Red Dead Redemption 2

Questions & Answers

General, Installation and ini Questions
How do i properly install the mod?
After downloading the mod, extract the zip and move the following files:
  • Bandit_Hideouts.asi
  • Bandit_Hideouts.dat
  • Bandit_Hideouts.ini
  • Bandit_Hideouts_CustomPeds.txt
 into the game's directory seen here:
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Red Dead Redemption 2
     also install Scripthook (ScriptHookRDR2.dll)
The mod will be installed in the same folder (directory) where the game's RDR2.exe is located.

What is the Bandit_Hideouts.ini used for and how do i open and use it?
The ini file allows you to configure, adjust or change some features and functions of the mod, so you
can enable/disable some features, adjust how much something has, or increase/decrease the amount of time something takes to do.
    To open it right click and open it with notepad, or double click to open it in a word document.

Each setting in the ini has a notes to the right or under it, the settings start with slashes like this -----> //
words after the // is a comment or a description to describe a function and how to use it.

Most settings have either a 1 or a 0 you will change to enable/disable that function, some will have spots where you can
change the numbers to a greater or lesser number. If your not sure how something works you can
always ask in the post section of the mod's page.

I went to change the settings in the Bandit Hideouts.ini file and its
telling me i don't have permissions and to ask the owner, what do i do here?
Right click the Bandit Hideouts.ini and run as administrator, then open the ini file with notepad,
if it dont allow you to open it or save it as administrator then create a new user on your computer.

Do i need to start a new game after adjusting any settings in the bandit_hideouts.ini?
No, change whatever settings you want, save the document, then start or restart the game, mod will only read the ini
after the game has been restarted to apply/load any new changes in settings, a new game/story is not required.

Will this work in the epilogue? As in will it work in a save that isn't new or would it
need to be a completely new game save to work?
     It will work regardless of where your at in the story.
Depending on what features of the mod you want to play with, there are a couple mainly the following:
    - Bandit Posse on horseback
    - Bandit Hideouts
These two features will interfere with the story depending on the location your at, hideouts are location based,
that will be everywhere and at story locations, though all and individual hideouts can be disabled in the ini.
     The Bandit Posse on horseback these guys spawn anywhere, and at any time, so if your going to do a story mission
then disable it in the included ini, outside that the mod wont interfere with the story, and old or new saves dont matter.

Configuration Questions
Is this mod playable with a controller?
If your able to connect a controller to your computer to play games, then
it's definitely playable, the Keyboard is only required when customizing the ini.

How can I set it to another language for the hired gunmen menu at saloons ?
In the file section
You can download the .dat file for which ever language you need support for.
So choose your language and then extract the zip file, and move the .dat to your RDR2 directory.

When i kill all the bandits at a hideout, the red dots seen on the minimap are still there for each
bandit even though they are all dead, what is the issue and is there a fix?
The issue is one of your game saves has old game data, possibly a bug that was saved through the save itself.
To fix it just create a new save without the mod, then delete the old save, reload the mod and it should fix the issue.

    Another possible solution is to do the following:
Launcher profile cache and Steam Cache
  • Startup the Rockstar Launcher
  • go to account information, then select delete local profile
This will only delete the local cache, it will not delete your social club account, or saved games.
       3. Select confirm.
       4. Then sign in again to the launcher.

Steam Cache
Go to steam ----> settings ----> downloads ----> clear download cache
doing this will restart steam but you will be cleared of of temp files and caches.
After you do those two, go back ingame and test a non vanilla hideout and see if anything changes.
Notes: be sure to restart the game after doing any of these solutions.
Notes 2: When i say attack a non vanilla hideout, that means a hideout that isn't already part of the story.

Compatibility Questions
Dont know what causes the gang members in Horseshoe Overlook and other camps to freak
out in fear and run away from Arthur after having a scripted conversation
( I see Dutch and Grimshaw freakout,  or some times put their hands up).
The issue is with Ped Damage Overhaul

Change this line in Ped Damage Overhaul ini
ExcludeFriendlyStoryNPCs = 1
Set it to 1 to exclude the friendlies.

