Fallout New Vegas
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Xilandro Axeuora and Hitman47101

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  1. Xilandro
    • premium
    • 2,493 kudos
    I probably forgot something, just not sure what...
    Either way, as per usual, break it, I'll fix it, and we happy!

    Enjoy the mod.

    p.s. Jedi force pull is optional, you can turn it off if you don't like it
  2. Xilandro
    • premium
    • 2,493 kudos
    Update 0.12b
    ● Partial rewrite in preparation for B42 Interact (you'll get the pickables animations with that, yep)
    ● Added LootMenu (both) support. Not only grabbing visuals, but also quickuse Equip and Inject support)

    Update 0.13b
    ● Fixed issues introduced in the 0.12b
    ● Added better LootMenu detection

    Update 0.15b

    ● Several minor bug fixes
    ● Reinforcing the mod for intercom and compatibility with B42 Interact

  3. Xilandro
    • premium
    • 2,493 kudos
    If you use vanilla anims and/or your weapon disappears, please go grab Vanilla Animations Weapon Scale Fix
  4. bobaer
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This would never be possible with FOSE for FO3, wouldn’t it?
    1. AVeryUncreativeUsername
      • premium
      • 287 kudos
  5. falloutloubegas
    • premium
    • 30 kudos
    Something extremely funny happened with this mod and Universal Item Sorter, which I was trying to fix because UIO wasn't sorting currency items where I thought it would. I wanted to test a fix to this, so I used the console to spawn 50 legion denarii coins in front of me (because I wanted to play it safe and pick the item up, not add it directly to my inventory).

    However, instead of a stack of 50 coins, I spawned 50 individual coins onto the ground. And because I had this mod installed, it meant that I was literally crawling on the ground and reaching my arm out to pick up fifty scattered individual coins out of the dirt one by one like an idiot. Like a pathetic stupid fool. 10/10 mod, fully endorsed.
    1. CrazySkoomaPeddler
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Romania Simulator
    2. TehDave
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      I M M E R S I O N
  6. DarkenedRogue
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Hello! Thank you for the great mod. I am trying to change the textures for a specific weapon by referencing them through the NVSE script using SetWeaponModel function. The model when on the ground or in my hand is still using the vanilla (unchanged) model, however, when picking up the weapon using this mod the model switches to the correct version while floating in the air towards the player's hands. Would you be able to help me figure out what would cause this?
  7. Minionman
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi Xilandro, superb mod my friend!

    I was just wondering, I'm trying to findout which mod is preventing Hitmans B42 Interact Skinning from working and I'm wondering if its because this mods animation is overlapping? Has this been reported before? If it is this, is there a way to disable the anims for creature loot? I'm loading skinning right at the end of my load order.
    1. Xilandro
      • premium
      • 2,493 kudos
      Two mods are made to work together, so it's not this one that makes skinning not work. Also just in case you need base Interact installed for hitman's skinning anims to work.
    2. Minionman
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Oh apparently it wasn't running, my apologies! Thanks man!
  8. ItzAMenu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have all the required mods downloaded to support this mod. It works but the only issue I'm having is that when I go to loot a body and I pick upo everything pressing the x button a few times quickly to get everything my game crashes. I'm not sure what I can do to possibly fix this issue as I'll probably leave it uninstalled until i find a fix sadly. 
  9. cramerax
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Does this mod have any conflict with B42 interact or inject? This mod is not currently working for me, and I'm trying to figure out why. It has worked for me in the past, but not on this install.

    Also, is there anywhere you would recommend these to go in load order?
  10. lasloui
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Is there any way to make old versions available? The latest JIP has some serious issues and crashes my game, but v0.15b doesn't work with older versions of JIP.

    should I just uninstall until JIP gets fixed? I hope this is the only mod that breaks for using one previous version of the plugin.

    apart from that, when this works and along animated interactions, pristine.
  11. somacountidk4775
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    im using latest ver of everything how do i tell its working
  12. SaltySpitoon101
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod makes some interior cell FPS drop to 5 until loading a prior save. An example is when I walk into the Prospector Saloon for the second time, the fps drops, though if I turn off TCL it fixes the FPS drop until I turn TCL back on. I cornered it down to this mod causing the issue, so it might just be a conflict with another mod. If it is, then I'll probably try to find what's the conflict later.

    Also love your mods.
    1. Xilandro
      • premium
      • 2,493 kudos
      This is something new. Are you on latest requirements?
      also does it happen out of a sudden? Or you pick up a lot of items in that cell prior to the bug?
    2. SaltySpitoon101
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      About every second time I walk into the same interior cell, I get the average Samsung experience of low FPS. My only guess is that maybe the game thinks I'm trying to pick up every item inside there all at once like Magneto if he was a shoplifter? As long as TCL is disabled, it doesn't happen, but I'm not a fan of having to stay as a Gmod noclipper whenever I am inside interiors lol. (And yeah, I am up to date on all requirements and tried reinstalling this mod).

      Unless others have the same problem, then it's just a thingy on my end. Just wanted to make sure if I was the only one receiving this bug. I have a i5-12600K with all the Viva NV stuff included (yes 4gb patch too), so I'm kind of puzzled as to how this mod could even cause such an issue, but I'm sure it's just the Obsidian Team going back in time to personally beat my MO2 modlist into an air fried vegetable state.

      Also the black cat thingy is cute
    3. Xilandro
      • premium
      • 2,493 kudos
      Apologies, but that doesn't answer any of my questions.
    4. SaltySpitoon101
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Um, I said in it that I had all requirements up to date, and that it happens automatically upon entering an interior cell, meaning I don't pick up any items prior to the bug? You sure if your glasses were made in China and not Ukraine? (lol)
    5. Xilandro
      • premium
      • 2,493 kudos
      Your reply was not informative. And your behavior and attitude overall are not appreciated. Please avoid making any further comments that are not directly connected to the issue at hand. I'd also be very grateful if you could use the bug report section for any and all future issues you encounter while using mods. Thank you.
    6. SaltySpitoon101
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Answered your questions in my response + adding some funny spice to my posts so they aren't boring like the 90% of other bug reports you get. Sorry for it sounding jerky :( 

      Bug section will be used too :D
  13. AKATacoTurtle
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    well I reported this in the bugs section bug it got marked "Not a bug" so ill ask here if anybody is having the issue that when you pickup the vault 21 suit right before you grab it the textures turn to the vault 101 suit? I noticed something similar with the radiation suit that it turns to the radiation suit package texture and also Dr. Klein's Scrubs turn to the Scientist Scrubs texture. The textures only appear for a moment while you grab it but other than that they are fine. I tested this by tuning off every mod I have on and only turning on b42 loot and its requirements and it still appears

    1. ShineFireX
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      thats not a bug. cause vaultsuit's mesh use the vault101 texture by default. if you want every vault have different model when picked up. you will need unique mesh for every suit.