About this mod
A simple mesh replacer (no esp) that gives the statue of Talos a Greatsword rather than that toothpick he was holding - for a more warrior-like Talos statue. Optional HD (hi-poly) statue mesh and 5 sword options.
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A simple MESH replacer (no esp) that gives the statue of Talos a Greatsword rather than that toothpick he was holding - for a more warrior-like Talos statue.
I like the Talos statue, a good thing considering how many there are scattered across Skyrim, but I never liked the little sword he was holding. I also don't really like the shape of the serpent's head so I reshaped it.
I've had this in my house mod for a long time but this mod will replace all Talos statues in Skyrim, including mods unless they didn't use the vanilla statue.
Use the included installer (requires NMM or one of the other mod managers), or install manually if you like.
Choose a statue mesh and a sword.
There is NO ESP file, so this won't affect your load order or plugin count.
- Low-poly statue mesh: Vanilla Talos statue with minor snake edits (the above image uses this), or
- High-poly statue mesh: (recommended) I've created my own smoother statue version that was manually edited to maintain the vanilla form and prevent texture distortion.
- Iron Greatsword, or
- Steel Greatsword, or
- Silver Greatsword, or
- Nord Hero Greatsword, or
- Dragonbone Greatsword (Dawnguard)
Will only conflict with other Talos statue MESH replacers, totally compatible with everything else!
- To use with StunningStatues/TerrificTalos: use my Hi-Poly version, overwrite SS/TT to use his textures.
- For the snow-covered statue of No Snow Under the Roof use the NSUtR patch (high-poly only). Pick a sword option and overwrite the NSUtR mesh. Pick a different sword from the main file for statue variety in Skyrim.
The included sword textures are modified versions of vanilla or CaBaL120's BoS greatsword textures, used here with permission.
The greatsword meshes are the reshaped models from my Better-Shaped Weapons mod.
You can use these meshes in your House or Dungeon/Quest mod, just add me to the credits please.

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