What mods are compatible with Bandit Hideouts so i know there wont be any conflicts?
There are many mods compatible with BH, you can review the the compatible mods list here:
Mods Compatible with Bandit Hideouts
Just a note, mods that may not be compatible are mods that spawn hideouts at the same location/s as hideouts in BH,
or mods that change the behaviors of bandits ingame that depends, so far the only mods i have listed in the linked
article are mods i run, and mods that have been reported in the comments run fine with Bandit Hideouts.
     If you know of any mods that not on the compatible list that run fine without conflicts with BH then report which ones in
the comment section, and i will update the list accordingly.

AMJM Transport Mod Questions
I'm also using AMJM Transport mod should I disable the bandits in the AMJM Transport.ini
and if so which settings should i change as there are quite a few settings for the bandits?
For compatibility between mods, if your also using AMJM Transport mod then go into the AMJMTransport.ini
and look for the following codes and set them as you see below:


Those setting will disable hideouts, the bandit posse (bandits on horseback), and the roaming bandits in AMJM Transport.

Leave them enabled in the Bandit Hideouts.ini though as that ini will be read instead of the
AMJM Transport for those settings. The remaining settings for the AMJM are all the wagon and other
features so those wont interfere as they all have been disabled in the code Bandit Hideouts mod.

Do I have to set the hired guns settings in AMJM Transport ini to match the Bandit Hideouts ini if I run both mods? 
No you shouldn't need to do anything, in Bandit Hideouts all the functions for hired guns related to the wagons
and jobs have been disabled, so if your also running AMJM Transport then those functions for wagons
and jobs will be read instead, their shouldn't be any conflicts.

Is there a debug menu like in AMJM Transport Mod where you can spawn a horse
for your hired gunmen and other stuff?
There is a debug menu that i use to log coordinates for building hideouts, but its disabled on the public build
because other then what i use it for, it only has a couple of functions like spawn wagon, spawn campfire, and spawn
bandits in certain positions which i use when building hideouts.
     Outside those, its been minimized and theres nothing on it for the player to use for their own game, its setup mainly
to help me grab coordinates, positions and other things for building hideouts, and the rest has been removed.

Hire Gunmen Questions
When one of my hired gunmen goes down, i stand next to him and no prompt shows to revive him.
         How do i revive my hired gunmen?
You have to crouch by his head like your going to teabag him lol, and then you will see the help prompt come up to revive
hold that and you'll see it load and then when its done it will disappear and your hired gunmen will get up.

I just tried to hire a gunmen but the menu looks completely black and prompts that are supposed to
show when you press numpad is empty. Gunman name can be seen but commands 1 to 7 looks empty.
Get a new copy of the .ASI and also in the Bandit Hideouts.ini
look for this towards the bottom under // HIRED GUNMEN SETTINGS //

// Hired Gunmen Menu Language Translation
DISABLE_TRANSLATION=1     // Disabled by default, change to 0 if your using a .dat language file, this setting is for those
                                                      who speak another language other then English and cant read the Hired Guns menu in English.

Make sure thats set to 1 like above if you read/speak English, if its 0 and you dont have a .dat language file
installed you might be getting what your getting.

What button should I press when I'm hiring Hired Gunmen in Saloon?
    The prompt appears but somehow I can't choose any of the options.
You should see the button to hire gunmen on the screen when you go to talk to the bartender,
using the arrow keys on your keyboard should allow you to select on the menu,
but hold down your right mouse button at the same time, and then hit enter to select.

I disabled the hire gunmen setting in the ini but my hired guns keep following me to attack hideouts.
Once you hire a gunmen they will stay with you until either you fire them, or they die.
Disabling the hire gunmen option in the ini just disables the menu from showing up at saloons.
    Just fire them if you dont want them to follow you anymore.

Zombie Questions
If zombies are enabled, will they replace all the bandit encounters from the mod
or are they just "extra"?  Zombie-Lairs option is set to 0
With the zombie lairs setting in the ini if you dont have it enabled then you will only encounter bandits at hideouts,
and ambush locations should only be spawning bandits, so the zombies will extra but not at hideouts.

