrod name (the CWScript property with alias for Hjaalmarch imperial commander points to Haafingar alias, clearly by a mistake)
Version 2.5.1
- * Fixed an issue with Galmar not giving the orders to attack Solitude in the final campaign, if the quest CWAttackCity from a previous siege was not reset. Also fixed retroactively. Console command to workaround the missing dialogue: "setstage cwsiege 1".
* Added a fix for the janky Markarth gate after defenses - the gate will be opened if it's closed (after meeting the soldiers, i.e. defense battle gets to stage 10), for example if you fast travel to Markarth stables and skip the vanilla trigger that opens the gate. (If the fix does not work, then the next time attacking Markarth you may found the gate opened, but still need to pull the gate lever to progress the battle quest)
* Added a fixed version of vanilla script CWMissionGeneratorTriggerScript (see issue 23284 in Unofficial Patch tracker for details).
- * Fixed an issue with Galmar not giving the orders to attack Solitude in the final campaign, if the quest CWAttackCity from a previous siege was not reset. Also fixed retroactively. Console command to workaround the missing dialogue: "setstage cwsiege 1".
Version 2.5.0
- Compared to 2.4.9, the following bugs were fixed:
- corrected the number of battle reinforcements in capital reliefs
- corrected the outcome of the off-screen defense battle resolutions
- a workaround and fix for the glitch that caused the starting dialog line for the final campaign fort battle to be disabled
- Compared to 2.4.9, the following bugs were fixed:
Version 2.4.9
- * Player fleeing city battles in major holds (a bit farther than the attackers siege camp) will lose the battles (does not apply to capital reliefs, though - fleeing them cause the attackers to retreat, still).
* in major holds siege battles, the attackers camp of the previous battle will be replaced by the current faction of attackers (fixes the issue with two camps enabled at the same place and time).
* fixed some of the issues with lingering battle quests markers (battle quests were stopped, but not completed in the journal)
* the standard mode turn ends after the player's side turn (instead of ending after the enemy turn)
* each vanilla civil war mission when completed successfully adds 1 strength point to the player rank bonus, when determining the battle odds.
* completing the vanilla fort battle mission will add 1 strength point to the player's faction rather than to the enemy (so it's worth more than civil war mission, but it's not a permanent bonus)
* in minor hold city battles, the guard garrison is re-enabled immediately after the attackers lose and retreat. Avoid fighting those guards, killing them will give you a bounty (until you conquer this hold, presumably), and the battle is lost anyway.
- * Player fleeing city battles in major holds (a bit farther than the attackers siege camp) will lose the battles (does not apply to capital reliefs, though - fleeing them cause the attackers to retreat, still).
Version 2.4.8
- - restricted the defense battles to after-battle-of-whiterun only
- fixed the warmap getting stuck in autoplay standard mode and needing switching to wargame mode temporarily
- if you kill the catapult soldier in Markarth attackers camp, the extra catapult fire stops
This is beta version. I've noticed that quest battles might not get completed in the journal when you lose them (they will when you attack the hold again, or with console command to complete quest cwfortsiegecapital (minor holds) / ocwsiegedup (major holds) ). Otherwise it played fine, and the biggest issue is with the overall level of the challenge, which can be demanding even on the "Novice" level...
- - restricted the defense battles to after-battle-of-whiterun only
Version 2.4.7
- Added the defenses in major holds (Markarth, Riften).
Note that in Markarth the war room is one of the Understone Keep side chambers, - locked with the "Key to Markarth Keep". In Riften, the war map is just a few rooms behind the throne room.
- tweaked the accuracy of enemy catapults in Markarth defense - the attackers may wait, if you wait and don't scout and provoke them to attack, expect catapult fire to hit defenders, and lose eventually.
- Added the defenses in major holds (Markarth, Riften).
Version 2.4.6
- Defenses in minor holds should work okay now. (Defenses in Riften and Markarth are still only off-screen, for the live battles are buggy instant win)
- changed the battle quest objectives, to show % of both attackers and defenders, etc
- fixed the "attackers always win" nonsense from vanilla stage 9999
This carries over Unofficial Patch changes to form CWFortSiegeCapital. (I haven't tested it without the Unofficial Patch, yet).
