Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

First of all, download the latest release of Imposter's Ordeal! It requires .NET 5.0. You will also need to dump the romfs and exefs of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond 1.3.0 (not the full game file, and not Pokémon Luminescent Platinum).

When you first open Imposter's Ordeal, direct it to the folder containing the "romfs" and "exefs" for Brilliant Diamond 1.3.0. Afterward, make sure you click "Add Mod" in the top left corner to load Luminescent Platinum on top of that. Randomization is only supported in releases 2.0.4b or newer.

For randomization, we are interested in the main body of the application with the following tabs: Pokemon / Moves and Items / Encounters / Misc. Each section controls how deeply you'll wish to randomize your game! When you find a category you would like to randomize, make sure to check it off and adjust the settings as you like.

  • "BST Logic" means that things randomized with these sections will try to keep randomized numbers similar to their original destinations: randomized evolution with BST logic will likely keep most third-stage evolutions as third-stage evolutions because they all have higher end BSTs.
  • "Type Bias" means that randomized options will still try to match things to their original type counterparts, such as in movesets.
  • "Type Theme" in Trainer Pokémon means that it will try to preserve the typing to the original enemy team members while randomizing what those 'mons actually are.
  • "Evolution Logic" in wild encounters and trainer Pokémon means that you won't suddenly find first-stage Pokémon in Victory Road, or third-stage Pokémon in Route 201.
  • When randomizing encounters or trainer fights, please make sure to switch to "Uniform" over "Empirical". Otherwise you will end up with truly wild amounts of fully-evolved Electric-types due to lots of dummy Volkner fights in the data.
  • There is currently no way to randomize your starter selection without breaking Lumi, as both rely on changes to things that are hard-coded into the game and don't play well together.

Once you've selected all your options, go to the left-side menu and select "Randomize"! After it's done processing, head to the folder where you placed Imposter's Ordeal, take the "exefs" and "romfs" from the Output folder, and install them as you would install Luminescent Platinum normally.

Have fun!

How to dump the romfs/exefs (click to expand):

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  1. rockfordtheman
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Ive noticed that when you randomize it changes what the name of the pokemon im going to get from a static encounter then it gives me what is supposed to be there. IE: Jubalife reporter when i pick charmander is says slaking but i still get a charmander. am i doing something wrong? or can you not change these static encounters
    1. ferboard
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hey, if you managed to randomize it please, give me a hand, i am triying but i do not manage to do it, everything is correct and no errors, but the game is not randomized.
      EDIT: I managed to do it and is working perfect.
      if anyone needs help i will help, dont hesitate to ask
    2. Northnose
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How did you manage to start the Randomizer? Cause when i try to upload pokemon brilliant (It's just one file, not a romfs or exefs folder) to the randomizer it won't accept it. And when i try to extract the data like shown in picture, that won't work either???
    3. ferboard
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      First you need to create a separate folder to locate the exefs and romfs (you can name it brilliant diamond dump), on the desktop for example.
      It is in that folder where you have to locate the Impostor Ordeal.
      After that, just follow the steps as mentioned in the post and it should work.
      My problem was that i was not taking the exefs and romfs from the output folder that it is mentioned.
      I hope you can do it.
  2. boshudio
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When i press add mod, i get an error I get an error about aroma 7 not being present in the directory
  3. MsXBlackRose
    • member
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    I tried multiple times to randomize but it wont work :( really dont know what im doing wrong. Its saying im using the mods on yuzu but it just wont randomize
  4. CommanderGrief
    • member
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    Any plans for starter randomization?
    1. Eevenin
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Probably not. We would likely have to rewrite the entire sequence and how the starters are given entirely, which would only ever benefit randomization.

      If we do mess with it, it's going to be when we don't have much else left to do with the game.