Is there a way to decrease the zombie's health so their not bullet sponges?
Yes, in the ini look for this setting:
Reduce that to 100-200, just understand that if you lower that number below 100 you may be killing the zombies with
one shot depending on what type of gun your using, if you raise the number then you give them more health
and they can withstand more.

If zombies are enabled, will they replace ALL, some, or NONE of the bandits?
They wont replace any of the bandits so none, they are an added group or faction on their own in addition to the bandits.

Will Zombies get their own specific locations or are they just randomly generated?
Zombies are dynamically spawned based on the location of the player, they have no specific location where they spawn at,
they just spawn all around the player in various places.
       If however you have the ZOMBIE_LAIRS=1 enabled (set to 1) then the zombies will spawn at all the hideouts instead of bandits,
if you have ZOMBIE_LAIRS=0 set to 0 which is disabled, then only bandits will spawn at all the hideouts, and zombies will spawn in
addition outside of hideouts (not related to the hideouts) but anywhere if your at a hideout or not that is if you have zombies enabled.

Bandits Interfering with the Story Questions
Is there a way to disable the bandits on horseback that show up suddenly
that chase me, they interfere in some situations and with the story?
Yes, in the Bandit_Hideouts.ini
look for this // Bandit Posse on Horseback //
and change the code for it from 1 to a 0 (zero) like this ----->  RANDOM_BANDIT_ATTACKS=0 

Bandits attack me when im trying to do a story mission, how do i prevent this from happening?
That depends on what bandits are attacking you, as you have 2 types of bandits that will attack you.
In the Bandit_Hideouts.ini there are two settings, they are the following:
Change those settings to 0 to disable them.

// Bandit Posse on Horseback //
// Enable a posse of bandits on horseback to randomly attack you at any time of day or night.

// Random Roaming Bandits //
// Enabled by default, random small groups of bandits roaming around on foot, wont attack the player on sight by default.

// Set to 1 to enable roaming groups of bandits on foot to attack the player on sight.
If you disable these then no bandits will attack you at any time.

I'm trying to do a story mission but a bandit hideout is at the story location, for example like the
Chez Porter or the Chelonian Hilltop story missions, how do i disable the bandits at these locations?
In the Bandit_Hideouts.ini is the following settings:
// Story settings //
// Set to 1 to disable the mod during story missions, it will also disable it during some missions added by other mods.

Also in the Bandit Hideouts.ini you can disable individual hideouts.
So go into the Bandit Hideouts.ini and look for this line:
// Disable Individual Hideouts, hideouts are enabled by default set to 0 to disable a hideout.

Then search through the list of the hideouts and set the hideout for that particular story location to 0
so for example the story mission at Chez Porter, change the setting there to this -----> ENABLE_CHEZ_PORTER=0

Hideout ini Questions
In the Bandit Hideouts.ini what happens when i set the setting PERSISTENT_HIDEOUTS=0 
to zero does it disable hideouts completely?
In the ini the following setting:
PERSISTENT_HIDEOUTS=1            // Bandit hideouts will be part of the world, set to 0 to disable.

If you set that to 0 (zero) then all hideouts wont be in the game, it disables all the hideouts only,
all the other features like hired gunmen, bandit posse on horseback, roaming bandits will all still function.
Zombies will work too, but not zombie lairs as the lairs are dependent on the hideouts.

What does the PERSISTENT_HIDEOUTS setting mean in the ini?
Its a hideout that will spawn every time you come within distance of it, in general that setting basically
enables all hideouts in the mod to spawn in, if you set it to 0 which disables it, then no hideouts will spawn in.
     The hideouts are persistent which means they will spawn bandits based on your distance from the hideout, and after
the hideout is cleared, then there is a cool down in hours, once that cool down is done after so many ingame hours, then
if you come within range of the hideout again, it will spawn bandits in again.
    Hideouts are at set locations, you can refer to the map on the description tab to see where all the hideouts are located.
     Ambushes wont spawn in either as ambushes are just mini hideouts and the code for them is in the same script.