The above changes should also affect the attack battles in minor holds. In particular, losing the battle should flow more smooth (e.g. no longer cancelling a side mission). The "it is hopeless retreat" soldiers fleeing running scene may play shorter or not at all, though.
There is a small risk that the inside-wall phase of major hold city battles (e.g. final hold capital battle) would be affected, haven't tested them.
- Defenses in minor holds should work okay now. (Defenses in Riften and Markarth are still only off-screen, for the live battles are buggy instant win)
Version 2.4.5
- * moved the hold battle dialogue options in a single topic (which refreshes after waiting 1 hour; that should prevent accidentally starting live and off-screen battle at the same time)
* defense dialogue option starts the defense battle only in holds invaded by the enemy; in holds that are not invaded by the enemy, the option is also available but does nothing, just displays a notification
* It takes 3 turns until an enemy hold invasion is resolved - this number is okay for playing Standard mode as it is now
* If an enemy withdrew from the hold you're attacking, another hold will be invaded by the enemy (instead of taken over immediately), but with only 1 turn left until the invasion is resolved.
* In Standard mode, the invasions are not resolved off-screen if the player is in the invaded hold already (so 1 turn left should be enough to get there and fight a live defense battle)
* Upheavals don't happen as a result of Standard turns (after the battle of Whiterun) - you need to go there (and conquer the hold with a battle, easy-peasy...)
* Vanilla civil war fort battles no longer conquer the entire hold.
This is a feature freeze version, I won't add any extra content before the bugs are fixed and live defense battles restored.
- * moved the hold battle dialogue options in a single topic (which refreshes after waiting 1 hour; that should prevent accidentally starting live and off-screen battle at the same time)
Version 2.4.4
- The plan is to release this as 2.3.5, only with global OCWWargameDefensesEnabled set to 0 by default.
* fixed the code that starts hold battles, both live and off-screen - there was a regression in 2.4.x branch
* changed the hold battle launching procedure (to use SendStoryEventAndWait) - maybe it'll be more robust in badly lagging setups...
* implemented off-screen defenses with the same takeover function as upheavals (while using the same battle odds formula as off-screen hold battles)
* toggle-able Standard / Wargamer game mode
- in Standard mode, the war map is "read only"
- in Standard mode, a turn is auto-played every time player approaches another war map
- in Wargamer mode, turns and everything are controlled by the player as usual
- new game defaults into the Standard mode
- The plan is to release this as 2.3.5, only with global OCWWargameDefensesEnabled set to 0 by default.
Version 2.4.3
- * Talking to commanders for the "... (Defense)" battle option will make them speak about a two random mission hooks (just for fluff)
* Cosmetic war map changes
- place troops marks sideways to flags
- changed the troops marks (helmets) size scale, is now a geometric progression
- in recruitment phase, simply resize the helmet, don't create a new one
- troop marks for neutral Whiterun: miniature shields of Whiterun
- smooth transition of flag color changes
* Wargame AI changes
- use annealing-like process to find the next move with the best score
- the score now factors in the enemy losses, so a raid 4->2 may be preferred over 4->1 strength.
* Vanilla civil war forts that are owned by bandits go fully back to the army if raided by faction - but only the faction that owns the hold.
* Takeovers on the war map (upheavals, and these fort garrison changes) are started in another thread, so they don't block the automatic play (if you are in the affected location, only the hold flag will change, until you leave - the map will render the "Contested" blue-red / red-blue flag).
- * Talking to commanders for the "... (Defense)" battle option will make them speak about a two random mission hooks (just for fluff)
Version 2.4.2
- - unlocked the "... (Defense)" option on the Stormcloak side
- disabled the war map troops movement animations
- even more fater turn processing - removed latent function call Utility.RandomInt from a tight loop
- the "enemy invaded" are situations resolved off-screen in a manner similar to off-screen hold battles; now it's possible to lose the hold that way (seems to be more choppy/stucky then the upheavals, though).
