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  1. falloutloubegas
    • supporter
    • 36 kudos
    If you're here because you installed Desert Natural Weathers, probably from Viva New Vegas, and are trying to make its nights darker, don't worry. You don't need to bring this old girl out of her very well-earned retirement. Go to your DNW configuration file (\config\HDRWeatherAndColor\HDRWeatherAndColor.ini) and you'll find an entire header of night brightness adjustment options that you can customize to your heart's content.

    Here's my own options, which make the night dark enough to make traversal dangerous and troublesome without a light source, but not so dark as to make it literally fumbling around in a pitch black void.

    Edit: if this isn't working for you then you NEED to make sure that DNW is at the absolute bottom of your load order. Absolutely nothing can override it.


    ; NIGHT SUNLIGHT : Controls the Visibility of the Ground and Objects at Night
    ; --- Try raising or lowering these values by 0.05 - 0.1 at a time if you'd like to tweak them
    ; --- Default values : Wasteland (Mojave, HH & OWB) = 1.0, Cloudy = 1.05, LR (Lonesome Road) = 0.95
    ; ------- MOJAVE WASTELAND -------
    fNightSunlightWasteland = 0.65
    fNightSunlightCloudy = 0.65
    fNightSunlightLR = 0.95

    ; NIGHT BRIGHTNESS : Controls the Overall Brightness at Night
    ; --- Try raising or lowering these values by 0.05 - 0.1 at a time if you'd like to tweak them
    ; --- Default values : Wasteland (Mojave, HH & OWB) = 1.05, Cloudy = 1.0, LR (Lonesome Road) = 1.0
    ; ------- MOJAVE WASTELAND -------
    fNightBrightnessWasteland = 0.40
    fNightBrightnessCloudy = 0.25
    fNightBrightnessLR = 0.40

    ; NIGHT TINT AND FADE : Controls the Tint and Clarity of the Night
    ; --- Tint controls the strength of the blue tint at night
    ; --- Fade controls the thickness/clarity of the night
    ; --- Try raising or lowering these values by 10 - 20 at a time if you'd like to tweak them
    ; --- Default values : Fade = 50, Tint = 50
    ; ------- MOJAVE WASTELAND -------
    fTintAlpha = 20
    fFadeAlpha = 40
    1. deboa
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Exactly what I was looking for, thank you!
    2. Ichbinnurwegenmodshier
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks man <3
    3. Windigkiet
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Fortune beyond measure outlander!
    4. flippedtank
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this config made my character blind, like straight up can't see a thing..

    5. falloutloubegas
      • supporter
      • 36 kudos
      i think that you have messed up somewhere tank
    6. lucasmarinho101
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks, dude. Good settings
    7. sharkeyyyy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, I coped your comment but there's a section called "; NIGHT LIGHT INTENSITY : Controls the Intensity/Glow of Lights at Night" that I left the same as it was. See the attached image. the tick is what I changed, the x is what I left.

      Below are two screenshots of before and after making your changes; I can't see any real difference. Is this the same on your end and the darkest that can be had, or can I increase the darkness ? Thanks for this.
    8. falloutloubegas
      • supporter
      • 36 kudos
      sharkeyyyy, the link at seems to be deleted or incorrect, so I can't tell. Also, double check your load order to make sure DNWeathers is low as possible, its changes can get ignored if it's not, I think.
    9. IHaveLosterol
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      My courier goes blind with these settings for some reason
      edit: nah fixed it
      ty mate its good asf
    10. MarkK1999
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      howd you fix it mate? im using it and its insanely dark and i can barely make anything out at all
    11. darthcap
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same for me, didnt really change anything
    12. 1Mkai
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Didn't change anything for me either, unfortunately.

      As in, it's still vanilla bright
    13. Lucarioyo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      nevermind. you guys are probably looking at vanilla FNV. for some reason I re-enabled the weather mod and THEN it was working, not sure why. I had it overriding every other mod. The tweaks do work if you have the mod installed correctly and at the bottom of load order
    14. 1Mkai
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I was excited to believe that I might be able to get the tweaks working by simply re-enabling the DNWeathers.esp, only to be left disappointed...(sad face)

      I'm putting so much thought into this now, I'm starting to lose interest in playing the game without having darker nights

