Neverwinter Nights 2

Mod articles

  • Announcing Black Scourge of Candle Cove patch 1.3, and new full package uploaded

    I've released patch version 1.3 for The Black Scourge of Candle Cove, and the accumulated patches are now significant enough to warrant a new file with the full package, all patches included.  However, I've also uploaded a file with just the changes, for anyone who already has version 1.0 whether patched or not, and would rather not download the whole thing again.  Patch 1.3 is cumulative, containing all fixes thus far.  You do not need previous patches.

    You do not need to reinstall or restart the module if you are installing the patch, nor do you need to restart the module if you're installing the full package.  All changes will take effect in a game in progress.

    Changes in version 1.3
    This is a substantial patch, fixing numerous reported is...