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  • Island resort and hospital

    Island resort and hospital

    Last Update: 26 Nov 2020
    Author: NeoRider7
    Uploader: NeoRider7

    The peculiarity of this challenge is that you have to complete the task on a very small stretch of land (island).This challenge is the easiest in a series of missions on the islands. In the challenge "Island resort and hospital" there are no mountains and there is no need to flattening landscapes. However, ore and iron will have to buy from t

    • 666KB
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    Island resort and hospital

    Last Update: 26 Nov 2020
    Author: NeoRider7

    The peculiarity of this challenge is that you have to complete the task on a very small stretch of land (island).This challenge is the easiest in a series of missions on the islands. In the challenge "Island resort and hospital" there are no mountains and there is no need to flattening landscapes. However, ore and iron will have to buy from t

  • Island State

    Island State

    Last Update: 26 Nov 2020
    Author: NeoRider7
    Uploader: NeoRider7

    The peculiarity of this challenge is that you have to complete the task on a very small stretch of land (island). On a small island you need to place all the options for structures and achieve a high amount of prestige.The "Island State" challenge is a continuation of the "Island Resort and Hospital" challenge.

    • 514KB
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    Island State

    Last Update: 26 Nov 2020
    Author: NeoRider7

    The peculiarity of this challenge is that you have to complete the task on a very small stretch of land (island). On a small island you need to place all the options for structures and achieve a high amount of prestige.The "Island State" challenge is a continuation of the "Island Resort and Hospital" challenge.

  • Small mountain island

    Small mountain island

    Last Update: 25 Nov 2020
    Author: NeoRider7
    Uploader: NeoRider7

    The peculiarity of this challenge is that you have to complete the task on a very small stretch of land (island). Also, you must have flattening landscapes skills. This difficult challenge will be interesting to those players who can survive on the standard four planets.

    • 553KB
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    Small mountain island

    Last Update: 25 Nov 2020
    Author: NeoRider7

    The peculiarity of this challenge is that you have to complete the task on a very small stretch of land (island). Also, you must have flattening landscapes skills. This difficult challenge will be interesting to those players who can survive on the standard four planets.