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About this mod

A hardcore mod makes the stimpaks of JSawyer Ultimate cost dehydration but extends water crafting tremendously. Craft homemade stimpaks and regular ones, bottle water into four distinct weight classes (with differing weights and hydration values), make your followers carry your heavy liquors (because wow they are heavy!) and stave off the elements!

Permissions and credits
Requires JSawyer Ultimate, Universal Bottler, & Food Scraps

Inspired by "Classic Chem Effects and Chem Crafting Recipes" and "Hardcore Stimpaks", putting these concepts together with JSawyer and Universal Bottler into a robust, fleshed out experience of its own. Renewable resources are important in a world that will shrivel you up like a raisin, and you'll need to invest your time and energy into making sure you are truly ready for each fight ahead.

I understand why pre-existing water overhaul mods stay away from dynamic water bottling mechanics - it's a lot of work for not much of a difference. Each consumable beverage only weighs a pound, what's the difference between water in a soda bottle, a whiskey bottle, or a water bottle? But it isn't balanced to use these 3 mods together. I wanted to find a way to be able to balance the renewable resources from Food Scraps with consumable items in a hardcore playthrough. With heavier sodas, liquor, and moonshine, a degree of strategy has been opened to the decision of what you're going to bottle, and this felt like the most satisfying way to marry all of these concepts together. And hence the Thirsty Courier was born.


-Unlike Hardcore Stimpaks, Stimpaks only make you thirstier, but it's at 2x the rate of healing.

-You can now make homemade AND regular stimpaks! Regular stimpaks are highly restricted, requiring thick red paste and expanded skill requirements.

-Soda is only good for its minor healing benefits, as they have been removed from water.

-Bottles now have four varying weight classes which determine what type of water you get when filling them. A new menu integrated into Universal Bottling's code allows you to select what you'd like to fill.

-Removed the choice between getting clear and purified water, since the mod seems to break this anyways.

-If you're fine with investing a companion into carrying 5 pound water jugs, you only need 20 Survival to access recipes for treating dirty jugs and boiling clean ones into water bottles. But once you reach 80 Survival you can purify even the most irradiated water bottles.

-If you invest into 100 Science or Repair without investing beyond 20 Survival, you can gain access to alternate mass boiling and treating recipes that also let you circumvent relying on moonshine jugs.

Stimpak Changes

Regular Stimpaks can now be created within the JSawyer framework, but are only accessable to mid-game medicinal survivalist characters or to the late game, having punitive skill requirements. You'll need 100 Science, 55 Medicine, 50 Survival, and 30 Repair and to beat Old World Blues to mass produce stimpaks. This should also make it much more rewarding to play a more supportive playstyle, especially with mods that lower the level cap.

Herbal Sickness additionally deals +3(18s) H20 (54 total). This is accounted for in H20 damage totals marked "w/ HS".

Expired Stimpaks deal +4(5s) H20 (20 total).

Homemade Stimpak - 50 Science, 20 Survival, 20 Medicine
Recipe unchanged
+3(5s) HP (+15 hp total). Unchanged.
+6(5s) H20 (+90 total w/ HS).

Stimpak(3) - 100 Science, 55 Medicine, 30 Repair
Req. 3 empty syringes, 1 thick red paste, 3 broc flowers, 3 xander roots, 1 scrap metal
+4(5s) HP (+20 total). Unchanged.
+8(5s) H20 (+40 total).

Super Stimpak - 100 Science, 55 Medicine, 30 Repair
Recipe unchanged.
+10(3s) HP (+30 total). Unchanged.
+18(3s) & +1(30s) H20 (57 total).
-150 SLP (instant).
+5(30s) SLP (+0 total).

Water Item Changes

The rate at which you dehydrate is determined by the quality of the water you're drinking, and has been rebalanced to make purified water better and all other water worse. The length of your drinking time is determined by the type of bottle you're drinking out of (making larger bottles give you more than vanilla water regardless of radiation).