- - unlocked the "... (Defense)" option on the Stormcloak side
Version 2.4.1
- Adds a dialogue option "I want to help defend this hold (Defense)" to the field commanders of your faction.
- currently, it is not conditioned to come up only in the hold targeted by enemy invasion
- in holds you own, it starts the cut content battle in a defense mode. don't expect they work fully in this version, though.
- Markarth defense ends right after it starts that way. Perhaps it needs to be started in the right place. If you force it with "setstage ocwspecial 2210" (on the side of imperials) after "coc markathexterior01", the defense battle starts; not so much after "coc markarthunderstonekeep".
- Adds a dialogue option "I want to help defend this hold (Defense)" to the field commanders of your faction.
Version 2.4.0
- Initial upload for the experimental defense unstable 2.4.x branch. But if you updated by accident, do not worry, because the changes are negligible:
- once per turn (after making moves, and before the recruitment phase) the enemy will pick the worst defended hold, and "invade" it (notification and the hold capital flag will turn to blue-red or red-blue)
- this invasion will be resolved during your turn (just before the recruitment phase) - currently the enemy always "retreats", no matter what the battle odds would be for that hold.
- Initial upload for the experimental defense unstable 2.4.x branch. But if you updated by accident, do not worry, because the changes are negligible:
Version 2.3.4
- * Changes that were in 2.3.3 "September bugfixes":
- fixes bug with the player character removed from the CWImperialFaction / CWSonsFaction despite battling on that side (will add the player back to appropriate faction when refreshing war map)
- no longer moving around attackers when revealing defenders in minor siege ambushes
- "I need Galmar in this camp" dialog option no longer appear with town commanders
- hold battle dialog options no longer appear when talking to Galmar in Windhelm after defecting with Jagged Crown to imperials, and just after delivering message to Ulfric before battle of Whiterun
- added boots to Riften Unblooded and Markarth Auxiliary soldiers.
* Recompiled script OCWWargameScript.pex - that should fix upheavals not working at all
- * Changes that were in 2.3.3 "September bugfixes":
Version 2.3.2
- - fixed the raid message box text, should always start with the first line "B A T T L E !"
- changed "Faction has launched a campaign" to "Faction launched a campaign" to avoid has/have grammar issue
- included flag locations added in 2.3 during checking conditions triggering an upheaval (the same way as all other flag locations)
- disabled dialogue options to start a a hold battle if in the final hold military camp
- more robust siege battle start up procedure: if not started within 30 seconds, proceeds regardless, but later check if any reinforcement pool is still infinite and fixes it
- conditioned CWDialogue "Stay alert..." and "Legion soliders gleam..." on both Ulfric and Tullius alive (makes more sense with Second Great War mod situation)
- increased frequency of checking if vanilla cw mission is obsoleted by hold/fort ownership change. switched default behavior from "complete quest" to "fail quest" if a mission is found obsoleted (fixes: fort battles not starting after another mission is cancelled).
- - fixed the raid message box text, should always start with the first line "B A T T L E !"
Version 2.3
- - 8 more rogue forts and villages added to the war map
- forts/villages close to hold borders may affect the defense bonus for crossing hold border; whereas by default it is +1, but it may be +2 or 0 if controlled by enemy or your faction units
- recognizes Helgen as a bandit fort
- fort Fellhammer belongs to Winterhold
- changed war map flags direction, especially in the Riften - Fort Greenwall - Shor's Stone three flags
- buffed up enemy leader decoys in capital siege reliefs
- fixed message typos and revamped notifications for localization purposes
- restricted "I need Rikke/Galmar here" to be available only in military camps
- chance for an ambush in minor sieges; 50% normal battle, 35% ambush battle, 15% enemy withdrew
- added the restored Rikke and Galmar speech scene in Riften and Markarth battles
- miscellaneous fixes and glitch prevention.
