About this mod
This plugin just forces EVE effects. That means if another mod has overwritten it, this mod changes Projectile, Impact Data and Disintegration effects back how it was in EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements via scripts. Additional files: EVE effect Patches to "FO4 Style Gatling laser" and "Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas"
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements
This might be interesting for anyone who have the problem of having the projectiles and impacts, even disintegrations reverted or changed to something not EVE and pretty much guarantied inferior.
It is purely scripts so it shouldn't be incompatible with any mod, unless you wanted them to be different from what EVE intended.
(In that case leave a comment or message me, there can most likely be made an update or version for that)
Huge thanks for weijiesen for giving me permission.
In Version 3.1:
Due to a request you can change the Projectiles of the Sprtl Wood to the recolored gatling laser (as seen in the pictures for the FO4 Style Sprtl Wood)
For this open the consule and write in:
Set VGASetSprtlWoodtoGreen to 1
(Anything besides 0 actually)
This change will take effect when you restart the game. If you want the Violet beam back do the same but write in 0 instead of 1.
Also the AER14 can also be swapped to a green recolor of the laser pistol beam
For this write in:
Set VGASetAER14toGreen to 1
Same rules apply as for the Sprtl Wood.
This is so far only in the base mod.
The meshes are, because of my experience, or the absolute lack of it, kind of scuffed. The warning is there.
Additional Mods:
Fallout 4 Style Gatling Laser:
Another huge thanks to Quicksilver500 for giving permission.
If you download the file, you can choose, if you want to activate:
A plugin for the Nonreplacer Version of Fallout 4 Style Gatling Laser along with the base game EVE forcer script.
A plugin for the Nonreplacer Version of Fallout 4 Style Gatling Laser without the base game EVE forcer script.
A plugin for the Replacer Version of Fallout 4 Style Gatling Laser, which has the edited green beam. If you don't wish for that, but want the EVE effects, just download the regular script.
As seen in the pictures I have recolored the astonishing EVE red Gatling laser projectile to green (with mediocre success IMO) for the Sprtl-Wood/4xAER14 Version
The regular Gatling projectile has been applied to the Gatling laser/4xAER9 Version
Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas:
A huge thanks to Linerunner for giving permission.
Personal opinion: use Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered instead.
The general Changes are:
The H&K Gatling Laser uses the Gatling Laser projectile and impact are the same as the Gatling Laser
The Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol has the Laserpistol projectile and impact Data
The Gauss Weapons have the Gauss Electric Explosion on impact as the Gauss Rifle does (not the wobbly explosion effect!)
The Pulse Weapons won't leave the plasma effect beneath the explosion
In that file the plugin options are:
CFWNV with base game EVE forcer script
CFWNV without base game EVE forcer script
Each of those has 2 Version for if Jean Baptiste Cutting has either the Vanilla or CFWNV Laser Rifle equipped (CFWNV Laser Rifle Version has Jean's Actor AI tweaked for what weapon he uses to shoot, since if he has something else equipped, he won't shoot and just stand there confused)
The plugins should be able to be activated/deactivated/swapped without much problem in a running game. IF Jean has the wrong weapon, DO NOT make a safe while the whole cutscene is playing! Make one before entering the Silver Rush, I havent tested what happens if you do, but it doesnt sound like a good idea in general.
Other than the Jean Baptiste Cutting Change no manual edits have been made, all done with a script which does a quick "patch" (it just says which weapon should use which projectile/critical effect and impact data) at the start of each start of FONV.
My other Mods:
Script Runner Energy Weapon Rebalance
Script Runner Gun Rebalance
Script Runner Effect Enhancements
Script Runner Miscellanous Weapon Buffs or Tweaks
Script Runner Weapon Skill Changes
Script Runner Recipe Changes
Perks and Traits Rebalance mod
That one mod that does some effect integrations from The Frontier that I havent updated to Script Runner yet. Flame me on this until I do.
That one mod that does some effect compatability fixing for EVE that I havent updated to Script Runner yet. Flame me on that until I do.