Rushing water: -30 H20/s (water bottles only)
Purified water: -28 H20/s
Clear water: -24 H20/s
Dirty water: -22 H20/s, +3 RAD/s
Irradiated water: -20 H20/s, +5 RAD/s

Water bottles: 2 second duration
0.05 lb empty, 1 lb filled
Weight changes apply to all vanilla water bottles.

Glass bottles: 3 second duration
0.5 lb empty, 1.5 lb filled
Weight changes apply to all milk, soda, and beer bottles.

Large bottles: 4 second duration
0.75 lb empty, 2 lb filled
Weight changes apply to all alcohols except for Beer and Moonshine.

Moonshine Jugs: 6 second duration
2.5 lb empty, 5 lb filled
Weight changes applied to Moonshine. Suffer -1 AGI while you chug the jug.

All boiling/purifying crafting recipes have been put into their own crafting category.

All crafting equipment for these recipes are reusable (except the water itself).

Boiling recipes - Require clear water, an empty water bottle (except for clear bottles at 70 survival), and a metal cooking pot. Provides you with purified water.

Treating recipes - Require dirty/irradiated water, surgical tubing, and 2 glass pitchers. Provides you with clear water.

Purify recipes - Same as boiling recipes with water bottles, but works with dirty and irradiated bottles.

Boil Clear Jug - 10 survival
Treat Dirty Jug - 15 survival
Treat Irr. Jug - 20 survival
Boil Clear Large Bottle - 30 survival
Treat Dirty Large Bottle - 35 survival
Treat Irr. Large Bottle - 40 survival
Boil Clear Glass Bottle - 50 survival
Treat Dirty Glass Bottle - 55 survival
Treat Irr. Glass Bottle - 60 survival
Boil Clear Bottle - 70 survival
Purify Dirty Water Bottle - 80 survival
Purify Irr. Water Bottle - 90 survival

Mass Purify Water - 100 science, 20 survival
2 surgical tubing, 4 glass pitchers, 5 clear/dirty/irradiated water
Converts water to purified at 1:1 ratio

Drink Changes

Water no longer heals you.

Extra cactus water recipes from JSawyer are now always on and a Moonshine recipe has been added. Cactus fruit requirements now scale with bottle size (2-6 fruit).

Unclean water debuff now causes 1 starvation damage for a minute.

Nuka-Cola now restores 75 dehydration and sleep deprivation instantly, but increases SLP and H20 by 1/s for 60 seconds. Also now gives 3 rad/s and hp/s for 3 seconds.

Sunset Sasparilla now reduces H20 by 12/s and increases HP by 3/s for 3 seconds (changed from 25 instantly and 1 for 8 seconds).

Chem Changes (tentative)
If you find Chem balance is off, let me know. I'm still very much tweaking the numbers here.

Chems now usually each deal some form of combination of SLP/H20/FOOD damage. Your old favorite chem mixes might in fact just simply kill you. You'd best learn how to balance your drugs well before investing into too many perks that not only amplify the duration of their bonuses, but the duration of this damage.

Buffout, Jet, Psycho & their variants deal +1/s SLP (240/320/480/640 total depending on perks).

Med-X now grants 25 Poison Resistance, and deals +2/s SLP (480/640/960/1280 total). This makes Med-X LETHAL to builds optimized for drug usage unless balanced with Mentats and other quick SLP reducers, or you exit combat and sleep in time.

Buffout deals +1/s H20 (240/320/480/640 total). Ant nectar & fire ant nectar also deal +1/s H20 (120 total).

Mentats now grant -1/s SLP (-240/-320/-480/-640 total)

Hydra deals +3/s H20 (180/240/360/480 total)

Turbo now deals +100 SLP (instant)

Atomic Cocktails now restore 500 sleep deprivation instantly instead of 100, but also increases sleep deprivation by 3 per second for 3 minutes (540 total for a +40 net gain).

Moonshine now grants its benefits for twice the duration(8 minutes), but also causes the user to suffer -2 AGI for a 6 second period. A similar -1 AGI debuff exists when you chug a water jug. These bois are BIG and you're literally downing 2 and a half pounds of liquid in 6 seconds. I can't imagine you're going to be very nimble or graceful while doing that.