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Bare Necessities
by tej�n
v1.3 - Req. OBSE v0020+
This mod causes your character to need food and sleep. However, the underlying
goal is to make the passage of time feel meaningful, adding a sense of urgency
otherwise lacking from Oblivion. The concepts of hunger and exhaustion are a
familiar and immersive way to achieve that goal, but Bare Necessities focuses
on game mechanics, not simulation. (That's why there's no thirst component:
mechanically, thirst is just another kind of hunger. Micromanagement sucks!)
Here's a brief summary of how it works:
- Hunger and exhaustion add up over time, measured in game hours.
- A lesser power allows you to check your hunger and exhaustion levels.
- You'll receive notifications when you're particularly hungry or tired.
- Sleeping reduces exhaustion and slows the increase of hunger.
- Eating food reduces hunger, based on how much the food weighs.
- Hunger and exhaustion are combined into a single "needs" value.
- If your needs total gets too high, you begin to suffer Fatigue damage.
- Initially the rate of damage is very low, and only slows regeneration.
- Let it go too long, and Fatigue will actually start falling.
- Once you're reduced to 1 Fatigue, Magicka is damaged... then Health!
- This mod won't actually kill you. ;)
BareNecessities.ini explains the formulas and allows detailed configuration,
including a few options that aren't used by default. If you use TheNiceOne's
HUD Status Bars, you'll also find some useful variables listed there.
The defaults assume that you are using a mod which makes Fatigue regeneration
rates generally lower and/or based on Endurance, such as Realistic Fatigue.
Without such a mod, stiffer penalties might be appropriate.
What Defines Food?
This important question has a deceptively simple answer: Oblivion defines food.
There's a checkbox in the Construction Set which specifies whether a particular
ingredient is "food" or not. Bare Necessities reads that setting, and that's
all there is to it from a technical perspective. This means full compatibility
with other mods that add food items.
The one downside is that there's no direct indicator in-game of what's food and
what isn't. Mostly it's obvious, but there are some odd borderline items like
flour and rat meat where you might not be certain. In the spirit of adventure,
my advice is to just try stuff! NPC behavior can give you a hint, as can the
inventory list of a restaurant or inn. (Or you can look it up. BORING...)
Sleep With No Bed
In Oblivion, sleep requires a bed. To prevent severe annoyance during dungeon
excursions, Bare Necessities provides a Lesser Power which allows you to sleep
if conditions are right. You can't sleep when sneaking, swimming, jumping, in
combat, or in buildings owned by someone else. Sleeping outside is vagrancy,
and you can be arrested if caught. Upon using this power you will be made
immobile for 12 seconds, after which the sleep menu appears. The timer can be
cancelled by jumping or crouching. Sleeping this way is significantly less
restful than using a real bed!
Version History
1.3 - Fixed jail detection (thanks billandkit).
Switched from LoadGame to PostLoadGame init trigger.
1.2 - Hunger can no longer be reduced below zero.
1.1 - Fallout effect no longer goes crazy with negative fatigue/magicka.
Wrye Bash should no longer complain about an unexpected OBME record.
Added "Show Needs" lesser power.
Padded power names with a leading dash for nice sorting.
Better readme. :)
1.0 - Initial release.