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Created by

Nuklear Winter

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About this mod

A mod that adds a romance storyline for the player to "woo" Joshua Graham in the Honest Hearts DLC. Lore-friendly!

Permissions and credits
  • Russian


New additions and bug fixes addressed in this update!

A special thank you to zha0hui for translating my mod into Russian!
Aaaand yet another special thank you to ZRV01 for helping streamline my scripts!

Zion's Fire is now supported by Intimacy Overhaul!


Let's face it. You played Honest Hearts. There's tribes, there's Mormons, there's, well, Utah. But it's not about any of that. Because quite frankly, Honest Hearts is really the Joshua Graham DLC. It's ALL about him, the player's interactions with him, his fate. Hell, even the cover art is his face.

Despite how close the Courier gets to Joshua, there's no option to seduce him. AT ALL. Blasphemy!
If we can seduce Red Lucy, Joshua Graham should be fair game. 

Zion's Fire adds several new quests ranging in complexity, many new VOICED dialogue options with Joshua Graham, hidden lore, and an altered "good" ending. 

As a chick obsessed with Fallout New Vegas, there really aren't a lot of options for seduction. Hopefully this mod will add a bit onto that. There are no gender conditions set, so you should be able to seduce Joshua regardless of the player character's sex.

Please forgive me if there isn't as much complexity as you'd like, I am VERY new to the G.E.C.K. and coding in general and this is my most ambitious endeavor yet.

Also, I apologize if the additional voiced dialogue seems familiar. I wanted to keep the Joshua Experience as authentic as possible, so I spliced together lines using phrases and words from all 300+ of his voice files. It was...strenuous.

Install Info
There are two installations necessary for Zion's Fire: the main file and the voice files. The main file can be directly downloaded from Vortex, but the voice files require a bit more finesse. For manual install and for instructions to install the voice files, check out these simple steps:

1. For the Main File, download and extract the file 'zion's fire 1.esp' to: This PC > C: > Program Files (or Program Files x86 depending on where your install folder is) > Steam > steamapps > common > Fallout New Vegas > Data.

2. For the Voice Files, download and extract the folder 'zion's fire 1.esp' to: This PC > C: > Program Files (or Program Files x86 depending on where your install folder is) > Steam > steamapps > common > Fallout New Vegas > Data > Sound > Voice. If for whatever reason you don't have a Voice folder, right click and select "Create New Folder" and name it Voice. 

I highly recommend using this mod in conjunction with Rocket's Authentic Burned Man mod! It greatly improves Joshua's skin texture and makes him actually look burned.

In order to get the full benefits of the ending, adding a Joshua Graham Companion Mod is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 

Use all of Joshua's pre-existing dialogue options to give a more well-rounded experience. The more you actually play the DLC, the more alive the mod will feel.