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About this mod

Various tweaks and enhancements for YUP utilizing the full suite of xNVSE script extenders, including configurability of various balance changes

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin
Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP is obviously one of the best mods ever created for this game, but has some limitations due to not using any script extenders. This mod aims to update various fixes in YUP, improve implementation, and add configurability to various "controversial" changes in YUP. The full list of changes can be found below: 

Non-NVSE Fixes:

  • The YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + DLC).esp file has been integrated into the main ESM, meaning the original .esp should be disabled
  • Fixed implementation of the Dean holotape fix from YUP by using the GetVampire condition instead of outright deleting the record
  • Fixed various calls of AddItemHealthPercent using decimal values without a 0 in front of them (e.g. .06 instead of 0.06)
  • Replaced various calls of MarkForDelete with Disable and MoveTo a testing cell where appropriate
  • Exchanged all scripted formlist edits with hard edits for speed and simplicity
  • Exchanged scripted formlist edits from vanilla DLC scripts with hard edits
  • Replaced various calls of RemoveSpell with the more reliable Dispel
  • Rewrote some scripts to make more efficient use of if/endif blocks
  • Removed an instance of PCB being called in many vanilla scripts that were missed by YUP
  • Improved implementation of Thump-Thump fix perk
  • Fixed vanilla Antivenom script not working on DLC poisons
  • Made all placed actors and various trigger boxes persistent for maximum reliability in spawning/de-spawning/triggering 
  • Fixed various vanilla scripts that incorrectly use else if instead of the correct elseif

Fixes Removed In Favor of Engine Fixes:

  • Removed workaround for vendors with > 30,000 caps, as this has been fixed at an engine level in JIP LN NVSE
  • Removed workaround for time acceleration when starting/ending DLCs that ended up causing time to advance to invalid dates, as the base issue has been fixed in JIP LN NVSE
  • Made the "Fixed" version of the Weathered 10mm Pistol optional via INI, as the bug has been fixed at an engine level by JIP LN NVSE

Fixes Enhanced by NVSE:

  • Made Fixer being changed to temporary rather than permanent optional via INI
  • Made the fatigue changes on weapons optional via INI
  • Made DR removal from Rebreather and Scientist Outfit optional via INI
  • Made addition of Tracks Crime flag to the generic Wasteland faction optional via INI
  • Made addition of Evil flag to Legion factions optional via INI
  • Made melee reach changes optional
  • Made various name changes to armors made by YUP configurable (e.g. Slave Scarf Worn to either Worn Slave Scarf of Slave Scarf, Worn)
  • Improved reliability of Max equipping the Euclid's C Finder
  • Replaced various calls of IsSpellTarget with the much more reliable IsSpellTargetAlt
  • Utilized SetFormFlag to improve various enablings of references
  • Utilized ToggleHardcoreTracking to pause hardcore needs during various scripted events
  • Utilized ActorHasBaseFlag to improve detection of flying NPCs for trap scripts
  • Rewrote the Ash Pile/Goo Pile despawn scripts to be more efficient and reliable 
  • Rewrote the Honest Hearts rain script for efficiency and reliability 
  • Replaced calls of DisableNavmesh with DisableNavmeshAlt

Load Order/Compatibility:

Load this mod's ESM right after YUP - Base Game + DLCs.esm. Do NOT clean this mod's ESM, as it has intentional ITMs to overwrite some YUP changes. 
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + DLC).esp  should be disabled with this mod! All changes have been included in an ESM with facegen generated for better compatibility
Compatible with Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus
Should be compatible with Piber's Unofficial Patches

Technical Info: 

  • Fixer change: In order for this mod's Fixer change to work properly, make sure anything that is overwriting the NVFixer record of this mod retains all of the Effects from this mod. The function used (RemoveNthEffect) relies on the exact order of effects present from this mod. 
  • Melee Reach change: If bMeleeReach is set to 0 in the INI, a script will run that resets all of the Reach values to vanilla. Therefore, if you have a mod that is intentionally making changes to melee reach (Vicious Wastes is the only one that comes to mind for me), leave this setting at 1 so no changes are made and the other mod can take effect.