- Refine results Found 308 results. 3320 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Juana:So how'd you become a stuntman?Stuntman Mike:I learned it from my brother... Stuntman Bob
- 2.9GB
- 16.5k
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Juana:So how'd you become a stuntman?Stuntman Mike:I learned it from my brother... Stuntman Bob
John Marston Restoration Project
Restores John Marston's original hair, head, and body models, as well as including fixes to clothes and added npc assets.
- 104.8MB
- 3.5k
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John Marston Restoration Project
Restores John Marston's original hair, head, and body models, as well as including fixes to clothes and added npc assets.
Restored Cut Content - Quiver 1.6.6
Red Dead 2 has a massive amount of cut content, I have made it my mission to restore anything that still exists. This time I focused on the quiver from the pre release screenshots. This mod was motivated primarily by the fact that it drove my OCD nuts that Arthur pulls arrows out the air, well not anymore!
- 48KB
- 3.1k
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Restored Cut Content - Quiver 1.6.6
Red Dead 2 has a massive amount of cut content, I have made it my mission to restore anything that still exists. This time I focused on the quiver from the pre release screenshots. This mod was motivated primarily by the fact that it drove my OCD nuts that Arthur pulls arrows out the air, well not anymore!
Adds a poncho to the game
Add Epic Extras! Gunbelts, Belts, Bandoliers, Accessories Galore, Jewelry, Beards, and more!
- 2.1GB
- 2.6k
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Add Epic Extras! Gunbelts, Belts, Bandoliers, Accessories Galore, Jewelry, Beards, and more!
This mod aims to change the dull and boring outfits of Arthur Morgan to make them darker and more interesting with a big set of retextures mainly inspired by BETA content and Artworks.
- 405.4MB
- 1.7k
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This mod aims to change the dull and boring outfits of Arthur Morgan to make them darker and more interesting with a big set of retextures mainly inspired by BETA content and Artworks.
Retextures Arthur's face to be higher quality, and more natural looking.
John Marston Animation Overhaul V2.7
Adds new Beta/RDR1 style animations to John Marston
- 1.9MB
- 1.4k
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John Marston Animation Overhaul V2.7
Adds new Beta/RDR1 style animations to John Marston
The Classic Cowboy - RDR1 Accurate Cowboy Outfit for John Marston
Makes the Cowboy Outfit more accurate to Red Dead Redemption's Cowboy Outfit
- 119.1MB
- 1.3k
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The Classic Cowboy - RDR1 Accurate Cowboy Outfit for John Marston
Makes the Cowboy Outfit more accurate to Red Dead Redemption's Cowboy Outfit
In 1891, tattooing was transformed when Samuel O’Reily got a patent pending for an early design of a tattoo machine, which caused the practice of tattooing to blossom..and so in 1899 arthur morgan and john marston got tatted up!
- 99.5MB
- 1.2k
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In 1891, tattooing was transformed when Samuel O’Reily got a patent pending for an early design of a tattoo machine, which caused the practice of tattooing to blossom..and so in 1899 arthur morgan and john marston got tatted up!
Replaces epilogue John's textures with his RDR1 textures, except more high quality.
John Marston Facial Animation Overhaul - DEPRECATED
RDR1 accurate facial expressions for John Marston
- 12KB
- 948
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John Marston Facial Animation Overhaul - DEPRECATED
RDR1 accurate facial expressions for John Marston
brings the more accurate clothing fitment and body john had in 1.00 to current patch.
John Marston Classic Stubble V1.4
Gives John stubble more accurate to the RDR1 design and the Gentleman's Attire beard from RDR1.
- 76.2MB
- 719
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John Marston Classic Stubble V1.4
Gives John stubble more accurate to the RDR1 design and the Gentleman's Attire beard from RDR1.
Pearson started adding creatine to Arthur's stew.
JMRP, EEE. WhyEm and NPC Catalog compatable!
RDR1 Accurate Outfits Overhaul
Retextures to match RDR1 outfits including Elegant Suit, Undead Cowboy, Duster, Deadly Assassin, Mexican Poncho, Cover Art outfit and MUCH MORE! Work in progress.
- 312.4MB
- 597
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RDR1 Accurate Outfits Overhaul
Retextures to match RDR1 outfits including Elegant Suit, Undead Cowboy, Duster, Deadly Assassin, Mexican Poncho, Cover Art outfit and MUCH MORE! Work in progress.
This mod Upscales all Arthur Textures to 4k (Eyes to 1k) and also uses 2k versions of the materials and normal maps
- 832.2MB
- 561
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This mod Upscales all Arthur Textures to 4k (Eyes to 1k) and also uses 2k versions of the materials and normal maps
Arthur Morgan's Hat Remastered
changes Arthur's hat textures from 1080p to 4k, making his hat look much betternote: Arthur's hat accessories from the trapper aren't changed. this mod only changes his default the moment these textures will only work for vulkan users. this issue is being looked into and dx12 support should come soon.
- 227.0MB
- 523
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Arthur Morgan's Hat Remastered
changes Arthur's hat textures from 1080p to 4k, making his hat look much betternote: Arthur's hat accessories from the trapper aren't changed. this mod only changes his default the moment these textures will only work for vulkan users. this issue is being looked into and dx12 support should come soon.
As the name says, black clothing.