- - 8 more rogue forts and villages added to the war map
Version 2.2
- - changed the notification texts of the jarls upheavals to a more fluff
- removed dice numbers in notifications (by default). you still can find them in messageBox battle reports
- the upheavals and city battles are suspended for the duration of the quest Season Unending ("the rumor of Greaybeards peace talks calms hostilities...")
- added option to disable upheavals for the walled cities: Markarth and Riften (globals OCWWargameMarkarthVulnerable, OCWWargameRiftenVulnerable), by default they are allowed
- after raiding a bandit-owned fort, the new flag updates its color immediately
- fixed the bug that Fort Fellhammer and Valtheim troops were recognized as troops from DragonBridge and Dawnstar, respectively)
- added limit to the recruitment phase bringing the capital to the fold - now it happens only if less than 3 castles remains (that have troops belonging to that capital's faction).
- - changed the notification texts of the jarls upheavals to a more fluff
Version 2.1
- - enlarged war map flag sizes by 30% (global OCWWarmapFlagScale, default 1.3)
- limited the maximum battle reinforcements to 50 (Novice) - 100 (Legendary) soldiers; (can be increased by setting global OCWWargameBattlePoolMultiplier to something greater than 1.0; in case someone makes a mod to increase the number of spawned soldiers at the same time)
- by default faction leader will stay in headquarters castle; the global OCWEnableFieldGeneral can be toggled by speaking to to him in "Let me suggest..." topic.
New rules to the recruitment phase:
- if capital castle was raided by enemy, it goes back to the fold with strength 0 at start of the recruitment phase
- increased the number of recruited units to 2 + (number of flags owned in wargame)
- the cap on the total army size is now 20 + (number of flags owned in wargame)
This should prevent one side getting wiped out, and on the Novice level it should be feasible to win back even without Siege Reliefs battles.
- - enlarged war map flag sizes by 30% (global OCWWarmapFlagScale, default 1.3)
Version 2.0
- - battle odds during capital siege reliefs are now calculated in a similar way to hold capital battles; the capital hold, two adjacent holds, and the whiterun hold troops count in
- if you win a capital siege relief, enemy garrisons in these holds are reduced to strength 0
- suppresses Mjoll scene and Sapphire scene during the battle in Riften
- bugfixes and workarounds in dealing with minor siege battle outcomes - among others, the vanilla function SetNewOwnerOfFort is bugged on Stormcloak side (code uses operator && but it should do XOR)
- other cosmetic bugfixes and improvements
- - battle odds during capital siege reliefs are now calculated in a similar way to hold capital battles; the capital hold, two adjacent holds, and the whiterun hold troops count in
Version 1.11
- - jarls in minor sieges have a chance for equipping random armor pieces and shield / random weapon
- fixed cowardly housecarl in minor siege, running back to jarl's longhouse (probably caused by low priority of vanilla siege quest)
- fixed the bug where Galmar fills the alias for housecarl in minor sieges
- added an enchanted warhammer to the housecarl Maul in siege of Riften
- added retreat scene for major sieges; after the retreat, enemy will tolerate you and let you in if you won't attack them
- fixed the issue with being able to enter the gates the city and fighting on ever after losing the major siege battle
- fixed the issue with field commander remaining inside the city after losing an Riften/Markarth major sieges - it's moved to the cwbattle version of fieldco
- added mission catch event nodes that should filter out CWMissionGeneratorTriggerScript events fired by enemy military camps (regardless of whether it ever could cause a bug - the bad fieldCO bug in CWMissionGeneratorTriggerScript is fixed in a different way)
- fixed the newly added speech conversations about Markarth/Riften to happen only in the correct city
- fixed the bug with swapped voice files for Ulfric telling you to go to Winterhold and Rift
- changed the topic text for Ulfric dialogue counterpart to "I am ready for a new field assignment" on imperial side; now it is more like "I am eager to fight the Empire wherever you wish"
- - jarls in minor sieges have a chance for equipping random armor pieces and shield / random weapon
Version 1.10
- - wargame troops pieces are moved using spline curves. hilarious if they travel outside the map border
- a speech opportunity in before major siege battles (Riften, Markarth)
- after winning hold that you've suggested to conquer, your general may travel to the military camp in that hold
- in minor siege battles, your soldiers will actually start fleeing if
- fixed the glitch that there were no soldiers in minor siege battles at all
- not a bug, a feature: if there is no enemy soldiers found in a minor siege battle, either talk to your soldiers... (or report to Rikke/Galmar to claim the victory as in earlier versions)
- your general may address you by your civil war rank
- capital siege relief are available only if enemy faction owns a hold next to our capital (Hjaalmarch,Reach / Rift,Winterhold)
- up to 3 guard soldiers from Kynesgrove / Dragonbridge will join the siege reliefs
- increased the number of enemy soldiers in reliefs to 100+
- improved enemy general equipment in siege reliefs.
