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Author notes
You must credit everyone mentioned in the credits section if you use this for anything, but no permission is needed
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Combed through all milllion records of the mod and its patches to make sure they were all up to date Added a patch for Vigor
Version 1.8
Updated the main plugin and YUP patch with recent YUP fixes
Version 1.7
Forwarded new YUP fixes
Version 1.6
Fixed a couple of races that used overly-sharpened face textures (mainly found on Kings and male prostitutes
Version 1.5
Removed leftover nude female body texture that would show up with the patient gown
In today's episode of things I made/finished while bored in online classes:
Features: - Fallout New Vegas Redesigned 2 is an amazing mod, and if you're like me, you may even prefer it over NVR3 for its simplicity. No pre-requisites, no new NPCs, no location edits, etc. However, it does still have its fair share of problems. This mod aims to fix them.
- Original mod is NOT required - 100s of dirty edits removed. These ranged from changing NPC stats, adding/removing AI packages, removing factions, etc. - Many ITMs of NPC/Race records removed to maximize compatibility - The "Can be All Races" flag removed from all NPCs and proper face textures have been generating, meaning the incredibly performance intensive bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles is NOT needed, and you should disable it if you have it enabled - Merged everything into one ESM, decompressed all records, and packed loose files into a BSA for maximum performance - All appropriate YUP fixes have been forwarded when possible without adding YUP as a master - Installer FOMOD comes with many pre-made patches to maximize plug-and-play compatibility. Currently these patches include Yukichigai Unofficial Patch, JSawyer Ultimate Edition, Uncut Wasteland Plus NPCs, Brave New World (Revoice Only), and Mojave Raiders. A TTW patch will be provided when 3.3 release. - Actual NPC designs have not been changed, see the original mod's screenshot section
Credits: - Dracomies for NVR2 and giving me permission to make this possible. He has made the mod open source now, so you can modify this however you want without permission, but credit is required.
The following people were also involved in the creation of the original NVR2: - GabbyStardust for various textures used in NVR2 - Captainishere for female body textures used in NVR2 - Throttlekitty for eyelash textures and various fixes - Dimon99 for male body textures Geonox for various textures JosefGrey for various textures