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Randomization Guide: Imposter's Ordeal
First of all, download the latest release of Imposter's Ordeal! It requires .NET 5.0. You will also need to dump the romfs and exefs of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 1.3.0 (not the full game file, and not Pokémon Luminescent Platinum).
When you first open Imposter's Ordeal, direct it to the folder containing the "romfs" and "exefs" for Brilliant Diamond 1.3.0. Afterward, make sure you click "Add Mod" in the top left corner to load Luminescent Platinum on top of that. Randomization is only supported in releases 2.0.4b or newer.
For randomization, we are interested in the main body of the application with the following tabs: Pokemon / Moves and Items / Encounters / Misc. Each section controls how deeply you'll wish to randomize your game! When you find a category you wo... -
- Fixed broken NPC in Survival area
- Fixed broken Sylveon animations
- Showing Jan the Crystal Onix will now give you 15 Heart scales.
- Fixed Berry girl's dialogue in Solaceon
- Fixed legendary beasts lady dialogue in the Lost Tower
- Bertha no longer gets a seat.
- Barry now spawns 3 tiles higher in Pastoria.
- Blockers added in front of Renegade Park to prevent an out of order issue.
- Spawned the support on R210 North 4 tiles further away. Adjusted animation in kind
- Adjusted Lucas' dialogue on R210 North
- Added a period to Maylene's dialogue when she stalks you on R217
- Added a space somewhere.
- Utilisied a wild DJ to improve Crystal Onix event dialogue
- Spiritomb is rebattleable now. Keystone consumed... -
- Infinite Repel has been disabled due to issues with implementation.- Saving in the Underground should no longer mess up your save. If you had that issue in 2.0.1, you should be able to load the game up as soon as you install this update.
- If you were doing any sequences in Pastoria, please complete those before updating your game.
- If you were experiencing any unintentional double battles after losing to Lucian in Solaceon, please heal at a Pokémon Center. Losing to him going forward should not trigger this behavior.
- You only need to speak to Jan in Trainer School once to get Everlasting Candy.
- Hyper Training (boosting IVs) now available as soon as you get to Jubilife City, level cap restriction removed.
- Graphical issue: Pokémon lower than leve...