- bumped the difficulty dice bias in the wargame; it's still possible to win by autoplay on Adept, but it should be rare on Expert and above difficulty levels.
- - wargame troops pieces are moved using spline curves. hilarious if they travel outside the map border
Version 1.9
- - new kind of flag for cities: blue-red, red-blue. The top color shows the hold ownership,
the bottom is for city owner faction. Probably should not happen in vanilla civil war.
- worked around the mission trigger bug, which causes the game to set enemy field commander, especially in Hjaalmarch (new dialogue line "About the hold campaign..." which appears only if the bug occured, will fix it)
- cut content major siege battles have reinforcements pool computed the same way as minor sieges (the notification "Battle advantage=NN")
- dice rolls used to compute battle adventage are less varied, based on tosssing 5 coins
- wargame garrisons in locations marked as "Cleared" are reduced (bandit forts by half); not as useful since most of the civil war forts are not clearable in vanilla; Fort Fellhammer is
- fixed the issue with missions available only in the vanilla order; (tread carefuly, it's recommended to complete accepted missions and not pursue missions outside the currently invaded hold - the mod won't prevent you from doing so, currently)
- - new kind of flag for cities: blue-red, red-blue. The top color shows the hold ownership,
Version 1.8
- - added missing promotion dialogue (not present in vanilla for higher ranks and early holds)
- worked around the issue caused by WinterholdLocation used instead of WinterholdHoldLocation in vanilla "what's next" topic
- fixed the issue with winning fort battles by beating the hold jarl to surrender, it should happen only for city battles
- fixed the unsavory actor flags in scene CWAttackCityJarlSurrenderScene
- added lines for jarl Igmund coming back, to prevent silent dialogue in the cut content
- fixed winning outcome of the major siege battles
- added position markers for jarl surender scenes in Markarth and Riften throne rooms
- renamed CWSiegeMarkarthImperialSoldier from "imperial soldier" to "Markarth Auxiliary" and CWSiegeRifternSonsSoldier to "Riften Unblooded"
- - added missing promotion dialogue (not present in vanilla for higher ranks and early holds)
Version 1.7
- - fixed the "Let me suggest...", especially on the Stormcloak side
- Rikke/Galmar will not likely teleport to the military camp
- added "I want Rikke/Galmar here." dialogue option to other camp commanders - after waiting 1 hour Rikke/Galmar should appear in the current camp.
- the minor siege battles are now updating the objective "Kill all enemy soldiers (% remaining)", and the number is with the % of reinforcement pool on your side (that is, attackers).
- fixed the Markarth jarl surrender scene to be able to start even if Ondolemar died in the preceding fight
- switched from loose file to .BSA archive
- - fixed the "Let me suggest...", especially on the Stormcloak side
Version 1.6
- - the extra major city battles have finite reinforcement pool now (you=15, enemy=40)
- fleeing away from these major city battles completes them automatically
- fixed the barricades bug which occurred when repeating a major siege
- fixed the missing CWSiegeRespawnAttackerPhase5 markers (issue in Riften battle)
- fixed or added required Location-Ref-Type markers for CWPrepareCity in Solitude and Windhelm
- renamed "Imperial General" to "Imperial Decimator" and "Stormcloak General" to "Stormcloak Arctoid" (seemingly they respawn, and General it's a bit too high for that)
- - the extra major city battles have finite reinforcement pool now (you=15, enemy=40)
- Author's activity
October 2024
16 Oct 2024, 11:32AM | Action by: simtam
Attribute change
'File \'\' description changed.'
