About this mod
Bring Astrid on your travels. Fully voiced and containing normal Astrid, burned Astrid, and ghost Astrid!
- Permissions and credits

*Dark Brotherhood Quest Spoiler Alert*
Are you like me? Did you hesitate when having to kill Astrid as part of the Dark Brotherhood questline even though she betrayed you? Did you realize you were going to miss her? Or maybe you killed her and want her back to torture her some more? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this mod is for you.
Sithis has heard our pleas and allowed us to enter the Void and get Astrid back. She is now a full fledged follower who still uses her unique voice!

I searched around for a while and was surprised to find there was no mod that had already done this. If there is then I apologize. The only one I found was a mod that adds an Astrid npc after the questline is completed but she doesn't even have Astrid's voice, she has Lydia's. So I decided to make this mod. I've spent hours and hours sifting through Astrid's voice files to find ones that worked. She has about 50 lines so far.
This version is for Legendary Edition. The Special Edition version can be found here.

To find Astrid you must first loot her body after killing her in the DB questline. Then follow the clues and enjoy the short quest.
Alternatively you can cheat and just use the console command "coc Void1". Be prepared to fight.
If you're a lazy boi you can just use the version titled "Astrid Reborn 2.0 For the Lazy Adventurer". The spells and note will be added to your inventory once you load up the mod.
Whichever method you choose, make absolutely sure you read the note called "Acceptance". This activates Astrid's dialogue.

None! You don't even need to start or finish the Dark Brotherhood questline, just use the console commands or use the Lazy version if you want.

Astrid is now compatible with all replacer mods! Gray face bug should also be fixed as a result.
Completely overhauled the dialogue.
Added a custom framework so she no longer uses the vanilla framework.
This means Astrid should work perfectly with all other mods now! [Aside from replacers, but I'm working on that]
This also should fix the dialogue bug once and for all
Added burned Astrid
Added ghost Astrid
Both new versions have spell tomes too
Removed the trapdoor in Shadowmere's pond and instead added a small unmarked quest.
Changed out Astrid's dagger for a leveled one
Added new dialogue lines. There's about 50 in this version.
Hopefully fixed the gray face bug for good
Added Summon Spell
Fixed Grayface bug
Fixed Dialogue bug
Removed hood
Swapped out Blade of Woe for Steel dagger
Cleaned the file with TES5Edit

When you read the note titled "Acceptance" all three Astrids will then show up and already be your followers. This was happening before the note was added and the actual reason why Astrid's dialogue is even activated by the note. It was the best workaround I could figure out.
Dismiss all three of them and recruit them again or else you won't be able to access their inventories.

Astrid does not play nice with EFF (Extended Follower Framework). You will have to force recruit her through the MCM. DO NOT DO THIS WHILE SHE IS YOUR FOLLOWER, she will break when you try to dismiss her. I personally recommend using Amazing Follower Tweaks, she also works well with UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.
She also works perfectly with My Home Is Your Home
Still now works with replacers! Place replacers after this mod in your load order to prevent crashes.
I have also created a patch for the Realm of Lorkhan mod! There is now an extra shard in the Realm that will send you to Volunruud. Be sure to take Astrid's Heart near the shard so you can actually get to her!

Now that the big issues are out of the way I can focus on the less important stuff. First off is I guess I'll finally make her marriageable, since a lot of people seem to want that. I also want to give her inventory management if I can figure it out, though for now I'd suggest just using AFT or UFO.
I also need to make the Xbox version, if the CK will decide to cooperate with me.
And of course work on expanding her dialogue more.
Any suggestions are welcome.

Want the other members who died? Try Save the Dark Brotherhood
Want more to do after the DB questline ends? Check out The Dark Brotherhood Resurrection
Want a better sanctuary after the questline ends? Dark Brotherhood Reborn
Want the DB armor in the screenshots? Arise - Chapter 1 - The Black Sacrement
Here's another Darker armor I love. Lustmord Vampire Armor
Here's a cool DB flavored house mod. Sicarius' Refuge
If you're a fan of Oblivion DB you'll love this poison apple mod. Purification of Skyrim
Here's a list of Astrid Replacers I know work:
Cute Astrid Replacer - Plugin for P3ACH's Follower
Rei's Astrid Replacer - UNP and CBBE
Skyrim Ladies - Aela and Astrid
A Study in Tragedy - Astrid Replacer
Dark Brotherhood Character Overhaul
Astrid - Jack Mass Effect 3 reworked
Better Astrid
Pure Astrid
Since Oblivion, the Dark Brotherhood questlines have always been my favorite.
Q. Why can't I marry her? Make her marriable!
A. Stop asking this. Astrid's husband was murdered in the very same event that killed her! You really think she'd so willingly marry you just cause you resurrected her? At least give her some time to grieve, you monster. [I may eventually add the option to marry her but there's way more important things to do with this mod first]
Q. Does this mod work with Astrid replacers?
Q. Can you bring back ____ too?
A. Okay look... I'd be happy to revive other characters who die eventually but really my main priority is Astrid. Let me get her to where I want and then I'll try bringing back other dudes.
Need a faster way to contact me? Consider joining my Discord server. Mooncubus
Also available on Steam Workshop Here