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Serana Dialogue Edit
Version: 1.01
Author: ThatGuyYeah
Date: 7/4/2018

Differences from Previous Version (v0.9)
-Mod has been retweaked to avoid Legacy of the Dragonborn/Book Covers Skyrim Conflict.
-Custom Dialogue has been added to Dragonborn.
-Some radiant dialogue added on some parts of Solstheim (more will be added at v1.1).

Past Versions
-0.9 - USLEP requirement added, SSE Special Edition added, Relationship/Rememberance Mechanic added, Dawnguard Dialogue Expandion, Admire/Despire Status Dialogue added.
-0.3R - Re-added Serana's custom clicked hello dialogues, re-added more general hello dialogues, re-added custom dismiss dialogue, fixed one annoying dialogue in vanilla.
-0.26R - Issue with one of the files has been corrected for Mod Organizer users.
-0.25R - Reworked Serana's combat detection dialogue and taunts, re-added Serana's scene dialogue with locations, some of Serana's radiant dialogue has been re-added.
-0.2R - Re-added Serana's custom combat taunts, re-added Serana's custom combat detection dialogue, other minor fixes.
-0.15R - Requiring all three DLCs in order to use this mod, renaming the mod for future SSE porting, custom goodbye dialogue has been re-added.
-0.1R - Rebuilding of the framework on custom Serana dialogue, re-added dialogue on spells on Serana, re-added Serana dialogue on some of player's actions, fixes typos in Serana's dialogue, other minor fixes.
-0.81 - Bug fixes (Masterlist Out of Order & Weather Dialogue Typo).
-0.8 - Expanded dialogue in Hearthfire, adds post-quest dialogue for Serana involving her parents and changes with player dialogue with Serana so player responses don't seem 'robotic.'
-0.75 - Adds custom dialogue trees in Dragonborn, adds custom dialogue trees in Hearthfire, overhauls Serana's taunts and implements the all-in-one installer.
-0.5 - Adds custom dialogue trees in Dawnguard, adds more radiant dialogue in Dragonborn, adds dialogue when casting spells at Serana, revives weather/sun dialogue with Serana and players can now cure Serana if the player sided with the Vampires on the Dawnguard side.
-0.45 - Splits the mod into two editions (Hearthfire and Non-Hearthfire), revises combat stance detection dialogue, fixes an infamous line of dialogue that was constantly spammed in a certain quest, makes certain combat stance detection dialogue not be said when the player is sneaking and adds some radiant dialogue to Serana in Dragonborn.
-0.4 - Adds more dialogue to Serana's Detection Stances, adds dialogue to certain conditions of the player, adds a line of dialogue when at the Throat of the World, adds a line of dialogue during a certain weather pattern at night and recycles 2 lines from the sun dialogue for 'not nice' weather conditions.
-0.3 - Removes unneeded files, fixes some dialogue (including the sun dialogue), replaces some dialogue in Main Questline/Parting ways and adds dialogue to Serana when clicking on her.
-0.2 - Adds 7 new dialogue features to her character when in combat.
-0.15 - Corrects some issues with the dialogue from v0.1
-0.1 - Initial Release of Mod.

Mod Requirements
-Dawnguard DLC
-Hearthfire DLC
-Dragonborn DLC
-Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/


What changes does this mod make?
This mod makes the following changes:

Audio Add - Clicked Hello Dialogue
-When starting a conversation with Serana, the player will get far more responses from Serana than before.

Audio Add - Dimiss Dialogue
-When dismissing Serana, the player will get far more responses from Serana than before.

Audio Add - Goodbye Dialogue
-When ending conversation with Serana, the player will get far more responses from Serana than before.

Audio Add - Quest: Bloodline
-Serana now has custom audio for Bloodline.

Audio Add - Quest: Cleansing the Stones
-Serana now has custom audio for Cleansing the Stones.

Audio Add - Quest: Dragonborn
-Serana now has custom audio for after the player reads the note after the first Cultists attack starting the Dragonborn Questline.

Audio Add - Quest: Hearthfire - Property Choices
-Serana now has custom audio for Hearthfire based the property the player has bought.

Audio Add - Quest: Hearthfire - Room Choices
-Serana now has custom audio for Hearthfire based the room choices the player has made.

Audio Add - Quest: Kindred Judgment
-Serana now has custom audio for Kindred Judgment.

Audio Add - Quest: Prophet (Hunter)
-Serana now has custom audio for Prophet (Hunter).

Audio Add - Quest: Prophet (Vampire)
-Serana now has custom audio for Prophet (Vampire),

Audio Add - Quest: The Fate of the Skaal
-Serana now has custom audio for The Fate of the Skaal.

Audio Add - Quest: The Gardener of Men
-Serana now has custom audio for The Gardener of Men.

Audio Add - Quest: The Path of Knowledge
-Serana now has custom audio for The Path of Knowledge.

Audio Add - Quest: The Temple of Miraak
-Serana now has custom audio for The Temple of Miraak.

Audio Add - Quest: Touching the Sky
-Serana now has custom audio for Touching the Sky.

Audio Add - Quest: Unseen Visions
-Serana now has custom audio for Unseen Visions.

Audio Add - Quest: Post Dawnguard - Mom Rescue
-Serana now custom audio if the player rescues Valerica and Serana is with the player.