15 Oct 2024, 10:50AM | Action by: simtam
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 2.8.0'
15 Oct 2024, 10:39AM | Action by: simtam
File added
' [version 2.8.0]'
15 Oct 2024, 10:33AM | Action by: simtam
Attribute change
'File \'\' category changed to Old versions.'
June 2023
14 Jun 2023, 4:21AM | Action by: simtam
Permission change
'Author changed their permission instructions.'
14 Jun 2023, 4:16AM | Action by: simtam
Permission change
'Author changed their file credits.'
14 Jun 2023, 4:15AM | Action by: simtam
Permission change
'Author changed their file credits.'
14 Jun 2023, 4:14AM | Action by: simtam
Permission change
'Author changed their file credits.'
14 Jun 2023, 4:14AM | Action by: simtam
Permission change
'Author changed their permission instructions.'
13 Jun 2023, 9:03AM | Action by: simtam
Attribute change
'Summary changed.
Description changed.'
13 Jun 2023, 7:33AM | Action by: simtam
Attribute change
'File \'\' description changed.'
July 2021
05 Jul 2021, 7:08PM | Action by: simtam
Mod mirror added
May 2021
20 May 2021, 2:05PM | Action by: simtam
Changelog added
Change log added for version 2.7.1
20 May 2021, 1:47PM | Action by: simtam
File added [version 2.7.1]
07 May 2021, 6:28PM | Action by: simtam
Changelog added
Change log added for version 2.7.0
07 May 2021, 6:14PM | Action by: simtam
Mod image added
07 May 2021, 6:12PM | Action by: simtam
File added [version 2.7.0]
05 May 2021, 8:38PM | Action by: simtam
File added [version 2.6.3]
05 May 2021, 4:10PM | Action by: simtam
Changelog added
Change log added for version 2.6.3
05 May 2021, 4:06PM | Action by: simtam
File added [version 2.6.3]
- Mod page activity
February 2025
12 Feb 2025, 1:42AM | Action by: wisestonewiz101
'Open Civil War'
11 Feb 2025, 12:13PM | Action by: nb1646
'Open Civil War'
10 Feb 2025, 2:37PM | Action by: nb1646
'Open Civil War'
09 Feb 2025, 9:30AM | Action by: jmontanholi
'Open Civil War'
07 Feb 2025, 2:28AM | Action by: Shedave
'Open Civil War'
04 Feb 2025, 9:22AM | Action by: YungNutty42069
'Open Civil War'
04 Feb 2025, 3:45AM | Action by: edubr0099
'Open Civil War'
02 Feb 2025, 11:07AM | Action by: draken3231
'Open Civil War'
January 2025
31 Jan 2025, 7:06PM | Action by: andrewhate308
'Open Civil War'
31 Jan 2025, 5:06PM | Action by: qbek123
'Open Civil War'
31 Jan 2025, 8:10AM | Action by: Desdishad0
'Open Civil War'
31 Jan 2025, 4:03AM | Action by: aybinsaud
'Open Civil War'
31 Jan 2025, 12:37AM | Action by: ronwilmor
'Open Civil War'
30 Jan 2025, 2:43PM | Action by: Blue89cunn
'Open Civil War'
29 Jan 2025, 10:40AM | Action by: honkabonka32
'Open Civil War'
29 Jan 2025, 2:57AM | Action by: ryotanvbdz
'Open Civil War'
27 Jan 2025, 8:58AM | Action by: Sylvester1207
'Open Civil War'
26 Jan 2025, 4:08AM | Action by: Tzidga
'Open Civil War'
25 Jan 2025, 9:58PM | Action by: mccrawwmac
'Open Civil War'
25 Jan 2025, 1:59PM | Action by: Atardecer
'Open Civil War'