      I'm also using the "Viva New Vegas" mods, and only now realizing that not all of the mods are even working.. I also can't launch the game through MO2 without it closing after the trademark logo pops up, so I use the normal launcher. I may have bigger issues than I originally thought lol
    15. Lucarioyo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I re-enabled it through the mod section, not the plug in section in MO2. But make sure that Desert weathers is not being over ridden by other mods, otherwise it won't work.
  2. isaiahluna99
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Alright nobody is helping at all, this mod is pretty fu**ing s#*! tbh, I couldnt remove the darkness even after uninstalling it, I have to reinstall the game and reinstall ALL my mods again all because of ONE fu**ing mod. this pisses me off tbh. DONT INSTALL THIS MOD!!!
    1. HiImRodAndILikeToParty34
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I've put this mod on and off more time than i can count and never once came across your problem. More than likely your other mods to blame.
    2. farooqaq
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      idk what is your problem but i just uninstalled it and everything is fine
    3. FieryFoxtail
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is why you use Mod Organizer. Otherwise there could be leftover files even after you uninstalled a mod, especially if you, god forbid, manually installed it.
    4. Luzabum
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      omfg stop with mod organizer
    5. xpes
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      you can't actually argue that there is something better than Mod Organizer. it' almost like Jesus in a form of mod manager guiding your lost mind to the right path
    6. Padaria2011
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      Vortex is better
    7. LKZ94
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    8. MaalyG84
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      Vortex is better
    9. Zanderat
      • premium
      • 214 kudos
      Matter of preference.  Functionally, they are pretty equivalent.
    10. RossiRoo54
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I prefer FOMM since its what ive always used or I install manually.
    11. Babaloo321
      • premium
      • 88 kudos
      Guys, isaiahluna99 is right. I use MO2, and uninstalling this mod didn't help. Not only did I disable the mod in the left panel, but I DELETED the mod from MO2, entirely. Game still goes completely dark. Each time I tested it was on a new game. I even tested it with ONLY this mod and YUP, no change. You know what did work? VERIFYING INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES THROUGH STEAM! Even with a long, active load order, doing that was what finally, completely removed this mod and it's effects.

      Sigh... Okay, rant over.

      For some reason it's always during Sunny Smiles' intro quest. Get to the geckos on the ridge, and then the night goes pitch black. Curiously, it seems to just be her quest (Or maybe a change in region/worldspace. I might have tested it at the ridge, before doing her quest, but it was a long time ago and I forget if I did that) since standing in the center of Goodsprings for 48 hours doesn't cause the issue.

      Edit: Maybe it's a problem with Nvidia cards, or some kind of other hardware difference? I have a Nvidia card, but that might explain why some users are having issues, while others aren't.
    12. ogkush920
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      if using MO2 like u say, its literally impossible for this mod to be the problem after deleting it. I mean, Im no computer genius, but I do understand a little of how MO2 works under the hood. and it works by not actually touching your game files AT ALL, whats so ever. It creates a virtual file tree of all your mods installed. Basically , it acts like every mod you install has covid and keeps that s#*! in isolation, only working with eachother in this virtual file system that does not exist might I remind you again. If a mod generates a new file, it lands in your overwrites folder. The only things mods can touch and effect after uninstalling, is your ini files for the base game. Just delete them and boom, default settings restored next time you open the game.

      And if you verified files or reinstalled due to a mod just changing your games ini files, you just wasted so much time lol
    13. umanfly
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You are learning the Modding " art of deduction" method ... aka ( Sherlock Holmes ) . Something we all go through to get it right .Thats why forum discussions were created , as to helping each other get down the long trail of graphic intensity .
    14. sleepyknight2000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same problem here, verifying didnt work, loading from an earlier save diddnt work. Do not install this mod!  this mod completely breaks your brightness bar in the settings and even when u remove the mod its still broken so you need to do a hard reinstall
  3. flippedtank
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does this mod truly cause issues, apparantly and i quote

    "objects take their emittance values from the sunlight colour value. if it is any different, the lights change colour. it will go green etc and cause vanilla meshes to break. the strip lights will break, im not discussing this"

    Cited from comment on the "Weathers Revised" mod
    1. Sarge198
      • premium
      • 178 kudos
      Here's my interpretation of what they might be saying, using both mods together will cause unintended color effects for light objects that have emittance properties set on them. I did load up both mods with nights are darker loaded after weathers revised and noticed a greenish tint to the strip street light beams. A patch would need to be made with xEdit so both mods share the correct values.
  4. NewbornCourier21
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone else experience crashes with Freeside? Other interiors I can enter, but this one just crashes my game instantly.
  5. gromulos
    • supporter
    • 38 kudos
    I combined this mod with They See Me Bed-rolling for a truly unique experience of camping out. I am presently playing a western gunslinger so camping out under the stars on a dark night is perfect :)


  6. RossiRoo54
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Is there a way to make this work with the Dynamo ENB? Or any sort of reshade
    1. CromwellInvocation
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      after 13 years of tinkering with this game, I finally removed all reShade and ENB this year and it was a good decision. 
    2. laclongquan
      • supporter
      • 38 kudos
      ENB and LOD. Ya all have to accept that those are the things that drove you to circular hell of indecision and micro detailing to infinity. Remove them, accept that some areas will look odd simply because you add other mods to your game and be done with it~
  7. WastelandSentinel
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    is this compatible with TTW?
  8. UTcerberus
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having a strange issue where nights are randomly getting bright at around 1130pm for some reason, does anyone know a fix? only mods i have installed that could be causing the issue are interior lighting over hail , nights are darker (the timescale version) and dynamo enb(with use original post processing checked to allow advanced recon to work). I've tried for hours but just cant seem to find a fix
  9. worstparryalive
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod
  10. Kalenz123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What's the timescale thing?