    Everything else in the mod will function regardless of the hideouts, so hired gunmen, random roaming bandits,
Bandit posse on horseback, and zombies.
     Zombie lairs wont work because that setting is dependent on bandit hideouts being able
to spawn in.  So with the ZOMBIE_LAIRS=1 if you have that set then zombies will spawn in the hideouts instead of bandits, but
if you have PERSISTENT_HIDEOUTS=0 set to 0 which disables all hideouts then zombie lairs function is disabled.

How do hideouts despawn, is there a range, and what triggers them to despawn?
Bandits at hideouts only despawn if you didn't attack them. So if you just passed by them, they'll despawn
once you're out of the despawn distance range.  But if you attacked them then it's up to the game
to despawn them if they're dead or to far from the player. Attacking a hideout triggers the mod to tell the game
to despawn the bandits once their all dead or the player is out of the despawn range.

How do i disable a hideout's respawn after i cleared it?
or do i just change the CLEARED_HIDEOUT_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN=999?
This is the largest value you can set: 2147483647 (seconds), this will disable them for ~10 thousand hours, basically forever :)
 But it will not get saved so they'll still respawn when you reload the game. You can do 999 too but then the hideout
may spawn in again once you restart the game.

Introduced in v1.15 of the mod you can also disable the hideout in the ini with the new Disable Individual Hideouts.
Just locate the hideout's name in the list which is in Alphabetical order and then change its setting to 0 (zero).
That will disable it permanently or until you decide to change it back.

If i set the CLEARED_HIDEOUT_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN to say an infinite number,
will the bandits stop respawning then?
The cool down time is the amount of time in hours before the bandits will be able to spawn in again for
the hideout you triggered basically came in range of which spawns them.
Even if you set the hours to be infinite that hideout would still spawn in, in your next game, because
the setting is only as good as long your ingame, as soon as you restart the game the clock starts over.

     Your best bet imo if after you clear a hideout, is to just disable that hideout, you can do that through the ini
i suggest downloading the map on the description tab, then locate the hideout you want to disable from looking at the map
then go to the ini and look through list with the words // Disable Individual Hideouts at the top.

    Disable a hideout you want and it wont spawn any bandits until you re-enable it, and the hideout
will stay disabled even if you restart the game.

Is it possible to prevent gangs from attacking first?  So that you can have a
dialogue with them before a conflict occurs?
Not possible, and already tried that in the code it makes other things not work correctly, and sometimes the bandits
wont respond themselves, nor does reinforcements.
      Spent almost two weeks setting it up a few updates ago, and after alot of testing and play, i had to revert it,
then spent another two weeks fixing all the code that it messed up.

The default number of bandits is 13 - 21. Can we reduce this to say 5 - 10 or will that break the mod?
Changing those numbers wont break anything the 13 min and 21 max and reinforcement i explain how
they all work here in the following article: 
       How Hideout and Reinforcement ini settings work

Is there a simple way to remove the Hideout Locations Blip in the bottom left corner?
// On-Screen Lower Left Corner Blip Icon //
SHOW_HIDEOUT_ICON=0  <------ disabled, review the included ini,
each setting has a description after the // which describes what that setting does and how to enable/disable it.

Bandit Hideout Mod Author Questions

Who is the author of the mod and who's actually working on it and posting the updates for it?
crossed is the original author of the mod as he wrote all the scripts, the Bandit Hideouts mod is a
version (exact copy) of the AMJM Transport mod that crossed created but with only the bandit features/functions present,
and upgraded, however Gunter Severloh named the mod what it is, and created the standalone version of the
AMJM transport mod with crossed's permission.
   Both crossed and Gunter Severloh created the Bandit Hideouts mod, but Gunter maintains and updates the mod
    with crossed occasionally helping with code.

Who does all the amazing map work for the mod showing where all the hideouts are
located and color coding them based on what gangs occupy them for the downloadable map?
A friend that goes by the name of LittleBigSmoak and Moth-man, LittleBigSmoak updates the map for each update to the mod.
You can thank him for the super detailed work he does for helping help you know where all the hideouts and ambush locations are!

If you have any questions that haven't been answered above then please use the post section and ask your questions there.

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