1836 Flintlock Audio Overhaul - KristianD3 (Munitions Compatibility)
1850 Pepper-Box Revolver
Any RDR2 Scripthook will work, this is my personal prefence. |
2k characters
A Zebra
Needed for anything to work |
adler player home
Needed |
AK-47 Audio Overhaul - KristianD3 (Munitions Compatibility)
AKM AK47 Tweaks -KristianD3
Fuck yourself if you didn't installed this |
Ambient Gang - Manhunt
Choose only one |
American Saddlebred
REQUIRED *************** REQUIRED *************** REQUIRED *************** REQUIRED |
Arthur's Rest 0.2
Ballata Per Un Pistolero II - Loading Music
I don't recommend Alexander Blade scripthook since it causes errors like error FFFFFF. |
Beechers hope - Mansion
obv |
Big Smoke from GTA San Andreas
Bigger Arabian Horses
Install both mod loader and ScriptHookRDR2 V2 files from this mod page |
Black Arabian Enhanced (Optional Pure Black Horse)
Brown and Gold 4K Weapon Strap
Browning Hi-Power Pistol - Changeable Tints Update
Any RDR2 Scripthook will work, this is my personal prefence. |
Calm Horses
Use this or Alexander Blade's |
Campolina - Horse Breed
Christmas Coat and Vest
Colored Photos
Soft Requirement (Just to be safe) - Can be any Script Hook |
Colt 1911 Audio Overhaul - LeBakou (Munitions Compatibility)
Hard Requirement |
Combat Taunts Lite
Custom Gang Mod
Cut Dialogue Enhanced
Use this or the one above |
Cut Voiceline Restoration
Dead Eye Activation Cool Down Reloaded 1.1
Drop File Contents into game directory |
Desert Eagle Audio Overhaul - KristianD3
Disable Camera Shake
Disable Crashpad Crash Reporting
Disable Horse Holstering
Drunken Fool
EEE Whyem Weapon's Ymt Compability Uzi Submachine Tommygun Hawken Rifle Flintock Pistol
Firearms Overhaul
REQUIRED *************** REQUIRED *************** REQUIRED *************** REQUIRED |
Fix Social Club Crashes
Forced Ragdoll In Air and More (Controller Supported)
Foul Little Wretch
FWOC - Fast Walking Outside Camp
Choose only one scripthook. |
Won't work without this. With V2, using F12 (default input) to bring up the menu, you can toggle the mod. |
Glock18 Tweaks
Fuck yourself if you didn't installed this |
Gun Metal Rework but Nickel is Replaced with Gold
Required for LML to work, and basically every RDR2 mod. |
Hardcore Stamina
Henri Lemieux's Art Collection
Hard Requirement (Just to be sure there isn't any issues) |
Horse Loadout
Horse Troughs in Story Camps
Illuminated Ambarino Pathways
hard req. |
Interaction Target Marker
Jacked John
John Wick's Attire
Hard Requirement |
Kill Yourself
Legal and Main Menu Skip
Needed for WhyEm's dlc and Black leather clothes |
Or the AB one not sure it will work but it should |
M1899 Audio Remaster
Maremmano Horse Breed
Mary Linton Joins The Gang
Micah Bell Project
Michael Myer's Kitchen Knife
Any RDR2 Scripthook will work, this is my personal prefence. |
Minecraft Steve
Use this one or the other one. |
Muscular Morgan
Won't work without this. With V2, using F12 (default input) to bring up the menu, you can toggle the script, and then after the player's weight changes, it will revert back to vanilla. Probably. |
No Letter Box Black Bars (Script Mod)
If this does not work, use the Scripthook below. |
No Out Of Bounds Snipers
No Profanity Filter
Use this one or the other one. |
No Reticle Spread V2
No Weapon Degradation V2
Npc Arthur Marston Restoration Project
NPC Dualwield Mod
Optional Dual Wield
Outlaws Legacy - A Bandit Outfit Mod
Period Accurate Currency
Pinkerton Repellent
Predators Rework
Use this or Alexander Blade's |
Quick Draw
download and install |
Rampage Trainer - Chinese
运行 Rampage Trainer 必需 |
Use this one or the other one. |
Realistic Gun Metals (Metals Update)
needed |
Realistic Health and Stamina
Red Dead Lawman
Red Dead Presence
Red Harlow's Weaponry
Needed for the mod, please download before trying. |
Remington Model 870 Shotgun
Any RDR2 Scripthook will work, this is my personal prefence. |
Remove Speed Limits
Roleplayer's Dream
Row Boat Animations
RPF Streamer
Required to provide support for the tool |
Running Gun - Challenges
or Alexander Blade's Scripthook. |
Sadie Adler Project
Scarlet Ladies
Needs old or latest version of ScriptHook to work. |
Silent Shopkeepers
Syyyke's RDR2 Spawns FIX
Needed or this mod won't work due to pools being reset |
Taller Arthur
Required |
The Armadillo expansion project
The Player Physique Editing Template
Won't work without this. With V2, using F12 (default input) to bring up the menu, you can toggle the script. If you're using the normal one from Alexander Blade, please upgrade to this one. |
The Trifecta - Redux
or AB's Scripthook |
The Updated Andalusian Horse
The Updated Shire Horse
Thirsty Horse
TTI Benelli M4 Audio Overhaul - LeBakou (1899 Firearms Compatibility)
TTI Combat Master 2011 Audio Overhaul - LeBakou (1899 Firearms Compatibility)
Tyler Durden's Wardrobe
Hard Requirement |
Ultimate GameConfig For Lot's of Mods - Error FFFF fix - Train Spawn fix
NEED .asi LOADER (dinput8.dll) |
White Arabian Horse Enhanced