Audio Add - Quest: Post Dragonborn
-Serana now custom audio after listening (or ignoring) Frea's word of warning.

Audio Add - Radiant Dialogue - Aurora Sky
-Serana will make a comment if there is a aurora in the night's sky from midnight to 5 AM.

Audio Add - Radiant Dialogue - Bars/Inns
-Serana will make a comment if the player and Serana are in a bar or inn.

Audio Add - Radiant Dialogue - Player Health
-Serana will make a comment on the player's health if the player's health is below 50%, 33% and 10%.

Audio Add - Radiant Dialogue - Player Naked
-Serana will make a comment on the player is wearing nothing (naked).

Audio Add - Radiant Dialogue - Serana Health
-Serana will make a comment on her health if it is below 60% and 20%.

Audio Add - Radiant Dialogue - Spider Scrolls
-Serana will make a comment if the player is holding Spider Scrolls.

Audio Add - Radiant Dialogue - Tamriel
-Serana will make a comment if the player and Serana are outside.

Audio Add - Relationship Mechanic - Admire Status
-Serana will have audio if Serana just entires the admire status with the player for the first time.

Audio Add - Relationship Mechanic - Despise Status
-Serana will have audio if Serana just entires the despise status with the player for the first time.

Audio Add - Serana/Player Actions
-Depending if Serana is an active follower or not, Serana will react to certain things the player does or what Serana does. This includies, Serana being under water for quite awhile and coming back up, the player picking up random objects, etc.

Audio Add - Serana's Combat Detection
-Serana will say different dialogues depending on her combat detection.

Audio Add - Serana's Combat Taunts
-When fighting, Serana will say different combat taunts.

Audio Add - Serana's Location Scenes
-More audio has been added to Serana when she is near locations like caves or ruins.

Audio Add - Spells on Serana
-Adds commentary to when the player casts certain spells on Serana.

Dialogue Consolidation - Goodbye Dialogue
-Previous Goodbye Dialogues were deleted and consolidated into one quest header. This will allow Serana to be significantly more talkative.

Dialogue Feature - Bloodline Changes
-Serana's Dialogue Path

Dialogue Feature - Sneak
-When sneaking, Serana will not say a lot of 'loud' dialogue and will say more 'quieter' dialogue when sneaking with the player.

Dialogue Fix - Dismissing Serana
-Serana's dismiss dialogue with certain dialogues has been fixed so she doesn't say it after the quest has been finished.

Dialogue Fix - Serana and the Sun
-Dialogue conditions have been added to correct Serana complaining about the sun when she is not a vampire.

Dialogue Fix - Serana's Combat Taunts
-Dialogue conditions have been added to correct Serana's taunting in combat.
-Conditions have been added so Serana's original taunts will be more diverse when fighting with other creatures.

Dialogue Fix - Marriage Proposal
-Serana has some tweaks added to her Marriage dialogue branch with the player.
-Dialogue responses will now reflect the player's relationship with Serana (Relationship Mechanic).

Dialogue Fix - "Yes? What do you need?"
-That dialogue that spams during the beginning of Chasing Echoes has been fixed.
-Serana will only say it if the player is actually talking to her.

Feature Add - Debug Mode
-Debug Mode has been added to change the Relationship Value in Game (My Use Only - Only Open in Beta Versions of the Mod)

Isolate Player - Combat Dialogue
-Combat Detection Dialogue and Taunts that Serana says when it sounds like she is with the player has been isolated so Serana won't say it if she not following the player.

Isolate Serana - Combat Dialogue
-Separates Serana from the Vampire Combat Dialogue in order to make all the combat dialogue changes only affect her.

Relationship Mechanic - Beyond Death
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Relationship Mechanic - Bloodline
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Relationship Mechanic - Chasing Echoes
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Relationship Mechanic - Dawnguard - Post-Quest
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Relationship Mechanic - Hearthfire
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Relationship Mechanic - Kindred Judgment
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Relationship Mechanic - NPC Mental Model
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.
-Serana will give a huge boost in affection if the player completes The House of Horrors quest.

Relationship Mechanic - Prophet (Hunter)
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Relationship Mechanic - Prophet (Vampire)
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Relationship Mechanic - Touching the Sky
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Relationship Mechanic - Unseen Visions
-Some Dialogue Choices the player maakes with Serana affect her disposition with the player.

Rememberance Mechanic - Chasing Echoes
-Giving a positive response to Serana Biting or Soul Trapping the player will have her remember that moment.

Rememberance Mechanic - Prophet (Hunter/Vampire)
-Talking to Serana about the Elder Scroll and responding to her flrting in a postive way will be remembered.
-Talking to Serana after rescuing Dexion will have you remember that conversation.

Typo Fix - Dismiss Dialogue
-Corrects a line of dialogue.

Typo Fix - Bloodline
-Corrects 2 lines of dialogue.

Typo Fix - Chasing Echoes
-Corrects several lines of dialogue.

Typo Fix - Kindred Judgement
-Corrects a line of dialogue.

Typo Fix - Touching the Sky
-Corrects a line of dialogue.

Typo Fix - Unseen Visions
-Corrects a few lines of dialogue.

Typo Fix - Volkihar Castle Block - Player Cured
-Corrects a line of dialogue.